# Contributing This project adheres to the [Open Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct]. By participating, you are expected to honor this code. [code-of-conduct]: http://todogroup.org/opencodeofconduct/#GitHub%20Markup/opensource@github.com This library's only job is to decide which markup format to use and call out to an external library to convert the markup to HTML (see the [README](README.md) for more information on how markup is rendered on GitHub.com). If you are having an issue with: * **Syntax highlighting** - see [github/linguist](https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#fixing-syntax-highlighting) * **Markdown on GitHub** - contact support@github.com * **Styling issues on GitHub** - see [primer/markdown](https://github.com/primer/markdown) Anything else - [search open issues](https://github.com/github/markup/issues) or create an issue and and we'll help point you in the right direction. ## Submitting a Merge Request 1. Fork it. 2. Create a branch (`git checkout -b my_markup`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am "Added Snarkdown"`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my_markup`) 5. Open a [Merge Request][1] 6. Enjoy a refreshing Diet Coke and wait ## Testing To run the tests: $ rake If nothing complains, congratulations! ## Releasing a new version If you are the current maintainer of this gem: 0. Bump the version number in `lib/github-markup.rb`, adhering to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) 0. Update `HISTORY.md` 0. Test the latest version on GitHub 0. Build the new version with `rake build` 0. Copy `pkg/gitlab-markup*.gem` to `vendor/cache` in your local checkout of GitHub 0. Update the version for `gitlab-markup` in the `Gemfile` 0. Run `bundle update --local gitlab-markup` 0. Run any relevant tests and test it manually from the browser. 0. Push the new gem release with `rake release`. If you don't have permission to release to rubygems.org, contact one of the existing owners (`gem owners github-markup`) and ask them to add you. [1]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-markup/merge_requests [r2h]: lib/github/commands/rest2html [r2hc]: lib/github/markups.rb#L51