module HasZone extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # This allows the model has the ability to store TimeZone. # Usage: # has_zone with: :time_zone # # It defines the following methods: # # :zone # Public: Returns the Rails Time Zone. # # # :zone=(identifier) # Public: Sets the TimeZone by TZinfo identifier. # # identifier - Time Zone identifier # def self.has_zone(options = { with: :time_zone }) define_method(:zone) do return nil if send(options[:with]).nil? @zone ||= ::ActiveSupport::TimeZone.tzids_map[send(options[:with])].try(:name) end define_method(:zone=) do |tz| zone = tz.is_a?(String) ? : tz send "#{options[:with]}=".to_sym, zone.try(:identifier) end define_method("#{options[:with]}=".to_sym) do |tz| # Since we memoize the time zone, we need to reset it if the time zone has changed @zone = nil write_attribute(options[:with], tz) end define_method(:alias_time_zone) do if send(options[:with]) == "UTC" send "#{options[:with]}=".to_sym, "Etc/UTC" elsif ::ActiveSupport::TimeZone.tzids_map.keys.exclude? send(options[:with]) Rails.logger.warn("Time zone #{send(options[:with])} is not a valid time zone.") if defined? Rails end end before_validation :alias_time_zone end end end