# A sample traject configration, save as say `traject_config.rb`, then # run `traject -c traject_config.rb marc_file.marc` to index to # solr specified in config file, according to rules specified in # config file # To have access to various built-in logic # for pulling things out of MARC21, like `marc_languages` require 'traject/macros/marc21_semantics' extend Traject::Macros::Marc21Semantics # To have access to the traject marc format/carrier classifier require 'traject/macros/marc_format_classifier' extend Traject::Macros::MarcFormats # In this case for simplicity we provide all our settings, including # solr connection details, in this one file. But you could choose # to separate them into antoher config file; divide things between # files however you like, you can call traject with as many # config files as you like, `traject -c one.rb -c two.rb -c etc.rb` settings do provide "solr.url", "http://solr.somewhere.edu:8983/solr/corename" end # Extract first 001, then supply code block to add "bib_" prefix to it to_field "id", extract_marc("001", :first => true) do |marc_record, accumulator, context| accumulator.collect! {|s| "bib_#{s}"} end # An exact literal string, always this string: to_field "source", literal("traject_test_last") to_field "marc_display", serialized_marc(:format => "binary", :binary_escape => false, :allow_oversized => true) to_field "text", extract_all_marc_values to_field "text_extra_boost_t", extract_marc("505art") to_field "publisher_t", extract_marc("260abef:261abef:262ab:264ab") to_field "language_facet", marc_languages to_field "format", marc_formats to_field "isbn_t", extract_marc("020a:773z:776z:534z:556z") to_field "lccn", extract_marc("010a") to_field "material_type_display", extract_marc("300a", :separator => nil, :trim_punctuation => true) to_field "title_t", extract_marc("245ak") to_field "title1_t", extract_marc("245abk") to_field "title2_t", extract_marc("245nps:130:240abcdefgklmnopqrs:210ab:222ab:242abcehnp:243abcdefgklmnopqrs:246abcdefgnp:247abcdefgnp") to_field "title3_t", extract_marc("700gklmnoprst:710fgklmnopqrst:711fgklnpst:730abdefgklmnopqrst:740anp:505t:780abcrst:785abcrst:773abrst") # Note we can mention the same field twice, these # ones will be added on to what's already there. Some custom # logic for extracting 505$t, but only from 505 field that # also has $r -- we consider that more likely to be a titleish string to_field "title3_t" do |record, accumulator| record.each_by_tag('505') do |field| if field['r'] accumulator.concat field.subfields.collect {|sf| sf.value if sf.code == 't'}.compact end end end to_field "title_display", extract_marc("245abk", :trim_punctuation => true, :first => true) to_field "title_sort", marc_sortable_title to_field "title_series_t", extract_marc("440a:490a:800abcdt:400abcd:810abcdt:410abcd:811acdeft:411acdef:830adfgklmnoprst:760ast:762ast") to_field "series_facet", marc_series_facet to_field "author_unstem", extract_marc("100abcdgqu:110abcdgnu:111acdegjnqu") to_field "author2_unstem", extract_marc("700abcdegqu:710abcdegnu:711acdegjnqu:720a:505r:245c:191abcdegqu") to_field "author_display", extract_marc("100abcdq:110:111") to_field "author_sort", marc_sortable_author to_field "author_facet", extract_marc("100abcdq:110abcdgnu:111acdenqu:700abcdq:710abcdgnu:711acdenqu", :trim_punctuation => true) to_field "subject_t", extract_marc("600:610:611:630:650:651avxyz:653aa:654abcvyz:655abcvxyz:690abcdxyz:691abxyz:692abxyz:693abxyz:656akvxyz:657avxyz:652axyz:658abcd") to_field "subject_topic_facet", extract_marc("600abcdtq:610abt:610x:611abt:611x:630aa:630x:648a:648x:650aa:650x:651a:651x:691a:691x:653aa:654ab:656aa:690a:690x", :trim_punctuation => true, ) do |record, accumulator| #upcase first letter if needed, in MeSH sometimes inconsistently downcased accumulator.collect! do |value| value.gsub(/\A[a-z]/) do |m| m.upcase end end end to_field "subject_geo_facet", marc_geo_facet to_field "subject_era_facet", marc_era_facet # not doing this at present. #to_field "subject_facet", extract_marc("600:610:611:630:650:651:655:690") to_field "published_display", extract_marc("260a", :trim_punctuation => true) to_field "pub_date", marc_publication_date # An example of more complex ruby logic 'in line' in the config file-- # too much more complicated than this, and you'd probably want to extract # it to an external routine to keep things tidy. # # Use traject's LCC to broad category routine, but then supply # custom block to also use our local holdings 9xx info, and # also classify sudoc-possessing records as 'Government Publication' discipline to_field "discipline_facet", marc_lcc_to_broad_category(:default => nil) do |record, accumulator| # add in our local call numbers Traject::MarcExtractor.cached("991:937").each_matching_line(record) do |field, spec, extractor| # we output call type 'processor' in subfield 'f' of our holdings # fields, that sort of maybe tells us if it's an LCC field. # When the data is right, which it often isn't. call_type = field['f'] if call_type == "sudoc" # we choose to call it: accumulator << "Government Publication" elsif call_type.nil? || call_type == "lc" || field['a'] =~ Traject::Macros::Marc21Semantics::LCC_REGEX # run it through the map s = field['a'] s = s.slice(0, 1) if s accumulator << Traject::TranslationMap.new("lcc_top_level")[s] end end # If it's got an 086, we'll put it in "Government Publication", to be # consistent with when we do that from a local SuDoc call #. if Traject::MarcExtractor.cached("086a").extract(record).length > 0 accumulator << "Government Publication" end # uniq it in case we added the same thing twice with GovPub accumulator.uniq! if accumulator.empty? accumulator << "Unknown" end end to_field "instrumentation_facet", marc_instrumentation_humanized to_field "instrumentation_code_unstem", marc_instrument_codes_normalized to_field "issn", extract_marc("022a:022l:022y:773x:774x:776x", :separator => nil) to_field "issn_related", extract_marc("490x:440x:800x:400x:410x:411x:810x:811x:830x:700x:710x:711x:730x:780x:785x:777x:543x:760x:762x:765x:767x:770x:772x:775x:786x:787x", :separator => nil) to_field "oclcnum_t", oclcnum to_field "other_number_unstem", extract_marc("024a:028a")