# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Style # This cop can check for array literals made up of symbols that are not # using the %i() syntax. # # Alternatively, it checks for symbol arrays using the %i() syntax on # projects which do not want to use that syntax. # # Configuration option: MinSize # If set, arrays with fewer elements than this value will not trigger the # cop. For example, a `MinSize of `3` will not enforce a style on an array # of 2 or fewer elements. # # @example EnforcedStyle: percent (default) # # good # %i[foo bar baz] # # # bad # [:foo, :bar, :baz] # # @example EnforcedStyle: brackets # # good # [:foo, :bar, :baz] # # # bad # %i[foo bar baz] class SymbolArray < Cop include ArrayMinSize include ArraySyntax include ConfigurableEnforcedStyle include PercentArray PERCENT_MSG = 'Use `%i` or `%I` for an array of symbols.'.freeze ARRAY_MSG = 'Use `[]` for an array of symbols.'.freeze class << self attr_accessor :largest_brackets end def on_array(node) if bracketed_array_of?(:sym, node) return if symbols_contain_spaces?(node) check_bracketed_array(node) elsif node.percent_literal?(:symbol) check_percent_array(node) end end def autocorrect(node) if style == :percent PercentLiteralCorrector .new(@config, @preferred_delimiters) .correct(node, 'i') else correct_bracketed(node) end end private def symbols_contain_spaces?(node) node.children.any? do |sym| content, = *sym content =~ / / end end def correct_bracketed(node) syms = node.children.map { |c| to_symbol_literal(c.value.to_s) } lambda do |corrector| corrector.replace(node.source_range, "[#{syms.join(', ')}]") end end def to_symbol_literal(string) if symbol_without_quote?(string) ":#{string}" else ":#{to_string_literal(string)}" end end def symbol_without_quote?(string) special_gvars = %w[ $! $" $$ $& $' $* $+ $, $/ $; $: $. $< $= $> $? $@ $\\ $_ $` $~ $0 $-0 $-F $-I $-K $-W $-a $-d $-i $-l $-p $-v $-w ] redefinable_operators = %w( | ^ & <=> == === =~ > >= < <= << >> + - * / % ** ~ +@ -@ [] []= ` ! != !~ ) # method name string =~ /\A[a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?]?\z/ || # instance / class variable string =~ /\A\@\@?[a-zA-Z_]\w*\z/ || # global variable string =~ /\A\$[1-9]\d*\z/ || string =~ /\A\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*\z/ || special_gvars.include?(string) || redefinable_operators.include?(string) end end end end end