module BBLib class FuzzyMatcher attr_reader :threshold attr_accessor :case_sensitive, :remove_symbols, :move_articles, :convert_roman def initialize threshold: 75, case_sensitive: true, remove_symbols: false, move_articles: false, convert_roman: true self.threshold = threshold @case_sensitive, @remove_symbols, @move_articles, @convert_roman = case_sensitive, remove_symbols, move_articles, convert_roman end # Calculates a percentage match between string a and string b. def similarity a, b return 100.0 if a == b prep_strings a, b score, total_weight = 0,{|a, v| v[:weight] }.inject{ |sum, w| sum+=w } ALGORITHMS.each do |algo, vals| next unless vals[:weight] > 0 score+= @a.send(vals[:signature], @b) * vals[:weight] end score / total_weight end # Checks to see if the match percentage between Strings a and b are equal to or greater than the threshold. def match? a, b similarity(a, b) >= @threshold.to_f end # Returns the best match from array b to string a based on percent. def best_match a, b similarities(a, b).max_by{ |k, v| v}[0] end # Returns a hash of array 'b' with the percentage match to a. If sort is true, the hash is sorted desc by match percent. def similarities a, b, sort: false matches = [b].flatten.each{ |m| matches[m] = self.similarity(a, m) } sort ? matches.sort_by{ |k, v| v }.reverse.to_h : matches end def threshold= threshold @threshold = BBLib.keep_between(threshold, 0, 100) end def set_weight algorithm, weight return nil unless ALGORITHMS.include? algorithm ALGORITHMS[algorithm] = BBLib.keep_between(weight, 0, nil) end def algorithms ALGORITHMS.keys end private ALGORITHMS = { levenshtein: {weight: 10, signature: :levenshtein_similarity}, composition: {weight: 5, signature: :composition_similarity}, numeric: {weight: 0, signature: :numeric_similarity}, phrase: {weight: 0, signature: :phrase_similarity}, qwerty: {weight: 0, signature: :qwerty_similarity} } def prep_strings a, b @a, @b = a.to_s.dup.strip, b.to_s.dup.strip if !@case_sensitive then @a.downcase!; @b.downcase! end if @remove_symbols then @a.drop_symbols!; @b.drop_symbols! end if @convert_roman then @a.from_roman!; @b.from_roman! end if @move_articles then @a.move_articles!(:front, @case_sensitive); @b.move_articles! :front, @case_sensitive end end end end