require "action_manager.rb" require "sequence" require 'term/ansicolor' include Term::ANSIColor ###################################### # Author:: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # This class create the structure to storage the actions associated to a sequence. # It allows to add action, and to write at file the actions for every sequence # Inherit:: Sequence ###################################### class SequenceWithAction < Sequence SHOW_QUAL = false SHOW_FINAL_INSERTS=true attr_accessor :actions,:seq_fasta_orig, :seq_qual_orig ,:insert_start , :insert_end, :stats , :insert_start_last , :insert_end_last # Creates an instance with the structure to storage the actions associated to a sequence def initialize(seq_name,seq_fasta,seq_qual, seq_comment = '') super #Tried #if @ns_present then $LOG.debug "The sequence #{seq_name} has N's" else $LOG.debug "The sequence #{seq_name} hasn't N's" end #if @xs_present then $LOG.debug "The sequence #{seq_name} has X's" else $LOG.debug "The sequence #{seq_name} hasn't X's" end @actions = [] @seq_fasta_orig = seq_fasta @seq_fasta = seq_fasta @seq_qual_orig = seq_qual @seq_qual = seq_qual @insert_start = 0 @insert_end = seq_fasta.length-1 #@seq_qual = seq_qual @stats={} @file_tags=[] end # add a file tag to sequence def add_file_tag(tag_level, tag_value, tag_type) @file_tags<< {:level => tag_level, :name => tag_value, :type=> tag_type} end # join file tags into a path def get_file_tag_path{|e| e[:level]}.uniq dirpath = [] levels.sort.each do |level| # select names from all that are not files level_path ={|e| ((e[:level]==level) && (e[:type]!=:file))}.map{|tag| tag[:name]} dirpath << level_path.join('_') if !level_path.empty? end filepath = [] levels.sort.each do |level| # select names from all that are not files level_path ={|e| ((e[:level]==level) && (e[:type]!=:dir))}.map{|tag| tag[:name]} filepath << level_path.join('_') if !level_path.empty? end filename=filepath.join('_') dirname=File.join(dirpath) # puts "#{dirname}, #{filename}" return [dirname,filename] end # Adds a new action to the sequence def add_action(a) $LOG.debug("Adding action #{a.type} to #{seq_name}") @actions.push a a.apply_to(self) return a end # Adds a new action to the sequence def new_action(start_pos,end_pos,action_type) a = ActionManager.new_action(start_pos,end_pos,action_type) return a end # def left_action(seq_fasta,start_pos,end_pos) # return ((start_pos - 0 ) < (seq_fasta.length - end_pos)) # end # # def right_action(seq_fasta,start_pos,end_pos) # return !left_action(seq_fasta,start_pos,end_pos) # end # Adds a set of actions to the sequence, update the positon of the cut sequence. # # Version with the parameters left_action and rigth action # # TODO - Nuevo algoritmo de corte de seqs. # 1 - Ordenar seqs con cut=true en izq y der y por posición de ends o begs # 2 - Obtener izq.ends.max y der.begs.min # 3 - El corte lo definen esos min y max def add_actions(actions) if !actions.empty? start_pos=0 end_pos = 0 cut = false max_end_pos = 0 p_beg = @insert_start p_end = @seq_fasta.length-1+@insert_start # p_end = @seq_fasta.length-1 # puts "ADDING ACTIONS" # puts "=" * 50 # puts 'actions ' + actions.inspect # para cada accion ordenada por start_pos actions.sort{|e,f| e.start_pos<=>f.start_pos}.each do |action| # puts ' current ' + action.inspect # puts " UUUUUUUUUU1 " # puts "vect in pos #{action.start_pos} #{action.end_pos}" if (action.type=='ActionVectors') # puts " UUUUUUUUUU2 " # puts "ADD ACTION:",action.to_json # añadir el inicio del inserto si es necesario if action.start_pos !=0 or action.end_pos != 0 action.start_pos+=@insert_start action.end_pos+=@insert_start end # guardar accion a = add_action(action) start_pos= a.start_pos end_pos=a.end_pos # si hay que cortar y es accion izquierda # if (a.cut && ( left_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos) || # action is left in insert if (a.cut && a.left_action?