# encoding: utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (The MIT License) # # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Rhomobile, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # http://rhomobile.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'pathname' require 'yaml' require 'socket' require 'webrick' SYNC_SERVER_BASE_URL = 'http://rhoconnect-spec-exact_platform.heroku.com' SYNC_SERVER_CONSOLE_LOGIN = 'rhoadmin' SYNC_SERVER_CONSOLE_PASSWORD = '' class Hash def fetch_r(key) if self.has_key?(key) and not self[key].is_a?(Hash) return self[key] else self.each do |val| value = false if val.is_a?(Array) val.each do |x| value = x.fetch_r(key) if x.is_a?(Hash) return value if value end end value = val.fetch_r(key) if val.is_a?(Hash) return value if value end end return false end end class Jake def self.config(configfile) conf = YAML::load(configfile) res = self.config_parse(conf) res end def self.set_bbver(bbver) @@bbver = bbver end def self.get_absolute(path) get_absolute_ex(path, Dir.pwd()) end def self.get_absolute_ex(path, currentdir) ret_path = File.expand_path(path, currentdir) return ret_path if File.exists?(ret_path) path = currentdir + "/" + path patharray = path.split(/\//) while idx = patharray.index("..") do if idx == 0 raise "error getting absolute" end if patharray[idx-1] != ".." patharray.delete_at(idx) patharray.delete_at(idx-1) end end return patharray.join("/") end def self.config_parse(conf) if conf.is_a?(Array) conf.collect! do |x| if x.is_a?(Hash) or x.is_a?(Array) x = config_parse(x) x else if x =~ /%(.*?)%/ x.gsub!(/%.*?%/, conf.fetch_r($1).to_s) end s = x.to_s if File.exists? s s.gsub!(/\\/, '/') end s end end elsif conf.is_a?(Hash) newhash = Hash.new conf.each do |k,x| if x.is_a?(Hash) or x.is_a?(Array) newhash[k.to_s] = config_parse(x) else s = x.to_s if File.exists? s s.gsub!(/\\/, '/') end newhash[k.to_s] = s end end conf = newhash conf end conf end def self.localip orig, Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup, true # turn off reverse DNS resolution temporarily UDPSocket.open do |s| s.connect '', 1 s.addr.last end ensure Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = orig end def self.run_local_server(port = 0) addr = localip server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new :BindAddress => addr, :Port => port port = server.config[:Port] puts "LOCAL SERVER STARTED ON #{addr}:#{port}" Thread.new { server.start } return server, addr, port end def self.reset_spec_server(platform) require 'rest_client' require 'json' platform = platform exact_url = SYNC_SERVER_BASE_URL.gsub(/exact_platform/, platform) puts "going to reset server: #{exact_url}" # login to the server unless @srv_token result = RestClient.post("#{exact_url}/login", {:login => SYNC_SERVER_CONSOLE_LOGIN, :password => SYNC_SERVER_CONSOLE_PASSWORD}.to_json, :content_type => :json) srv_session_cookie = 'rhoconnect_session=' + result.cookies['rhoconnect_session'] @srv_token = RestClient.post("#{exact_url}/api/get_api_token", '', {'Cookie' => srv_session_cookie}) end # reset server RestClient.post("#{exact_url}/api/reset", {:api_token => @srv_token}.to_json, :content_type => :json) end def self.run_spec_app(platform,appname) reset_spec_server(platform) if appname =~ /phone_spec/ rhobuildyml = File.join(basedir,'rhobuild.yml') rhobuild = YAML::load_file(rhobuildyml) rhobuild['env']['app'] = app_expanded_path(appname) File.open(rhobuildyml,'w') {|f| f.write rhobuild.to_yaml} $app_path = File.expand_path(File.join(basedir,'spec',appname)) $app_config = Jake.config(File.open(File.join($app_path, "build.yml"))) $config = Jake.config(File.open(rhobuildyml,'r')) server, addr, port = run_local_server File.open(File.join($app_path, 'app', 'local_server.rb'), 'w') do |f| f.puts "SPEC_LOCAL_SERVER_HOST = '#{addr}'" f.puts "SPEC_LOCAL_SERVER_PORT = #{port}" end if File.exists?