text/x-genie
*.gs
//
/*
*/
"""
"""
"
"
'
'
/(?!/)
/
uses
namespace
bool
byte
char
date
datetime
decimal
double
float
int
long
object
sbyte
short
single
string
ulong
ushort
const
class
construct
def
delegate
enum
exception
extern
event
final
get
init
inline
interface
override
prop
return
set
static
struct
var
virtual
weak
abstract
as
and
break
case
cast
continue
default
delete
div
do
downto
dynamic
else
ensures
except
extern
finally
for
if
implements
in
isa
is
lock
new
not
of
out
or
otherwise
pass
private
raise
raises
readonly
ref
requires
to
try
unless
when
while
self
super
null
false
true
(?<![\w\.])
[0-9][0-9\.]*(m|ms|d|h|s|f|F|l|L)?
(?![\w\.])
array
assert
dict
list
max
min
print
prop
sizeof
typeof