require 'active_support/concern' module CommonMethods extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do desc 'Rename your Rails application' argument :new_name, :type => :string, :default => '' end protected def perform prepare_app_vars validate_name_and_path? apply_new_module_name change_app_directory end def app_parent if Rails.version.to_f >= 3.3 Rails.application.class.to_s.deconstantize else end end def prepare_app_vars @new_key = new_name.gsub(/\W/, '_') @old_module_name = app_parent @new_module_name = @new_key.squeeze('_').camelize @new_dir = new_name.gsub(/[&%*@()!{}\[\]'\\\/"]+/, '') @new_path = Rails.root.to_s.split('/')[0...-1].push(@new_dir).join('/') end def validate_name_and_path? if new_name.blank? raise Thor::Error, "[Error] Application name can't be blank." elsif new_name =~ /^\d/ raise Thor::Error, '[Error] Please give a name which does not start with numbers.' elsif @new_module_name.size < 1 raise Thor::Error, '[Error] Please enter at least one alphabet.' elsif reserved_names.include?(@new_module_name.downcase) raise Thor::Error, '[Error] Please give a name which does not match any of the reserved Rails keywords.' elsif Object.const_defined?(@new_module_name) raise Thor::Error, "[Error] Constant #{@new_module_name} is already in use, please choose another name." elsif File.exists?(@new_path) raise Thor::Error, '[Error] Already in use, please choose another name.' end end # rename_app_to_new_app_module def apply_new_module_name in_root do puts 'Search and replace module in files...' #Search and replace module in to file Dir['*', 'config/**/**/*.rb', '.{rvmrc}'].each do |file| # file = File.join(Dir.pwd, file) replace_into_file(file, /(#{@old_module_name}*)/m, @new_module_name) end #Rename session key replace_into_file('config/initializers/session_store.rb', /(('|")_.*_session('|"))/i, "'_#{@new_key}_session'") #Rename database replace_into_file('config/database.yml', /#{@old_module_name.underscore}/i, @new_name.underscore) #Rename into channel and job queue %w(config/cable.yml config/environments/production.rb).each do |file| replace_into_file(file, /#{@old_module_name.underscore}_production/, "#{@new_module_name.underscore}_production") end #Application layout %w(erb haml).each do |file| replace_into_file("app/views/layouts/application.html.#{file}", /#{@old_module_name}/, @new_module_name) end # Update package.json name entry old_package_name_regex = /\Wname\W *: *\W(?[-_\p{Alnum}]+)\W *, */i new_package_name = %("name":"#{@new_module_name.underscore}",) replace_into_file('package.json', old_package_name_regex, new_package_name) puts 'Search and replace module in environment variables...' #Rename database replace_into_file('config/database.yml', /#{@old_module_name.underscore.upcase}/, @new_module_name.underscore.upcase) end end # rename_app_to_new_app_directory def change_app_directory rename_references rename_directory end private def reserved_names @reserved_names = %w[application destroy benchmarker profiler plugin runner test] end def rename_references puts 'Renaming references...' old_basename = File.basename(Dir.getwd) in_root do Dir.glob('.idea/*', File::FNM_DOTMATCH).each do |file| replace_into_file(file, old_basename, @new_dir) end gem_set_file = '.ruby-gemset' replace_into_file(gem_set_file, old_basename, @new_dir) if File.exist?(gem_set_file) end end def rename_directory print 'Renaming directory...' begin # Dir.pwd, app_path File.rename(Rails.root.to_s, @new_path) puts 'Done!' puts "New application path is '#{@new_path}'" rescue Exception => ex puts "Error:#{ex.inspect}" end end def replace_into_file(file, search_exp, replace) return if || !File.exists?(file) begin gsub_file file, search_exp, replace rescue Exception => ex puts "Error: #{ex.message}" end end end