module Blade module Setting module YmlTemplate REDIS_YML = <<-File # encoding: UTF-8 defaults: &defaults status: open host: localhost port: 6379 db: 0 username: username password: Fy958e5mmyb7Ta4H name_space: redis development: &development <<: *defaults host: localhost password: Fy958e5mmyb7Ta4H test: <<: *defaults production: <<: *defaults File INFLUXDB_YML = <<-FILE # encoding: UTF-8 defaults: &defaults status: open database: database host: host port: 80 username: username password: password async: true development: &development <<: *defaults status: close test: <<: *defaults production: <<: *defaults FILE SEND_CLOUD_YML = <<-FILE defaults: &defaults status: close # open | close storage: storage your_scope: status: open api_user: user api_key: key url: url # 邮件发送者 form: from # 有效调用过期时间 expired_time: 24 development: &development <<: *defaults test: &test <<: *defaults status: close # open | close production: &production <<: *defaults status: open # open | close FILE SENTRY_YML = <<-File #encoding: utf-8 default: &default status: open # open | close scheme: 'https' host: host async: sidekiq # sidekiq or true sample_rate: 1.0 development: <<: *default access_token: token app_id: app_id production: <<: *default access_token: token app_id: prod_app_id File SCOUT_APM_YML = <<-File # This configuration file is used for Scout APM. # Environment variables can also be used to configure Scout. See our help docs at for more information. common: &defaults # key: Your Organization key for Scout APM. Found on the settings screen. # - Default: none key: key # log_level: Verboseness of logs. # - Default: 'info' # - Valid Options: debug, info, warn, error # log_level: debug name: name # - Default: the application names comes from the Rails or Sinatra class name # name: # monitor: Enable Scout APM or not # - Default: none # - Valid Options: true, false monitor: true production: <<: *defaults development: <<: *defaults monitor: false test: <<: *defaults monitor: false staging: <<: *defaults File ElASTIC_SEARCH_YML = <<-File default: &default host: host port: 9200 prefix: prefix development: &development <<: *default # status: 'close' # open | close test: &test <<: *default # status: 'close' # open | close production: &production <<: *default host: File WECHAT_YML = <<-File defaults: &default appid: appid appsecret: appsecret development: <<: *default test: <<: *default production: <<: *default File CARRIERWAVE_YAML = <<-File # encoding: UTF-8 defaults: &defaults status: open # open | close storage: aliyun aliyun: status: open # open | close access_id: id access_key: key bucket: jk-sit host: qiniu: status: open # open | close access_key: access_key secret_key: sk bucket: bucket bucket_domain: development: &development <<: *defaults test: &test <<: *defaults status: close # open | close production: &production <<: *defaults status: open # open | close File end end end