(@seq_fasta.length)) # if (a.cut && ( a.left_action==true || # ( a.right_action==false && (left_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos-p_beg) || # action is left in insert # (start_pos==p_beg)) ))) # action is right in insert but it's continous to the before action # # puts "in seq w action left act #{start_pos} #{end_pos} pbeg #{p_beg} p_end #{p_end}" # puts "Cut left: #{a.inspect}" if (end_pos+1) > p_beg p_beg=end_pos+1 end a.left_action=true cut=true # puts "in seq w action left act #{start_pos} #{end_pos} pbeg #{p_beg} p_end #{p_end}" # elsif (a.cut && right_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos)) # action is rigth in insert elsif (a.cut && a.right_action?(@seq_fasta.length)) # puts "Cut right: #{a.inspect}" # elsif (a.cut && (a.right_action==true || right_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos-p_beg))) # action is rigth in insert # puts "in seq w action right act #{start_pos} #{end_pos} pbeg #{p_beg} p_end #{p_end}" if (start_pos-1) < p_end p_end = start_pos-1 end a.right_action=true cut=true # puts "in seq w action right act #{start_pos} #{end_pos} pbeg #{p_beg} p_end #{p_end}" elsif !a.cut # puts "NO cut action" if a.right_action?(@seq_fasta.length) a.right_action=true else a.left_action = true end end # puts "p_beg: #{p_beg} , p_end: #{p_end}" end if cut then @seq_fasta = @seq_fasta_orig[p_beg..p_end] # puts @seq_fasta @seq_qual = @seq_qual_orig[p_beg..p_end] if !@seq_qual_orig.nil? # puts "in seq w action1 #{@insert_start} #{@insert_end}" @insert_start = p_beg size_cut_right = @insert_end - p_end @insert_end -= size_cut_right # puts "in seq w action2 #{@insert_start} #{@insert_end}" end end end # Adds a set of actions to the sequence, update the positon of the cut sequence. # # Version without the parameters left_action and rigth action # def add_actions_no_left_rigth_parameters(actions) if !actions.empty? start_pos=0 end_pos = 0 cut = false max_end_pos = 0 p_beg = @insert_start p_end = @seq_fasta.length-1+@insert_start # p_end = @seq_fasta.length-1 # puts 'actions ' + actions.inspect # para cada accion ordenada por start_pos actions.sort!{|e,f| e.start_pos<=>f.start_pos}.each do |action| # puts ' current ' + action.inspect # puts " UUUUUUUUUU1 " # puts "vect in pos #{action.start_pos} #{action.end_pos}" if (action.type=='ActionVectors') # puts " UUUUUUUUUU2 " # puts "ADD ACTION:",action.to_json # añadir el inicio del inserto si es necesario if action.start_pos !=0 or action.end_pos != 0 action.start_pos+=@insert_start action.end_pos+=@insert_start end # guardar accion a = add_action(action) start_pos= a.start_pos end_pos=a.end_pos # si hay que cortar y es accion izquierda # if (a.cut && ( left_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos) || # action is left in insert if (a.cut && ( left_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos-p_beg) || # action is left in insert (start_pos==p_beg)) ) # action is right in insert but it's continous to the before action puts "in seq w action left act #{start_pos} #{end_pos} pbeg #{p_beg} p_end #{p_end}" p_beg=end_pos+1 cut=true a.left_action=true # puts "in seq w action left act #{start_pos} #{end_pos} pbeg #{p_beg} p_end #{p_end}" # elsif (a.cut && right_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos)) # action is rigth in insert elsif (a.cut && right_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos-p_beg)) # action is rigth in insert puts "in seq w action right act #{start_pos} #{end_pos} pbeg #{p_beg} p_end #{p_end}" p_end = start_pos-1 a.right_action=true cut=true # puts "in seq w action right act #{start_pos} #{end_pos} pbeg #{p_beg} p_end #{p_end}" elsif !a.cut puts "NO cut action" if right_action(@seq_fasta,start_pos-p_beg,end_pos-p_beg) a.right_action=true end end end if cut then @seq_fasta = @seq_fasta_orig[p_beg..p_end] @seq_qual = @seq_qual_orig[p_beg..p_end] if !