# encoding: utf-8 module RubyProf class MethodInfo include Comparable def <=>(other) if self.total_time < other.total_time -1 elsif self.total_time > other.total_time 1 elsif self.min_depth < other.min_depth 1 elsif self.min_depth > other.min_depth -1 else -1 * (self.full_name <=> other.full_name) end end def called @called ||= begin call_infos.inject(0) do |sum, call_info| sum += call_info.called end end end def total_time @total_time ||= begin call_infos.inject(0) do |sum, call_info| sum += call_info.total_time if call_info.minimal? sum end end end def self_time @self_time ||= begin call_infos.inject(0) do |sum, call_info| sum += call_info.self_time end end end def wait_time @wait_time ||= begin call_infos.inject(0) do |sum, call_info| sum += call_info.wait_time end end end def children_time @children_time ||= begin call_infos.inject(0) do |sum, call_info| sum += call_info.children_time if call_info.minimal? sum end end end def min_depth @min_depth ||= call_infos.map do |call_info| call_info.depth end.min end def root? @root ||= begin call_infos.find do |call_info| not call_info.root? end.nil? end end def children @children ||= begin call_infos.map do |call_info| call_info.children end.flatten end end def aggregate_parents # Group call info's based on their parents groups = self.call_infos.inject(Hash.new) do |hash, call_info| key = call_info.parent ? call_info.parent.target : self (hash[key] ||= []) << call_info hash end groups.map do |key, value| AggregateCallInfo.new(value) end end def aggregate_children # Group call info's based on their targets groups = self.children.inject(Hash.new) do |hash, call_info| key = call_info.target (hash[key] ||= []) << call_info hash end groups.map do |key, value| AggregateCallInfo.new(value) end end def to_s full_name end def dump res = "" res << "MINFO: #{klass_name}##{method_name} total_time: #{total_time} (#{full_name})\n" call_infos.each do |ci| pinfo = ci.root? ? "TOPLEVEL" : (p=ci.parent.target; "#{p.klass_name}##{p.method_name} (#{ci.parent.object_id}) (#{p.full_name})") res << "CINFO[#{ci.object_id}] called #{ci.called} times from #{pinfo}\n" end res end # remove method from the call graph. should not be called directly. def eliminate! # $stderr.puts "eliminating #{self}" call_infos.each{ |call_info| call_info.eliminate! } call_infos.clear end end end