require "spec_helper" describe Docks::Parsers::Stylus do subject { Docks::Parsers::Stylus.instance } let(:basic_fixture) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "fixtures", "parsers", "stylus_parser_fixture_basic.styl") } let(:complex_fixture) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "fixtures", "parsers", "stylus_parser_fixture_complex.styl") } describe "#parse" do let(:basic_parsed_symbols) { subject.parse(basic_fixture) } let(:complex_parsed_symbols) { subject.parse(complex_fixture) } it "captures the correct number of documentation blocks" do expect(basic_parsed_symbols.length).to eq 2 expect(complex_parsed_symbols.length).to eq 6 end it 'captures the pattern comment block when one exists' do expect(basic_parsed_symbols.first[:pattern]).to be nil expect(complex_parsed_symbols.first[:pattern]).to_not be nil end it "captures the pattern comment block when it is written using the page synonym" do complex_parsed_symbols = subject.parse("@pattern", "@page")) expect(complex_parsed_symbols.first[:page]).to_not be nil end it "adds line number for the first line following all other comment blocks" do expected_line_numbers = [8, 24] basic_parsed_symbols.each_with_index do |symbol, index| expect(symbol.source.line_number).to be expected_line_numbers[index] end expected_line_numbers = [1, 19, 34, 50, 76, 89] complex_parsed_symbols.each_with_index do |symbol, index| expect(symbol.source.line_number).to be expected_line_numbers[index] end end end describe "#symbol_block_extractor" do it "provides the first non-comment line as the second capture group" do [ ".button", "#button", "&--is-active", "[button]", "body", "@media large", "+button-style()" ].each do |non_comment| match = " //*\n // Description\n\n #{non_comment}".match(subject.symbol_block_extractor) expect(match[:first_line]).to eq non_comment end end end describe "#comment_line_pattern" do let(:basic_comment) { "This is a comment" } let(:complex_comment) { "// This comment has some extra comment-like symbols/characters //" } context "when using line comments" do it "strips line comments" do expect("// #{basic_comment}".gsub(subject.comment_line_pattern, "")).to eq basic_comment end it "strips line comments with leading whitespace" do expect(" // #{basic_comment}".gsub(subject.comment_line_pattern, "")).to eq basic_comment end it "strips line complex comments" do expect("// #{complex_comment}".gsub(subject.comment_line_pattern, "")).to eq complex_comment end it "leaves empty lines intact" do content = "// Foo\n//\n// 1. Bar\n\n// 2. Baz" expect(content.gsub(subject.comment_line_pattern, "")).to eq "Foo\n\n1. Bar\n\n2. Baz" end end context "when using block commments" do it "strips line comments" do expect("* #{basic_comment}".gsub(subject.comment_line_pattern, "")).to eq basic_comment end it "strips line comments with leading whitespace" do expect(" * #{basic_comment}".gsub(subject.comment_line_pattern, "")).to eq basic_comment end it "strips line complex comments" do expect("* #{complex_comment}".gsub(subject.comment_line_pattern, "")).to eq complex_comment end it "leaves empty lines intact" do content = "* Foo\n*\n* 1. Bar\n\n* 2. Baz" expect(content.gsub(subject.comment_line_pattern, "")).to eq "Foo\n\n1. Bar\n\n2. Baz" end end end describe "#symbol_details_from_first_line" do it "identifies a mixin/ function without params" do target_name = "full-size" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("#{target_name}()").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::MIXIN expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a mixin/ function with params" do target_name = "strip-units" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("#{target_name}(num)").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::MIXIN expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a variable" do target_name = "message-width" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("#{target_name} = 40rem").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::VARIABLE expect(name).to eq target_name end describe "states" do it "identifies a state as a class starting with `is-`" do target_name = "is-active" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::STATE expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a state as a class starting with `&.is-`" do target_name = "is-active" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("&.#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::STATE expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a state as a class containing `--is-`" do target_name = "tab-list__tab--is-active" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line(".#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::STATE expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a state as a class starting with `&--is-`" do target_name = "--is-active" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("&#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::STATE expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a state as a class starting with `js-`" do target_name = "js-active" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line(".#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::STATE expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a state as a class starting with `&.js-`" do target_name = "js-active" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("&.#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::STATE expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a state as a class containing `--js-`" do target_name = "tab-list__tab--js-active" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line(".#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::STATE expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a state as a class starting with `&--js-`" do target_name = "--js-active" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("&#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::STATE expect(name).to eq target_name end end describe "variants" do it "identifies a variant as a class containing `--`" do target_name = "tab-list__tab--large" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line(".#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::VARIANT expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a variant as a class starting with `&--`" do target_name = "--large" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("&#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::VARIANT expect(name).to eq target_name end end describe "component" do it "identifies a component as any class not matching state/ variant" do target_name = "tab-list__tab" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line(".#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::COMPONENT expect(name).to eq target_name end it "identifies a component as a class starting with `&__`" do target_name = "__tab" name, type = subject.symbol_details_from_first_line("&#{target_name}").values expect(type).to eq Docks::Types::Symbol::COMPONENT expect(name).to eq target_name end end end end