# all the style related cops comes from https://github.com/Shopify/ruby-style-guide inherit_gem: rubocop-shopify: rubocop.yml require: - rubocop-minitest - rubocop-performance - rubocop-rake AllCops: Exclude: - "data/**/*" NewCops: enable Layout/LineLength: Enabled: false Metrics/CollectionLiteralLength: Enabled: false # The problem with assert(foo) is that it'll pass if foo is 1. # But there are times when we want to be sure that foo is true, not just truthy. # So, let's allow `assert_equal true, foo` without complaints. Minitest/AssertTruthy: Enabled: false Minitest/MultipleAssertions: Enabled: false # The problem with refute(foo) is that it'll pass if foo is nil. # But there are times when we want to be sure that foo is false, not just falsy. # So, let's allow `assert_equal false, foo` without complaints. Minitest/RefuteFalse: Enabled: false Lint/Debugger: Exclude: - "bin/console" Gemspec/DevelopmentDependencies: Enabled: true