describe "FormController/ImageRow" do tests Formotion::FormController # By default, `tests` uses @controller.init # this isn't ideal for our case, so override. def controller row_settings = { title: "Photo", key: :photo, type: :image } @form ||= sections: [{ rows:[row_settings] }]) @controller ||= Formotion::FormController.alloc.initWithForm(@form) end def image_row @form.sections.first.rows.first end def action_sheet image_row.object.instance_variable_get("@action_sheet") end # Looks like view(label) doesn't scan the UIActionSheet properly, so we override it. def tap_action_sheet(label) choose = self.action_sheet.send(:_viewByName, label) tap(choose) end # if action_sheet exists, just cancel it immediately for the next test. after do action_sheet && action_sheet.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(action_sheet.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) end it "should open an action sheet when tapped" do tap("Photo") action_sheet.nil?.should == false end it "should open photo library when 'choose' tapped" do tap("Photo") tap_action_sheet("Choose") view("Photos").nil?.should == false tap("Cancel") end it "should have value after selecting photo" do tap("Photo") # Looks like view(label) doesn't scan the UIActionSheet properly, so we override it. tap_action_sheet("Choose") image_controller = controller.modalViewController.visibleViewController image = UIImage.alloc.init info = { UIImagePickerControllerMediaType => KUTTypeImage, UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage => image, UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL => NSURL.alloc.init} image_row.object.instance_variable_get("@camera").imagePickerController(image_controller, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: info) image_row.value.should == image tap("Cancel") end it "should be able to delete value" do image = UIImage.alloc.init image_row.value = image image_row.row_height.should > 44 tap("Photo") # Looks like view(label) doesn't scan the UIActionSheet properly, so we override it. tap_action_sheet("Delete") image_row.row_height.should == 44 image_row.value.should == nil end end