Rake-n-Bake =========== Commonly used Rake tasks ------------------------ ...collected together and baked to perfection, ready to serve! [](https://travis-ci.org/RichardVickerstaff/rake-n-bake) [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/rake-n-bake) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/RichardVickerstaff/rake-n-bake) Rake-n-Bake is a collection of widely applicable Rake tasks used on many projects. They have been extracted into a gem to allow them to easily be reused and maintained. Rake-n-Bake tasks are used on the project itself, so you can always take a peek at our [Rakefile](https://github.com/RichardVickerstaff/rake-n-bake/blob/master/Rakefile) or the [tasks themselves](https://github.com/RichardVickerstaff/rake-n-bake/tree/master/tasks) to work out what is going on Installation ------------ Either: - Add `gem "rake-n-bake"` to your Gemfile and run bundle install. or - Run `gem install rake-n-bake` Usage ----- 1. Add `require "rake-n-bake"` to your Rakefile 2. Call the tasks that you want, just as with your usual Rake tasks (examples below!). For example: ```ruby require "rake-n-bake" task :default => %i[ clean bake:rubocop bake:rspec bake:coverage:check_specs bake:bundle-audit bake:rubycritic bake:ok_rainbow ] ``` Tasks ----- Tasks are namespaced under `:bake` to prevent clashes. For example, the `:ok` task is called by invoking `:bake:ok` For a definitive list, run `rake -D` to see all Rake tasks. You could also see only the Rake-n-Bake tasks by running `rake -D | grep -A3 'bake'`. Below are some highlights of the tasks added. Each can be invoked with `rake bake<task name>`, for example `rake bake:brakeman` ### :brakeman Run [Brakeman](http://brakemanscanner.org/) to look for security issues on a Rails project ### :bundle-audit Check the current Gemfile.lock for gem versions with known security issues, courtesy of [Bundler Audit](https://github.com/rubysec/bundler-audit#readme) ### :check_external_dependencies Check that each command in the `@external_dependencies` array is present on the system path (and fails the task if it isn't) For example: ```ruby @external_dependencies = ['ruby', 'postgres', 'foo'] ``` You can also use the underlying checker object by creating an instance of `RakeNBake::DependencyChecker` with your array of dependencies and calling `#check` or `#missing` on it. ### :coverage #### :check_specs Look at SimpleCov results for spec coverage in `log/coverage/spec` and fail the build if not 100% #### :check_cucumber Look at SimpleCov results for Cucumber coverage in `log/coverage/features` and fail the build if not 100% ### :fasterer Run the [fasterer](https://github.com/DamirSvrtan/fasterer) tool to spot performance improvements in your code ### :ok Useful at the end of any Rake tasks which test your application, it prints `***** ALL TESTS PASSED *****`. ### :ok_rainbow Run this task last to print a more magical version of `:ok` ### :rails_best_practices Run this task to run the [Rails Best Practices](https://github.com/railsbp/rails_best_practices) metrics against your Rails project. ### :rspec Run all the tests in the spec directory with rspec #### :rspec:unit Run all the specs not in a features or integration directory #### :rspec:integration Run all the specs in the integration directory #### :rspec:requests Run all the specs in the requests directory #### :rspec:features Run all the specs in the features directory #### :rspec:tag[mytag] Run all the specs tagged using `mytag: true` ### :rubocop Runs [Rubocop](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop) over the project and lists violations/warnings ### :rubycritic Runs the [RubyCritic](https://github.com/whitesmith/rubycritic) tool and generates a report about the health of your code ### :traceroute Runs [Traceroute](https://rubygems.org/gems/traceroute), a tool for finding unused routes within [Rails](http://rubyonrails.org/) apps Handy Tips for new tasks ------------------------ - All tasks loaded by `lib/rake_n_bake.rb` will have access to the `RakeNBake::Baker`. This is intended for truely common things, like logging out when a particular step runs or passes. Contributing ------------ 1. Make a fork 2. Make your changes! a. Namespace new tasks under `:bake` b. Namespace new helpers under `RakeNBake` 3. Push your changes to your fork 4. Create a Pull Request