#!/usr/bin/env ruby # wxRuby2 Sample Code. Copyright (c) 2004-2008 wxRuby development team # Freely reusable code: see SAMPLES-LICENSE.TXT for details require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError require 'wx' # Simple test application for keyword arguments to Sizer#add_item and # ToolBar#add_item. Originally contributed by Chauk-Mean P Wx::App.run do frame = Wx::Frame.new( nil, :title => 'ToolBar and Sizer API enhancements') do sizer = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) button1 = Wx::Button.new(self, :label => 'Button 1') button2 = Wx::Button.new(self, :label => 'Button 2') button3 = Wx::Button.new(self, :label => 'Button 3') # Sizer#add_item usage # use of positional arguments sizer.add_item(button1, -1, 1, Wx::EXPAND) # use of a spacer sizer.add_item([20, 15]) # use of keyword arguments without index sizer.add_item(button3, :proportion => 1, :flag => Wx::EXPAND) # use of keyword arguments with index specified sizer.add_item(button2, :index => 1, :proportion => 1, :flag => Wx::EXPAND) self.sizer = sizer # ToolBar#add_item usage toolbar = create_tool_bar( Wx::TB_HORIZONTAL|Wx::TB_FLAT ) # provide only a bitmap new_item_id = toolbar.add_item( Wx::ArtProvider.bitmap(Wx::ART_NEW) ) # use of keyword arguments without pos save_item_id = toolbar.add_item( Wx::ArtProvider.bitmap(Wx::ART_FILE_SAVE), :short_help => "Save") # use of keyword arguments with pos open_item_id = toolbar.add_item( Wx::ArtProvider.bitmap(Wx::ART_FILE_OPEN), :position => 1, :short_help => "Open") toolbar.realize # tool item event handling evt_tool new_item_id do Wx::message_box "New clicked" end end frame.show end