require "rake" require "rake/testtask" require "rake/rdoctask" require "test/integrator" begin require "jeweler" do |gemspec| = "rich_cms" gemspec.summary = "Enrichments (e9s) module for a pluggable CMS frontend" gemspec.description = "Rich-CMS is a module of E9s ( which provides a frontend for your CMS content. You can use this gem to manage CMS content or translations (in an internationalized application). The installation and setup process is very easily done. You will have to register content at the Rich-CMS engine and also you will have to specify the authentication mechanism. Both are one-liners." = "" gemspec.homepage = "" = "Paul Engel" gemspec.add_dependency "haml", "~> 3.0.25" gemspec.add_dependency "jzip", "~> 1.0.11" end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler (or a dependency) not available. Install it with: gem install jeweler" end desc "Default: run unit tests." task :default => :test task :test do Rake::Task["test:all"].execute end task :restore do Rake::Task["restore:all"].execute end task :stash do Rake::Task["stash:all"].execute end namespace :test do desc "Test the rich_cms plugin in Rails 2 and 3." task :all do system "rake test:rails-2" system "rake test:rails-3" end desc "Test the rich_cms plugin in Rails 2.""rails-2") do |t| t.libs << "lib" t.libs << "test" t.pattern = "test/rails-2/{,/*/**}/*_test.rb" t.verbose = true end desc "Test the rich_cms plugin in Rails 3.""rails-3") do |t| t.libs << "lib" t.libs << "test" t.pattern = "test/rails-3/{,/*/**}/*_test.rb" t.verbose = true end desc "Run all integration tests (non-authenticated, with Devise, with Authlogic) in Rails 2 and 3." task :integration do do |test| test.all end end namespace :integration do desc "Run all integration tests (non-authenticated, with Devise, with Authlogic) in Rails 2." task :"rails-2" do do |test| test.rails 2 end end desc "Run all integration tests (non-authenticated, with Devise, with Authlogic) in Rails 3." task :"rails-3" do do |test| test.rails 2 end end end end namespace :restore do desc "Restore the Rails 2 and 3 dummy apps." task :all do system "rake restore:rails-2" system "rake restore:rails-3" end desc "Restore the Rails 2 dummy app." task :"rails-2" do require "test/rails-2/rich_cms/dummy_app.rb" DummyApp.restore_all end desc "Restore the Rails 3 dummy app." task :"rails-3" do require "test/rails-3/rich_cms/dummy_app.rb" DummyApp.restore_all end end namespace :stash do desc "Stash the Rails 2 and 3 dummy apps." task :all do system "rake stash:rails-2" system "rake stash:rails-3" end desc "Stash the Rails 2 dummy app." task :"rails-2" do require "test/rails-2/rich_cms/dummy_app.rb" DummyApp.stash_all end desc "Stash the Rails 3 dummy app." task :"rails-3" do require "test/rails-3/rich_cms/dummy_app.rb" DummyApp.stash_all end end desc "Generate documentation for the rich_cms plugin." do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = "rdoc" rdoc.title = "Rich-CMS" rdoc.options << "--line-numbers" << "--inline-source" rdoc.rdoc_files.include "README" rdoc.rdoc_files.include "MIT-LICENSE" rdoc.rdoc_files.include "lib/**/*.rb" end