# frozen_string_literal: true require "date" require_relative "errors" module Net class IMAP < Protocol # strftime/strptime format for an IMAP4 +date+, excluding optional dquotes. # Use via the encode_date and decode_date methods. # # date = date-text / DQUOTE date-text DQUOTE # date-text = date-day "-" date-month "-" date-year # # date-day = 1*2DIGIT # ; Day of month # date-month = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr" / "May" / "Jun" / # "Jul" / "Aug" / "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec" # date-year = 4DIGIT STRFDATE = "%d-%b-%Y" # strftime/strptime format for an IMAP4 +date-time+, including dquotes. # See the encode_datetime and decode_datetime methods. # # date-time = DQUOTE date-day-fixed "-" date-month "-" date-year # SP time SP zone DQUOTE # # date-day-fixed = (SP DIGIT) / 2DIGIT # ; Fixed-format version of date-day # date-month = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr" / "May" / "Jun" / # "Jul" / "Aug" / "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec" # date-year = 4DIGIT # time = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT # ; Hours minutes seconds # zone = ("+" / "-") 4DIGIT # ; Signed four-digit value of hhmm representing # ; hours and minutes east of Greenwich (that is, # ; the amount that the given time differs from # ; Universal Time). Subtracting the timezone # ; from the given time will give the UT form. # ; The Universal Time zone is "+0000". # # Note that Time.strptime "%d" flexibly parses either space or zero # padding. However, the DQUOTEs are *not* optional. STRFTIME = '"%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %z"' # Decode a string from modified UTF-7 format to UTF-8. # # UTF-7 is a 7-bit encoding of Unicode [UTF7]. IMAP uses a # slightly modified version of this to encode mailbox names # containing non-ASCII characters; see [IMAP] section 5.1.3. # # Net::IMAP does _not_ automatically encode and decode # mailbox names to and from UTF-7. def self.decode_utf7(s) return s.gsub(/&([A-Za-z0-9+,]+)?-/n) { if base64 = $1 (base64.tr(",", "/") + "===").unpack1("m").encode(Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::UTF_16BE) else "&" end } end # Encode a string from UTF-8 format to modified UTF-7. def self.encode_utf7(s) return s.gsub(/(&)|[^\x20-\x7e]+/) { if $1 "&-" else base64 = [$&.encode(Encoding::UTF_16BE)].pack("m0") "&" + base64.delete("=").tr("/", ",") + "-" end }.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") end # Formats +time+ as an IMAP4 date. def self.encode_date(date) date.to_date.strftime STRFDATE end # :call-seq: decode_date(string) -> Date # # Decodes +string+ as an IMAP formatted "date". # # Double quotes are optional. Day of month may be padded with zero or # space. See STRFDATE. def self.decode_date(string) string = string.delete_prefix('"').delete_suffix('"') Date.strptime(string, STRFDATE) end # :call-seq: encode_datetime(time) -> string # # Formats +time+ as an IMAP4 date-time. def self.encode_datetime(time) time.to_datetime.strftime STRFTIME end # :call-seq: decode_datetime(string) -> DateTime # # Decodes +string+ as an IMAP4 formatted "date-time". # # Note that double quotes are not optional. See STRFTIME. def self.decode_datetime(string) DateTime.strptime(string, STRFTIME) end # :call-seq: decode_time(string) -> Time # # Decodes +string+ as an IMAP4 formatted "date-time". # # Same as +decode_datetime+, but returning a Time instead. def self.decode_time(string) decode_datetime(string).to_time end class << self alias encode_time encode_datetime alias format_date encode_date alias format_time encode_time alias parse_date decode_date alias parse_datetime decode_datetime alias parse_time decode_time # alias format_datetime encode_datetime # n.b. this is overridden below... end # DEPRECATED:: The original version returned incorrectly formatted strings. # Strings returned by encode_datetime or format_time use the # correct IMAP4rev1 syntax for "date-time". # # This invalid format has been temporarily retained for backward # compatibility. A future release will change this method to return the # correct format. def self.format_datetime(time) warn("#{self}.format_datetime incorrectly formats IMAP date-time. " \ "Convert to #{self}.encode_datetime or #{self}.format_time instead.", uplevel: 1, category: :deprecated) time.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M %z") end # Common validators of number and nz_number types module NumValidator # :nodoc module_function # Check is passed argument valid 'number' in RFC 3501 terminology def valid_number?(num) # [RFC 3501] # number = 1*DIGIT # ; Unsigned 32-bit integer # ; (0 <= n < 4,294,967,296) num >= 0 && num < 4294967296 end # Check is passed argument valid 'nz_number' in RFC 3501 terminology def valid_nz_number?(num) # [RFC 3501] # nz-number = digit-nz *DIGIT # ; Non-zero unsigned 32-bit integer # ; (0 < n < 4,294,967,296) num != 0 && valid_number?(num) end # Check is passed argument valid 'mod_sequence_value' in RFC 4551 terminology def valid_mod_sequence_value?(num) # mod-sequence-value = 1*DIGIT # ; Positive unsigned 64-bit integer # ; (mod-sequence) # ; (1 <= n < 18,446,744,073,709,551,615) num >= 1 && num < 18446744073709551615 end # Ensure argument is 'number' or raise DataFormatError def ensure_number(num) return if valid_number?(num) msg = "number must be unsigned 32-bit integer: #{num}" raise DataFormatError, msg end # Ensure argument is 'nz_number' or raise DataFormatError def ensure_nz_number(num) return if valid_nz_number?(num) msg = "nz_number must be non-zero unsigned 32-bit integer: #{num}" raise DataFormatError, msg end # Ensure argument is 'mod_sequence_value' or raise DataFormatError def ensure_mod_sequence_value(num) return if valid_mod_sequence_value?(num) msg = "mod_sequence_value must be unsigned 64-bit integer: #{num}" raise DataFormatError, msg end end end end