(File.join($app_path, 'server.rb')) $local_server = server require File.join($app_path, 'server.rb') end begin Rake::Task.tasks.each { |t| t.reenable } Rake::Task['run:' + platform + ':spec'].invoke ensure server.shutdown end $failed.to_i end def self.before_run_spec() $total ||= 0 $passed ||= 0 $failed ||= 0 $faillog = [] $getdump = false end def self.process_spec_output(line) puts line if line =~ /\| - it/ or line =~ /\| describe/ or line =~ /\| - / if $getdump if line =~ /^I/ $getdump = false else if !$faillog.include?(line) $faillog << line end end end if line =~ /\*\*\*Failed:\s+(.*)/ $failed += $1.to_i return false elsif line =~ /\*\*\*Total:\s+(.*)/ $total += $1.to_i elsif line =~ /\*\*\*Passed:\s+(.*)/ $passed += $1.to_i end if line =~ /\| FAIL:/ line = line.gsub(/I.*APP\|/,"\n\n***") if !$faillog.include?(line) $faillog << line end $getdump = true end return true end def self.process_spec_results(start) finish = Time.now FileUtils.rm_rf $app_path + "/faillog.txt" File.open($app_path + "/faillog.txt", "w") { |io| $faillog.each {|x| io << x } } if $failed.to_i > 0 puts "************************" puts "\n\n" puts "Tests completed in #{finish - start} seconds" puts "Total: #{$total}" puts "Passed: #{$passed}" puts "Failed: #{$failed}" puts "\n" puts "Failures stored in faillog.txt" if $failed.to_i > 0 end def self.run2(command, args, options = {}, &block) argv = [] currentdir = "" retval = "" argv << command argv += args argv.map! { |x| x.to_s }.map! { |x| x =~ /^".*"$/ ? x[1..-2] : x } wd = options[:directory] if not wd.nil? currentdir = Dir.pwd() Dir.chdir wd end cmdstr = argv.map { |x| x =~ / |\|/ ? '"' + x + '"' : x }.join(' ') unless options[:hide_output] puts "PWD: " + Dir.pwd() puts "CMD: " + cmdstr $stdout.flush end hideerrors = options[:hideerrors] if hideerrors if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ nul = "nul" else nul = "/dev/null" end end if options[:system] system(cmdstr) retval = "" else argv = cmdstr if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8/ if options[:nowait] retval = IO.popen(argv) else IO.popen(argv) do |f| while line = f.gets if block_given? res = yield(line) if !res #puts "f.pid : #{f.pid}" Process.kill( 9, f.pid ) end else retval += line unless options[:hide_output] puts "RET: " + line $stdout.flush end end end end end end if not wd.nil? Dir.chdir currentdir end retval end def self.run(command, args, wd=nil,system = false, hideerrors = false) self.run2(command, args, {:directory => wd, :system => system, :hiderrors => hideerrors}) end def self.unjar(src,targetdir) jpath = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] cmd = jpath && jpath.length()>0 ? File.join(jpath, "jar" ) : "jar" # if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ # cmd = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] + "/jar.exe" # else # cmd = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] + "/jar" # end p = Pathname.new(src) src = p.realpath currentdir = Dir.pwd() src = src.to_s.gsub(/"/,"") args = Array.new args << "xf" args << src.to_s Dir.chdir targetdir puts run(cmd,args) Dir.chdir currentdir end def self.jarfilelist(target) jpath = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] cmd = jpath && jpath.length()>0 ? File.join(jpath, "jar" ) : "jar" # if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ # cmd = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] + "/jar.exe" # else # cmd = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] + "/jar" # end target.gsub!(/"/,"") args = [] args << "tf" args << target filelist = [] run(cmd,args).each { |file| filelist << file if not file =~ /\/$/ } filelist end def self.jar(target,manifest,files,isfolder=false) jpath = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] cmd = jpath && jpath.length()>0 ? File.join(jpath, "jar" ) : "jar" #cmd += ".exe" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ target.gsub!