@search_history Feature: Search History Page As a user In order see searches I've used and reuse them I want a page that shows my (unique) search history from this session Scenario: Menu Link When I am on the home page Then I should see "History" When I go to the search history page And I should see a stylesheet Scenario: Have No Searches Given no previous searches When I go to the search history page Then I should see "You have no search history" Scenario: Have Searches Given I have done a search with term "book" When I go to the search history page Then I should see "Your recent searches" And I should see "book" And I should not see "dang" Given I have done a search with term "dang" When I go to the search history page Then I should see "dang" And I should see "book" Scenario: Clearing Search History Given I have done a search with term "book" And I have done a search with term "dang" And I am on the search history page Then I should see "Clear Search History" When I follow "Clear Search History" Then I should see "Cleared your search history." And I should see "You have no search history" Then I should not see "book" And I should not see "dang" Scenario: Saving a Search when logged in Given I am logged in as "user1" And I have done a search with term "book" And I am on the search history page Then I should see a "save" button When I press "save" Then I should see "Successfully saved your search." And I should be on the search history page And I should see a "forget" button # Scenario: Saving a Search when not logged in # Given I have done a search with term "book" # And I am on the search history page # Then I should see a "save" button # When I press "save" # Then I should see "Sign in" Scenario: Un-Saving a Search when logged in Given I am logged in as "user1" And I have done a search with term "book" And I am on the search history page Then I should see a "save" button When I press "save" Then I should see "Successfully saved your search." And I should be on the search history page And I should see a "forget" button When I press "forget" Then I should see "Successfully removed that saved search." And I should be on the search history page And I should see a "save" button Scenario: Visiting Search History with saved searches after logging out Given I am logged in as "user1" And I have done a search with term "book" And I am on the search history page Then I should see a "save" button When I press "save" Then I should see "Successfully saved your search." And I should be on the search history page And I should see a "forget" button When I follow "Log Out" Then I should see "Login" And I should not see "user1" When I go to the search history page Then I should not see "book"