'use strict'; const declarationValueIndex = require('../../utils/declarationValueIndex'); const ruleMessages = require('../../utils/ruleMessages'); const validateOptions = require('../../utils/validateOptions'); const valueListCommaWhitespaceChecker = require('../valueListCommaWhitespaceChecker'); const whitespaceChecker = require('../../utils/whitespaceChecker'); const ruleName = 'value-list-comma-newline-after'; const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, { expectedAfter: () => 'Expected newline after ","', expectedAfterMultiLine: () => 'Expected newline after "," in a multi-line list', rejectedAfterMultiLine: () => 'Unexpected whitespace after "," in a multi-line list', }); function rule(expectation, options, context) { const checker = whitespaceChecker('newline', expectation, messages); return (root, result) => { const validOptions = validateOptions(result, ruleName, { actual: expectation, possible: ['always', 'always-multi-line', 'never-multi-line'], }); if (!validOptions) { return; } let fixData; valueListCommaWhitespaceChecker({ root, result, locationChecker: checker.afterOneOnly, checkedRuleName: ruleName, fix: context.fix ? (declNode, index) => { const valueIndex = declarationValueIndex(declNode); if (index <= valueIndex) { return false; } fixData = fixData || new Map(); const commaIndices = fixData.get(declNode) || []; commaIndices.push(index); fixData.set(declNode, commaIndices); return true; } : null, determineIndex: (declString, match) => { const nextChars = declString.substr(match.endIndex, declString.length - match.endIndex); // If there's a // comment, that means there has to be a newline // ending the comment so we're fine if (/^[ \t]*\/\//.test(nextChars)) { return false; } // If there are spaces and then a comment begins, look for the newline return /^[ \t]*\/\*/.test(nextChars) ? declString.indexOf('*/', match.endIndex) + 1 : match.startIndex; }, }); if (fixData) { fixData.forEach((commaIndices, decl) => { commaIndices .sort((a, b) => a - b) .reverse() .forEach((index) => { const value = decl.raws.value ? decl.raws.value.raw : decl.value; const valueIndex = index - declarationValueIndex(decl); const beforeValue = value.slice(0, valueIndex + 1); let afterValue = value.slice(valueIndex + 1); if (expectation.startsWith('always')) { afterValue = context.newline + afterValue; } else if (expectation.startsWith('never-multi-line')) { afterValue = afterValue.replace(/^\s*/, ''); } if (decl.raws.value) { decl.raws.value.raw = beforeValue + afterValue; } else { decl.value = beforeValue + afterValue; } }); }); } }; } rule.ruleName = ruleName; rule.messages = messages; module.exports = rule;