# Haplo Plugin Tool http://docs.haplo.org/dev/tool/plugin # (c) Haplo Services Ltd 2006 - 2016 http://www.haplo-services.com # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. module PluginTool def self.set_server(hostname, port, key) @@server_hostname = hostname @@server_port = port @@server_key = key end def self.get_server_hostname @@server_hostname end def self.check_for_certificate_file @@server_ca = nil hostname_parts = (@@server_hostname || '').split('.') search_list = (0..hostname_parts.length).map do |n| filename = "server" search_parts = hostname_parts[n..hostname_parts.length] filename << '.' unless search_parts.empty? filename << search_parts.join('.') filename << ".crt" end @@server_ca = search_list.find { |f| File.file?(f) } if @@server_ca puts "NOTICE: Using alternative CAs for SSL from #{@@server_ca}" else # Use build in certificate bundle @@server_ca = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/CertificateBundle.pem" end end def self.make_http_connection http = Net::HTTP.new(@@server_hostname, @@server_port) ssl_ca = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new unless ssl_ca.respond_to? :add_file puts puts "jruby-openssl gem is not installed or bouncy castle crypto not available on CLASSPATH." puts "See installation instructions." puts exit 1 end ssl_ca.add_file(@@server_ca) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER http.cert_store = ssl_ca http.start http end @@http = nil def self.get_http @@http ||= make_http_connection end def self.finish_with_connection if @@http != nil @@http.finish @@http = nil end end def self.setup_request(req) req['User-Agent'] = 'plugin-tool' req['X-ONEIS-Key'] = @@server_key if @@server_key end def self.get(path) http = get_http request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(path) setup_request(request) http.request(request).body end def self.get_with_json_response(path) report_errors_from_server(JSON.parse(get(path))) end def self.post(path, params = nil, files = nil) http = get_http request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(path) setup_request(request) if files == nil request.set_form_data(params) if params != nil else boundary = "----------XnJLe9ZIbbGUYtzPQJ16u1" request["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{boundary}" body = '' if params != nil params.each do |key,value| body << <<-EOF --#{boundary}\r Content-Disposition: form-data; name="#{key}"\r \r #{value}\r EOF end end files.each do |key,info| pathname, data = info body << <<-EOF --#{boundary}\r Content-Disposition: form-data; name="#{key}"; filename="#{pathname}"\r Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r Content-Length: #{data.length}\r \r #{data}\r EOF end body << "--#{boundary}--\r" request.body = body end http.request(request).body end def self.post_with_json_response(path, params = nil, files = nil) report_errors_from_server(JSON.parse(post(path, params, files))) end def self.report_errors_from_server(r) unless r.kind_of? Hash r = { "result" => 'error', "protocol_error" => true, "message" => "Unknown error. Either the server is not enabled for development, or the credentials in #{SERVER_INFO} are not valid." } end if r["result"] != 'success' && r.has_key?("message") puts "\n\n**************************************************************" puts " ERROR REPORTED BY SERVER" puts "**************************************************************\n\n" puts r["message"] puts "\n**************************************************************\n\n" beep end r end def self.get_application_info @@server_application_info ||= JSON.parse(get("/api/development-plugin-loader/application-info")) end end