module MarketoApi module Concerns module Connection # Public: The Faraday::Builder instance used for the middleware stack. This # can be used to insert an custom middleware. # # Examples # # # Add the instrumentation middleware for Rails. # client.middleware.use FaradayMiddleware::Instrumentation # # Returns the Faraday::Builder for the Faraday connection. def middleware connection.builder end alias_method :builder, :middleware private # Internal: Internal faraday connection where all requests go through def connection @connection ||=[:instance_url], connection_options) do |builder| # Converts the request into JSON. builder.request(:json) # Handles re-authentication for 403 responses. if authentication_middleware builder.use(authentication_middleware, self, options) end # Sets the oauth token in the headers. builder.use(MarketoApi::Middleware::Authorization, self, options) # Ensures the instance url is set. # builder.use(MarketoApi::Middleware::InstanceURL, self, options) # Caches GET requests. builder.use(MarketoApi::Middleware::Caching, options_with_custom_strategy) if cache # Follows 30x redirects. builder.response(:follow_redirects) # Raises errors for 40x responses. builder.use(MarketoApi::Middleware::RaiseError) # Parses returned JSON response into a hash. builder.response(:json, content_type: /\bjson$/) # Inject custom headers into requests # builder.use(MarketoApi::Middleware::CustomHeaders, self, options) # Log request/responses builder.use(MarketoApi::Middleware::Logger, MarketoApi.configuration.logger, options) if MarketoApi.log? builder.adapter(adapter) end end def adapter options[:adapter] end # Internal: Faraday Connection options def connection_options { request: { timeout: options[:timeout], open_timeout: options[:timeout] }, ssl: options[:ssl] } end end end end