module CukeModeler # A module providing source text parsing functionality. module Parsing # Have to at least load some version of the gem before which version of the gem has been loaded can # be determined and the rest of the needed files can be loaded. Try the old one first and then the # new one. begin require 'gherkin' rescue LoadError require 'gherkin/parser' end # The *gherkin* gem loads differently and has different grammar rules across major versions. Parsing # will be done with an 'adapter' appropriate to the version of the *gherkin* gem that has been activated. case when Gem.loaded_specs['gherkin'].version.version[/^4/] require 'gherkin/parser' require 'cuke_modeler/adapters/gherkin_4_adapter' # todo - make these methods private? def self.parsing_method(source_text, _filename) end def self.adapter_class CukeModeler::Gherkin4Adapter end when Gem.loaded_specs['gherkin'].version.version[/^3/] require 'gherkin/parser' require 'cuke_modeler/adapters/gherkin_3_adapter' def self.parsing_method(source_text, _filename) end def self.adapter_class CukeModeler::Gherkin3Adapter end else # Assume version 2.x require 'stringio' require 'gherkin/formatter/json_formatter' require 'gherkin' require 'json' require 'multi_json' require 'cuke_modeler/adapters/gherkin_2_adapter' def self.parsing_method(source_text, filename) io = formatter = parser = parser.parse(source_text, filename, 0) formatter.done MultiJson.load(io.string) end def self.adapter_class CukeModeler::Gherkin2Adapter end end class << self # The dialect that will be used to parse snippets of Gherkin text attr_writer :dialect # The dialect that will be used to parse snippets of Gherkin text def dialect @dialect || 'en' end # The dialects currently known by the gherkin gem def dialects unless @dialects @dialects = Gem.loaded_specs['gherkin'].version.version[/^2/] ? Gherkin::I18n::LANGUAGES : Gherkin::DIALECTS end @dialects end # Parses the Cucumber feature given in *source_text* and returns an array # containing the hash representation of its logical structure. def parse_text(source_text, filename = 'cuke_modeler_fake_file.feature') raise(ArgumentError, "Text to parse must be a String but got #{source_text.class}") unless source_text.is_a?(String) begin parsed_result = parsing_method(source_text, filename) rescue => e raise(ArgumentError, "Error encountered while parsing '#{filename}'\n#{e.class} - #{e.message}") end adapted_result = adapted_result end end private def dialect_feature_keyword get_word(Parsing.dialects[Parsing.dialect]['feature']) end def dialect_scenario_keyword get_word(Parsing.dialects[Parsing.dialect]['scenario']) end def dialect_outline_keyword get_word(Parsing.dialects[Parsing.dialect]['scenarioOutline'] || Parsing.dialects[Parsing.dialect]['scenario_outline']) end def dialect_step_keyword get_word(Parsing.dialects[Parsing.dialect]['given']) end def get_word(word_set) word_set = word_set.is_a?(Array) ? word_set : word_set.split('|') word_set.first end end end