Feature: Admin Users As an administrator on the website I want to see registered users listed on the backend so I can manage them Scenario: Going to the administration page Given I exist as a user And I am logged in And I am an admin And I am on the home page Then I can see Admin Scenario: Viewing users Given I exist as a user And I am logged in And I am an admin When I look at the list of users Then I should see my name And I should see my email Scenario: Viewing users without name Given I exist as a user And I am logged in And I am an admin And I do not have a name When I look at the list of users Then the element with class name should not exist And I should see my email Scenario: Viewing users without privileges Given I exist as a user And I am not logged in When I look at the list of users Then I should be redirected to the home page @javascript Scenario: Click the show user and then click the browser back button should work as expected Given I exist as a user And I am logged in And I am an admin When I look at the list of users And I click Show And I go back in history Then I should be redirected to the users admin page And I should see the name of user number 1