module Geokit module Geocoders class GooglePremierGeocoder < Geocoder HOST = "" ENDPOINT = "/maps/api/geocode/json" protected def self.do_reverse_geocode(latlng) latlng = LatLng.normalize(latlng) params = { :latlng => latlng.ll, :sensor => false } signed_url = signed_url_for_params(params) res = self.call_geocoder_service(signed_url) return unless (res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) || res.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK)) json = JSON.parse(res.body) logger.debug "Google reverse-geocoding. LL: #{latlng}. Result: #{json}" return self.json_to_geo_loc(json) end def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address params = { :address => address_str, :sensor => false } signed_url = signed_url_for_params(params) res = self.call_geocoder_service(signed_url) return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) json = JSON.parse(res.body) logger.debug "Google geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{json}" return self.json_to_geo_loc(json, address) end def self.json_to_geo_loc(json, address="") if json["status"] == "OK" geoloc = nil # iterate through each and extract as a geoloc json["results"].each do |result| extracted_geoloc = extract_result(result) # g is now an instance of GeoLoc if geoloc.nil? # first time through, geoloc is still nil, so we make it the geoloc we just extracted geoloc = extracted_geoloc else # second (and subsequent) iterations, we push additional # geolocs onto "geoloc.all" geoloc.all.push(extracted_geoloc) end end return geoloc elsif json["status"] == "ZERO_RESULTS" return elsif json["status"] == "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError elsif json["status"] == "REQUEST_DENIED" logger.error "Google Premier request denied: "+$! elsif json["status"] == "INVALID_REQUEST" logger.error "Google Premier invalid request: "+$! else "Google was unable to geocode address: "+address return end rescue Geokit::TooManyQueriesError raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError, "Google Premier returned a 620 status, too many queries. The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24 hour period or has submitted too many requests in too short a period of time. If you're sending multiple requests in parallel or in a tight loop, use a timer or pause in your code to make sure you don't send the requests too quickly." rescue logger.error "Caught an error during Google Premier geocoding call: "+$! return end ACCURACY_MAP = { "ROOFTOP" => 8, "RANGE_INTERPOLATED" => 7, "GEOMETRIC_CENTER" => 6, "APPROXIMATE" => 5, } # extracts a single geoloc from a result in the google results json def self.extract_result(result) res = res.provider = "google_premier" geometry = result["geometry"] if result res.accuracy = ACCURACY_MAP[geometry["location_type"]] if geometry res.precision = geometry["location_type"].underscore if geometry location = geometry["location"] if geometry = location["lat"] if location res.lng = location["lng"] if location res.full_address = result["formatted_address"] res.street_address = result["formatted_address"] address_components = result["address_components"] if result address_components.each do |component| = component["long_name"] if component["types"].include?("postal_code") = component["long_name"] if component["types"].include?("country") res.country_code = component["short_name"] if component["types"].include?("country") = component["long_name"] if component["types"].include?("locality") res.state = component["long_name"] if component["types"].include?("administrative_area_level_1") res.province = component["long_name"] if component["types"].include?("administrative_area_level_2") res.district = component["long_name"] if component["types"].include?("administrative_area_level_3") end if address_components bounds = geometry["bounds"] res.suggested_bounds = Bounds.normalize( [bounds["southwest"]["lat"], bounds["southwest"]["lng"]], [bounds["northeast"]["lat"], bounds["northeast"]["lng"]] ) if bounds res.success = true res end private def self.url_for_params(params) params_to_sign = params "http://" + HOST + string_to_sign end def self.signed_url_for_params(params) params_to_sign = params.merge({ :client => Geokit::Geocoders.google_client, :channel => Geokit::Geocoders.google_channel }).reject{ |key, value| value.nil? } string_to_sign = "#{ENDPOINT}?#{params_to_sign.to_query}" signature = signature_for_string(string_to_sign) "http://" + HOST + string_to_sign + "&signature=#{signature}" end def self.signature_for_string(string) raw_private_key = url_safe_base64_decode( digest ="sha1") raw_signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, raw_private_key, string) url_safe_base64_encode(raw_signature) end def self.url_safe_base64_decode(base64_string) Base64.decode64("-_","+/")) end def self.url_safe_base64_encode(raw) Base64.encode64(raw).tr("+/","-_").strip end end end end