# libtcod-ruby 0.1.0 Ruby bindings for [libtcod 1.5.1](http://doryen.eptalys.net/libtcod/) Currently tested using Ruby 1.9.3 on Linux, Windows and OS X (thanks to [@mistydemeo](https://github.com/mistydemeo)). Other platforms may work if you have libtcod in a place where ffi\_lib knows to get it. All the original C functions are wrapped, following the [original documentation](http://doryen.eptalys.net/data/libtcod/doc/1.5.1/html2/line.html?c=true&cpp=false&cs=false&py=false&lua=false) closely. See the example for slight differences in invocation. ## Installation gem install libtcod ## Examples Here's a straight port of the [example code](http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Complete_Roguelike_Tutorial,_using_python%2Blibtcod,_part_1_code#Moving_around) from part 1 of the python tutorial: ```ruby require 'libtcod' #actual size of the window SCREEN_WIDTH = 80 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 50 LIMIT_FPS = 20 #20 frames-per-second maximum def handle_keys #key = TCOD.console_check_for_keypress() #real-time key = TCOD.console_wait_for_keypress(true) #turn-based if key.vk == TCOD::KEY_ENTER && key.lalt #Alt+Enter: toggle fullscreen TCOD.console_set_fullscreen(!TCOD.console_is_fullscreen()) elsif key.vk == TCOD::KEY_ESCAPE return true #exit game end #movement keys if TCOD.console_is_key_pressed(TCOD::KEY_UP) $playery -= 1 elsif TCOD.console_is_key_pressed(TCOD::KEY_DOWN) $playery += 1 elsif TCOD.console_is_key_pressed(TCOD::KEY_LEFT) $playerx -= 1 elsif TCOD.console_is_key_pressed(TCOD::KEY_RIGHT) $playerx += 1 end false end ############################################# # Initialization & Main Loop ############################################# TCOD.console_set_custom_font('arial10x10.png', TCOD::FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE | TCOD::FONT_LAYOUT_TCOD, 0, 0) TCOD.console_init_root(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 'ruby/TCOD tutorial', false, TCOD::RENDERER_SDL) TCOD.sys_set_fps(LIMIT_FPS) $playerx = SCREEN_WIDTH/2 $playery = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 until TCOD.console_is_window_closed TCOD.console_set_default_foreground(nil, TCOD::Color::WHITE) TCOD.console_put_char(nil, $playerx, $playery, '@'.ord, TCOD::BKGND_NONE) TCOD.console_flush() TCOD.console_put_char(nil, $playerx, $playery, ' '.ord, TCOD::BKGND_NONE) #handle keys and exit game if needed will_exit = handle_keys break if will_exit end ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request