@seq_qual_orig.nil? # puts "in seq w action1 #{@insert_start} #{@insert_end}" @insert_start = p_beg size_cut_right = @insert_end - p_end @insert_end -= size_cut_right # puts "in seq w action2 #{@insert_start} #{@insert_end}" end end end # check if range defined by q_beg and q_end is inside some action of the type indicated by action_type def range_inside_action_type?(q_beg,q_end,action_type) res = false action_list = get_actions(action_type) action_list.each do |action| if action.contains_action?(q_beg+@insert_start,q_end+@insert_start,10) res = true break end end return res end # Prints a sequence with its actions to a file def to_text output_res=[] if @seq_rejected output_res<< " Sequence #{seq_name} had the next actions: ".bold.underline + " REJECTED: #{@seq_rejected_by_message}".red # puts @seq_name.bold + bold + ' REJECTED BECAUSE ' +@seq_rejected_by_message.bold if @seq_rejected else output_res<< " Sequence #{seq_name} had the next actions: ".bold.underline end n=1 withMessage = ["ActionIsContaminated","ActionVectors","ActionBadAdapter","ActionLeftAdapter","ActionRightAdapter"] color = red @actions.sort!{|e,f| e.start_pos<=>f.start_pos}.each do |a| a_type=a.action_type color = a.apply_decoration(" EXAMPLE ") color2 =a.apply_decoration(" #{} ") reversed_str = '' if a.reversed reversed_str = " REVERSED ".bold end output_res<< " [#{n}] ".bold + color2+ " #{a.title} ".ljust(24).reset + " [ " + " #{a.start_pos+1}".center(6) + " , " + "#{a.end_pos+1}".center(6) + " ]" + clear.to_s + "#{a.message}".rjust(a.message.size+8) + reversed_str n +=1 end pos = 0 res = '' @seq_fasta_orig.each_char do |c| @actions.each do |a| c= a.decorate(c,pos) end res += c pos += 1 end output_res<< res if SHOW_QUAL and @seq_qual_orig res = '' pos=0 output_res<< '' @seq_fasta_orig.each_char do |c2| c=@seq_qual_orig[pos].to_s+' ' @actions.each do |a| c= a.decorate(c,pos) end res += c pos += 1 end output_res<< res end if SHOW_FINAL_INSERTS output_res<< "INSERT ==>"+get_inserts.join("\nINSERT ==>") output_res<< "="*80 end # puts @seq_name.bold + bold + ' rejected because ' +@seq_rejected_by_message.bold if @seq_rejected return output_res end def to_text_seq_fasta return " "*@insert_start +@seq_fasta end # Saves a sequence with its actions to a file def save_to_file"results/#{seq_name}"+".txt", 'w') { |file| n=1 @actions.each do |a| file.puts a.description n +=1 end } end def action_right(a,p_beg,p_end) # $LOG.debug " is right action" if ((a.start_pos-p_beg)>(p_end-a.end_pos-1)) # $LOG.debug " is left action " if !((a.start_pos-p_beg)>(p_end-a.end_pos-1)) return ((a.start_pos-p_beg)>(p_end-a.end_pos-1)) end # def is_first_action(p_beg,p_end,seq_end) # return ((p_beg==0) && (p_end==seq_end)) # end #Receive a type of action. Be carefull, type is not a string . #Return an array of actions of this type def get_actions(type=nil) res = [] @actions.each do |a| if a.is_a?(type) or type.nil? res.push a end end return res end def get_inserts inserts = get_actions(ActionInsert) res =[] inserts.each do |insert| res.push @seq_fasta_orig[insert.start_pos..insert.end_pos] end return res end def get_qual_inserts inserts = get_actions(ActionInsert) res =[] if @seq_qual_orig inserts.each do |insert| res.push @seq_qual_orig[insert.start_pos..insert.end_pos] end end return res end def insert_bounds return [@insert_start,@insert_end] end def to_json s={} s[:seq_name]=@seq_name s[:seq_fasta]=@seq_fasta_orig s[:seq_qual]='' if @seq_qual_orig s[:seq_qual]=@seq_qual_orig.join(' ') end s[:rejected]=@rejected s[:fasta_inserts]= get_inserts s[:qual_inserts] { |e| e.join(' ') } s[:actions]=[] @actions.each { |a| s[:actions].push a.to_hash } # puts "YAML",s.to_yaml return JSON.pretty_generate(s) end # private :to_text end