<% @order.line_items.each do |li| %> <% end %> <% if @order.tax > 0 && @order.billing_address.state == 'AL' %> <% end %>
Product Quantity Unit Price Subtotal
<% if li.variant.product_images.count > 0 %>
<% end %>

<%= li.title %>

<%= li.quantity %> <%= number_to_currency(li.price, :precision => 2) %> <%= number_to_currency(li.price, :precision => 2) %>
Subtotal: <%= number_to_currency(@order.subtotal, :precision => 2) %>
Shipping & Handling: <%= number_to_currency(@order.shipping + @order.handling, :precision => 2) %>
Tax (if in Alabama): <%= number_to_currency(@order.tax, :precision => 2) %>
Total: <%= number_to_currency(@order.total, :precision => 2) %>
<% sa = @order.shipping_address %>
<%= "#{sa.first_name} #{sa.last_name}" %>
<%= sa.address1 %>
<%= "#{sa.address2}
" if sa.address2 and not sa.address2.empty? %> <%= "#{sa.city}, #{sa.state} #{sa.zip}" %>

Edit shipping address

<% ba = @order.billing_address %>
<%= "#{ba.first_name} #{ba.last_name}" %>
<%= ba.address1 %>
<%= "#{ba.address2}
" if ba.address2 and not ba.address2.empty? %> <%= "#{ba.city}, #{ba.state} #{ba.zip}" %>

Edit billing address

<%= @order.shipping_method %> - <%= number_to_currency(@order.shipping) %>

Edit shipping method

Edit payment