# -*- ruby -*- #encoding: utf-8 require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'configurability' require 'thingfish/datastore' require 'strelka/mixins' # A hashed-directory hierarchy filesystem datastore for Thingfish class Thingfish::Datastore::Filesystem < Thingfish::Datastore extend Configurability, Loggability, Strelka::MethodUtilities, Thingfish::Normalization # Package version VERSION = '0.2.2' # Version control revision REVISION = %q$Revision: 6fd20473c7d7 $ # The number of subdirectories to use in the hashed directory tree. Must be 2, 4, or 8 HASH_DEPTH = 4 # Loggability API -- log to the thingfish logger log_to :thingfish # Configurability API -- set up settings and defaults configurability( 'thingfish.filesystem_datastore' ) do ## # The directory to use for the datastore setting :root_path, default: Pathname( Dir.tmpdir ) + 'thingfish' do |val| Pathname( val ) if val end end ### Create a new Filesystem Datastore. def initialize super @root_path = self.class.root_path raise ArgumentError, "root path %s does not exist" % [ @root_path ] unless @root_path.exist? end ###### public ###### ## # The root path of the datastore attr_reader :root_path ### Save the +data+ read from the specified +io+ and return an ID that can be ### used to fetch it later. def save( io ) oid = make_object_id() pos = io.pos self.store( oid, io ) return oid ensure io.pos = pos if pos end ### Fetch the data corresponding to the given +oid+ as an IOish object. def fetch( oid ) return self.retrieve( oid ) end ### Returns +true+ if the datastore has a file for the specified +oid+. def include?( oid ) return self.hashed_path( oid ).exist? end ### Remove the data associated with +oid+ from the Datastore. def remove( oid ) return self.hashed_path( oid ).unlink end ### Replace the existing object associated with +oid+ with the data read from the ### given +io+. def replace( oid, io ) pos = io.pos self.store( oid, io ) return true ensure io.pos = pos if pos end ######### protected ######### ### Move the file behind the specified +io+ into the datastore. def store( oid, io ) storefile = self.hashed_path( oid ) FileUtils.mkpath( storefile.dirname.to_s, :mode => 0711 ) if io.respond_to?( :path ) self.move_spoolfile( io.path, storefile ) else self.log.debug "Spooling in-memory upload to %s" % [ storefile.to_s ] spoolfile = self.spool_to_tempfile( io, storefile ) self.move_spoolfile( spoolfile, storefile ) end end ### Look up the file corresponding to the specified +oid+ and return a ### File for it. def retrieve( oid ) storefile = self.hashed_path( oid ) return nil unless storefile.exist? return storefile.open( 'r', encoding: 'binary' ) end ### Generate a Pathname for the file used to store the data for the ### resource with the specified +oid+. def hashed_path( oid ) oid = oid.to_s # Split the first 8 characters of the UUID up into subdirectories, one for # each HASH_DEPTH chunksize = 8 / HASH_DEPTH hashed_dir = 0.step( 7, chunksize ).inject( self.root_path ) do |path, i| path + oid[i, chunksize] end return hashed_dir + oid end ### Move the file at the specified +source+ path to the +destination+ path using ### atomic system calls. def move_spoolfile( source, destination ) self.log.debug "Moving %s to %s" % [ source, destination ] FileUtils.move( source.to_s, destination.to_s ) end ### Spool the data from the given +io+ to a temporary file based on the ### specified +storefile+. def spool_to_tempfile( io, storefile ) io.rewind extension = "-%d.%5f.%s.spool" % [ Process.pid, Time.now.to_f, SecureRandom.hex(6) ] spoolfile = storefile.dirname + (storefile.basename.to_s + extension) spoolfile.open( IO::EXCL|IO::CREAT|IO::WRONLY, 0600, encoding: 'binary' ) do |fh| bytes = IO.copy_stream( io, fh ) self.log.debug "Copied %d bytes." % [ bytes ] end return spoolfile end end # module Thingfish::Datastore::Filesystem