# encoding: utf-8 require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' module SchemaTools module Modules # Read schemas into a hash module Read # Variable remembering already read-in schema's # { # :invoice =>{schema} # :credit_note =>{schema} # } # } # @return [Hash{String=>Hash{Symbol=>HashWithIndifferentAccess}}] def registry @registry ||= {} end def registry_reset @registry = nil end # Read a schema and return it as hash. You can supply a path or the # global path defined in #SchemaTools.schema_path is used. # Schemata are returned from cache(#registry) if present to prevent # filesystem round-trips. The cache can be reset with #registry_reset # # @param [String|Symbol] schema name to be read from schema path directory # @param [String|Hash] either the path to retrieve schema_name from, # or a Schema in Ruby hash form # @return[HashWithIndifferentAccess] schema as hash def read(schema_name, path_or_schema=nil) schema_name = schema_name.to_sym return registry[schema_name] if registry[schema_name] if path_or_schema.is_a?(::Hash) path = nil plain_data = path_or_schema.to_json elsif path_or_schema.is_a?(::String) || path_or_schema.nil? path = path_or_schema file_path = File.join(path || SchemaTools.schema_path, "#{schema_name}.json") else raise ArgumentError, 'Second parameter must be a path or a schema!' end plain_data ||= File.open(file_path, 'r'){|f| f.read} schema = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(plain_data).with_indifferent_access if schema[:extends] extends = schema[:extends].is_a?(Array) ? schema[:extends] : [ schema[:extends] ] extends.each do |ext_name| ext = read(ext_name, path) # current schema props win schema[:properties] = ext[:properties].merge(schema[:properties]) end end registry[ schema_name ] = schema end # Read all available schemas from a given path(folder) and return # them as array # # @param [String] path to schema files # @return [Array] array of schemas as hash def read_all(path=nil) schemas = [] file_path = File.join(path || SchemaTools.schema_path, '*.json') Dir.glob( file_path ).each do |file| schema_name = File.basename(file, '.json').to_sym schemas << read(schema_name, path) end schemas end end end end