John had always marched to the beat of his own drum. He never really fit in with the crowd, and he didn't particularly care to. He would show up to social gatherings and make a few small talk comments before retreating to his own corner. John had never been particularly interested in socializing, and he made that fact known to anyone who talked to him for more than five minutes. Over the years, John's lack of interest in socializing started to show. His friends started distancing themselves from him, and he didn't seem to care at all. He would show up to parties, drink a little too much, and would make comments that just didn't sit well with anyone. It was almost as if he got a kick out of making other people uncomfortable. John's behavior only got worse, and soon, he was considered the pariah of the group. He would turn down invitations to events or parties, and when he did show up, he would stir up trouble or say something inappropriate. Despite his worsening social relations, John never regretted not caring. He never lost any sleep over what people thought of him, and he wasn't going to start now. While others saw his behavior as off-putting, John saw it as being true to himself. For years, John lived like this, not really bothering to make any real connections with anyone. But that didn't mean he wasn't productive or successful. In fact, John accomplished something major. He wrote a book, and it was a huge success. It became an instant bestseller, and John's name was known around the world. John's book became a sensation, and people wanted to know more about the man behind the words. Interviews started pouring in, and John finally embraced the attention. He didn't suddenly become a social butterfly, but he enjoyed the recognition of his success. John never lost sight of who he was, and he never regretted not caring about what others thought of him. His accomplishments spoke louder than any words ever could, and that was all he ever needed.