(/"/,"") args = [] args << "cfm" args << target args << manifest if isfolder args << "-C" args << files args << "." else args << files end puts run(cmd,args) end def self.rapc(output,destdir,imports,files,title=nil,vendor=nil,version=nil,icon=nil,library=true,cldc=false,quiet=true, nowarn=true) #cmd = $config["env"]["paths"][$config["env"]["bbver"]]["java"] + "/java.exe" # cmd = "java.exe" jdehome = $config["env"]["paths"][@@bbver]["jde"] javabin = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] cmd = jdehome + "/bin/rapc.exe" currentdir = Dir.pwd() Dir.chdir destdir if output and title and version and vendor f = File.new(output + ".rapc", "w") f.write "MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0\n" f.write "MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1\n" f.write "MIDlet-Name: " + title + "\n" f.write "MIDlet-Version: " + version.to_s + "\n" f.write "MIDlet-Vendor: " + vendor.to_s + "\n" f.write "MIDlet-Jar-URL: " + output + ".jar\n" f.write "MIDlet-Jar-Size: 0\n" f.write "RIM-Library-Flags: 2\n" if library if cldc and icon f.write "MIDlet-1: " + title + "," + icon + ",\n" puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! service_enabled: #{$service_enabled}" $stdout.flush if $service_enabled if $hidden_app == "0" f.write "RIM-MIDlet-Flags-1: 1\n" else f.write "RIM-MIDlet-Flags-1: 3\n" end else if $hidden_app == "0" f.write "RIM-MIDlet-Flags-1: 0\n" else f.write "RIM-MIDlet-Flags-1: 2\n" end end end f.close end args = [] #args << "-classpath" # args << "-jar" #args << jdehome + "/bin/rapc.jar" #args << "net.rim.tools.compiler.Compiler" args << "-javacompiler=" + javabin + "/javac.exe" args << "-quiet" if quiet args << "-nowarn" if nowarn args << 'import=' + imports args << 'codename=' + output args << 'library=' + output if library args << output + '.rapc' args << files cmd.gsub!(/\//,"\\") outputstring = run(cmd, args) puts outputstring unless $? == 0 Dir.chdir currentdir end def self.ant(dir,target) srcdir = $config["build"]["srcdir"] rubypath = $config["build"]["rubypath"] excludelib = $config["build"]["excludelib"] excludeapps = $config["build"]["excludeapps"] compileERB = $config["build"]["compileERB"] args = [] args << "-buildfile" args << dir + "/build.xml" args << '-Dsrc.dir=' + get_absolute(srcdir) # args << '-Druby.path=' + get_absolute(rubypath) args << '-Dexclude.lib=' + excludelib args << '-Dexclude.apps=' + excludeapps args << '-DcompileERB.path=' + get_absolute(compileERB) args << '-Dsrclib.dir=' + get_absolute(srcdir) args << target #puts args.to_s puts run("ant.bat",args,dir) end def self.modify_file_if_content_changed(file_name, f) f.rewind content = f.read() old_content = File.exists?(file_name) ? File.read(file_name) : "" if old_content != content puts "Modify #{file_name}" File.open(file_name, "w"){|file| file.write(content)} end f.close end def self.build_file_map(dir, file_name) psize = dir.size + 1 File.open(File.join(dir, file_name), 'w') do |dat| Dir.glob(File.join(dir, '**/*')).sort.each do |f| relpath = f[psize..-1] if File.directory?(f) type = 'dir' elsif File.file?(f) type = 'file' else next end size = File.stat(f).size tm = File.stat(f).mtime.to_i dat.puts "#{relpath}\t#{type}\t#{size.to_s}\t#{tm.to_s}" end end end def self.zip_upgrade_bundle(folder_path, zip_file_path) File.delete(zip_file_path) if File.exists?(zip_file_path) currentdir = Dir.pwd() Dir.chdir folder_path if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ begin require 'rubygems' require 'zip/zip' require 'find' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils Zip::ZipFile.open(zip_file_path, Zip::ZipFile::CREATE)do |zipfile| Find.find("RhoBundle") do |path| Find.prune if File.basename(path)[0] == ?. next if path.start_with?("RhoBundle/lib") || path.start_with?("RhoBundle/db") puts "add to zip : #{path}" zipfile.add(path, path) end end rescue Exception => e puts "ERROR : #{e}" puts 'Require "rubyzip" gem for make zip file !' puts 'Install gem by "gem install rubyzip"' end else #chdir folder_path temp_dir = folder_path + '_tmp' cp_r folder_path, temp_dir chdir temp_dir rm_rf File.join(temp_dir, 'RhoBundle/lib') rm_rf File.join(temp_dir, 'RhoBundle/db') rm_rf File.join(temp_dir, 'RhoBundle/hash') rm_rf File.join(temp_dir, 'RhoBundle/name') sh %{zip -r temporary_archive.zip .} cp_r 'temporary_archive.zip', zip_file_path rm_rf 'temporary_archive.zip' rm_rf temp_dir end Dir.chdir currentdir end end