/* cache.c * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler * All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cache.h" struct _cache { /* The key is a length byte followed by the key as a string. If the key is longer than 254 characters then the length is 255. The key can be for a premature value and in that case the length byte is greater than the length of the key. */ char *key; VALUE value; struct _cache *slots[16]; }; static void slot_print(Cache cache, unsigned int depth); static char* form_key(const char *s) { size_t len = strlen(s); char *d = ALLOC_N(char, len + 2); *(uint8_t*)d = (255 <= len) ? 255 : len; memcpy(d + 1, s, len + 1); return d; } void ox_cache_new(Cache *cache) { *cache = ALLOC(struct _cache); (*cache)->key = 0; (*cache)->value = Qundef; memset((*cache)->slots, 0, sizeof((*cache)->slots)); } VALUE ox_cache_get(Cache cache, const char *key, VALUE **slot, const char **keyp) { unsigned char *k = (unsigned char*)key; Cache *cp; for (; '\0' != *k; k++) { cp = cache->slots + (unsigned int)(*k >> 4); /* upper 4 bits */ if (0 == *cp) { ox_cache_new(cp); } cache = *cp; cp = cache->slots + (unsigned int)(*k & 0x0F); /* lower 4 bits */ if (0 == *cp) { /* nothing on this tree so set key and value as a premature key/value pair */ ox_cache_new(cp); cache = *cp; cache->key = form_key(key); break; } else { int depth = (int)(k - (unsigned char*)key + 1); cache = *cp; if ('\0' == *(k + 1)) { /* exact match */ if (0 == cache->key) { /* nothing in this spot so take it */ cache->key = form_key(key); break; } else if ((depth == *cache->key || 255 < depth) && 0 == strcmp(key, cache->key + 1)) { /* match */ break; } else { /* have to move the current premature key/value deeper */ unsigned char *ck = (unsigned char*)(cache->key + depth + 1); Cache orig = *cp; cp = (*cp)->slots + (*ck >> 4); ox_cache_new(cp); cp = (*cp)->slots + (*ck & 0x0F); ox_cache_new(cp); (*cp)->key = cache->key; (*cp)->value = cache->value; orig->key = form_key(key); orig->value = Qundef; } } else { /* not exact match but on the path */ if (0 != cache->key) { /* there is a key/value here already */ if (depth == *cache->key || (255 <= depth && 0 == strncmp(cache->key, key, depth) && '\0' == cache->key[depth])) { /* key belongs here */ continue; } else { unsigned char *ck = (unsigned char*)(cache->key + depth + 1); Cache orig = *cp; cp = (*cp)->slots + (*ck >> 4); ox_cache_new(cp); cp = (*cp)->slots + (*ck & 0x0F); ox_cache_new(cp); (*cp)->key = cache->key; (*cp)->value = cache->value; orig->key = 0; orig->value = Qundef; } } } } } *slot = &cache->value; if (0 != keyp) { if (0 == cache->key) { printf("*** Error: failed to set the key for '%s'\n", key); *keyp = 0; } else { *keyp = cache->key + 1; } } return cache->value; } void ox_cache_print(Cache cache) { /*printf("-------------------------------------------\n");*/ slot_print(cache, 0); } static void slot_print(Cache c, unsigned int depth) { char indent[256]; Cache *cp; unsigned int i; if (sizeof(indent) - 1 < depth) { depth = ((int)sizeof(indent) - 1); } memset(indent, ' ', depth); indent[depth] = '\0'; for (i = 0, cp = c->slots; i < 16; i++, cp++) { if (0 == *cp) { /*printf("%s%02u:\n", indent, i);*/ } else { if (0 == (*cp)->key && Qundef == (*cp)->value) { printf("%s%02u:\n", indent, i); } else { const char *vs; const char *clas; if (Qundef == (*cp)->value) { vs = "undefined"; clas = ""; } else { VALUE rs = rb_funcall2((*cp)->value, rb_intern("to_s"), 0, 0); vs = StringValuePtr(rs); clas = rb_class2name(rb_obj_class((*cp)->value)); } printf("%s%02u: %s = %s (%s)\n", indent, i, (*cp)->key, vs, clas); } slot_print(*cp, depth + 2); } } }