module Socialization module ActiveRecordStores class Like < ActiveRecord::Base include Socialization::ActiveRecordStores::Mixins::Base include Socialization::Stores::Mixins::Like belongs_to :liker, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :likeable, :polymorphic => true scope :liked_by, lambda { |liker| where( :liker_type => liker.class.table_name.classify, :liker_id => } scope :liking, lambda { |likeable| where( :likeable_type => likeable.class.table_name.classify, :likeable_id => } class << self def like!(liker, likeable) unless likes?(liker, likeable) self.create! do |like| like.liker = liker like.likeable = likeable end call_after_create_hook(liker, likeable) liker.touch if [:all, :liker].include?(touch) && liker.respond_to?(:touch) likeable.touch if [:all, :likeable].include?(touch) && likeable.respond_to?(:touch) true else false end end def unlike!(liker, likeable) if likes?(liker, likeable) like_for(liker, likeable).destroy_all call_after_destroy_hook(liker, likeable) liker.touch if [:all, :liker].include?(touch) && liker.respond_to?(:touch) likeable.touch if [:all, :likeable].include?(touch) && likeable.respond_to?(:touch) true else false end end def likes?(liker, likeable) !like_for(liker, likeable).empty? end # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation of all the likers of a certain type that are liking likeable def likers_relation(likeable, klass, opts = {}) rel = klass.where(:id => where(:liker_type => klass.table_name.classify). where(:likeable_type => likeable.class.to_s). where(:likeable_id => ) if opts[:pluck] rel.pluck(opts[:pluck]) else rel end end # Returns all the likers of a certain type that are liking likeable def likers(likeable, klass, opts = {}) rel = likers_relation(likeable, klass, opts) if rel.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) rel.all else rel end end # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation of all the likeables of a certain type that are liked by liker def likeables_relation(liker, klass, opts = {}) rel = klass.where(:id => where(:likeable_type => klass.table_name.classify). where(:liker_type => liker.class.to_s). where(:liker_id => ) if opts[:pluck] rel.pluck(opts[:pluck]) else rel end end # Returns all the likeables of a certain type that are liked by liker def likeables(liker, klass, opts = {}) rel = likeables_relation(liker, klass, opts) if rel.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) rel.all else rel end end def touch(what = nil) if what.nil? @touch || false else raise ArgumentError unless [:all, :liker, :likeable, false, nil].include?(what) @touch = what end end def after_like(method) raise ArgumentError unless method.is_a?(Symbol) || method.nil? @after_create_hook = method end def after_unlike(method) raise ArgumentError unless method.is_a?(Symbol) || method.nil? @after_destroy_hook = method end private def call_after_create_hook(liker, likeable) self.send(@after_create_hook, liker, likeable) if @after_create_hook end def call_after_destroy_hook(liker, likeable) self.send(@after_destroy_hook, liker, likeable) if @after_destroy_hook end def like_for(liker, likeable) liked_by(liker).liking( likeable) end end # class << self end end end