/* * cocos2d for iPhone: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada * Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /** @file cocos2d (cc) types */ #import #import "ccMacros.h" #import "Platforms/CCGL.h" typedef struct _ccColor3B { GLubyte r; GLubyte g; GLubyte b; } ccColor3B; //! helper macro that creates an ccColor3B type static inline ccColor3B ccc3(const GLubyte r, const GLubyte g, const GLubyte b) { ccColor3B c = {r, g, b}; return c; } //ccColor3B predefined colors //! White color (255,255,255) static const ccColor3B ccWHITE = {255,255,255}; //! Yellow color (255,255,0) static const ccColor3B ccYELLOW = {255,255,0}; //! Blue color (0,0,255) static const ccColor3B ccBLUE = {0,0,255}; //! Green Color (0,255,0) static const ccColor3B ccGREEN = {0,255,0}; //! Red Color (255,0,0,) static const ccColor3B ccRED = {255,0,0}; //! Magenta Color (255,0,255) static const ccColor3B ccMAGENTA = {255,0,255}; //! Black Color (0,0,0) static const ccColor3B ccBLACK = {0,0,0}; //! Orange Color (255,127,0) static const ccColor3B ccORANGE = {255,127,0}; //! Gray Color (166,166,166) static const ccColor3B ccGRAY = {166,166,166}; /** RGBA color composed of 4 bytes @since v0.8 */ typedef struct _ccColor4B { GLubyte r; GLubyte g; GLubyte b; GLubyte a; } ccColor4B; //! helper macro that creates an ccColor4B type static inline ccColor4B ccc4(const GLubyte r, const GLubyte g, const GLubyte b, const GLubyte o) { ccColor4B c = {r, g, b, o}; return c; } /** RGBA color composed of 4 floats @since v0.8 */ typedef struct _ccColor4F { GLfloat r; GLfloat g; GLfloat b; GLfloat a; } ccColor4F; //! helper that creates a ccColor4f type static inline ccColor4F ccc4f(const GLfloat r, const GLfloat g, const GLfloat b, const GLfloat a) { return (ccColor4F){r, g, b, a}; } /** Returns a ccColor4F from a ccColor3B. Alpha will be 1. @since v0.99.1 */ static inline ccColor4F ccc4FFromccc3B(ccColor3B c) { return (ccColor4F){c.r/255.f, c.g/255.f, c.b/255.f, 1.f}; } /** Returns a ccColor4F from a ccColor4B. @since v0.99.1 */ static inline ccColor4F ccc4FFromccc4B(ccColor4B c) { return (ccColor4F){c.r/255.f, c.g/255.f, c.b/255.f, c.a/255.f}; } /** returns YES if both ccColor4F are equal. Otherwise it returns NO. @since v0.99.1 */ static inline BOOL ccc4FEqual(ccColor4F a, ccColor4F b) { return a.r == b.r && a.g == b.g && a.b == b.b && a.a == b.a; } static inline ccColor4B ccc4BFromccc4F(ccColor4F c) { return (ccColor4B){(GLubyte)(c.r*255), (GLubyte)(c.g*255), (GLubyte)(c.b*255), (GLubyte)(c.a*255)}; } /** A vertex composed of 2 GLfloats: x, y @since v0.8 */ typedef struct _ccVertex2F { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; } ccVertex2F; /** A vertex composed of 2 floats: x, y @since v0.8 */ typedef struct _ccVertex3F { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; GLfloat z; } ccVertex3F; /** A texcoord composed of 2 floats: u, y @since v0.8 */ typedef struct _ccTex2F { GLfloat u; GLfloat v; } ccTex2F; //! Point Sprite component typedef struct _ccPointSprite { ccVertex2F pos; // 8 bytes ccColor4B color; // 4 bytes GLfloat size; // 4 bytes } ccPointSprite; //! A 2D Quad. 4 * 2 floats typedef struct _ccQuad2 { ccVertex2F tl; ccVertex2F tr; ccVertex2F bl; ccVertex2F br; } ccQuad2; //! A 3D Quad. 4 * 3 floats typedef struct _ccQuad3 { ccVertex3F bl; ccVertex3F br; ccVertex3F tl; ccVertex3F tr; } ccQuad3; //! a Point with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B typedef struct _ccV2F_C4B_T2F { //! vertices (2F) ccVertex2F vertices; //! colors (4B) ccColor4B colors; //! tex coords (2F) ccTex2F texCoords; } ccV2F_C4B_T2F; //! a Point with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4F typedef struct _ccV2F_C4F_T2F { //! vertices (2F) ccVertex2F vertices; //! colors (4F) ccColor4F colors; //! tex coords (2F) ccTex2F texCoords; } ccV2F_C4F_T2F; //! a Point with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4F typedef struct _ccV3F_C4F_T2F { //! vertices (3F) ccVertex3F vertices; //! colors (4F) ccColor4F colors; //! tex coords (2F) ccTex2F texCoords; } ccV3F_C4F_T2F; //! 4 ccV3F_C4F_T2F typedef struct _ccV3F_C4F_T2F_Quad { //! top left ccV3F_C4F_T2F tl; //! bottom left ccV3F_C4F_T2F bl; //! top right ccV3F_C4F_T2F tr; //! bottom right ccV3F_C4F_T2F br; } ccV3F_C4F_T2F_Quad; //! a Point with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B typedef struct _ccV3F_C4B_T2F { //! vertices (3F) ccVertex3F vertices; // 12 bytes // char __padding__[4]; //! colors (4B) ccColor4B colors; // 4 bytes // char __padding2__[4]; // tex coords (2F) ccTex2F texCoords; // 8 byts } ccV3F_C4B_T2F; //! A Triangle of ccV2F_C4B_T2F typedef struct _ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle { //! Point A ccV2F_C4B_T2F a; //! Point B ccV2F_C4B_T2F b; //! Point B ccV2F_C4B_T2F c; } ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle; //! A Quad of ccV2F_C4B_T2F typedef struct _ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Quad { //! bottom left ccV2F_C4B_T2F bl; //! bottom right ccV2F_C4B_T2F br; //! top left ccV2F_C4B_T2F tl; //! top right ccV2F_C4B_T2F tr; } ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Quad; //! 4 ccVertex3FTex2FColor4B typedef struct _ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad { //! top left ccV3F_C4B_T2F tl; //! bottom left ccV3F_C4B_T2F bl; //! top right ccV3F_C4B_T2F tr; //! bottom right ccV3F_C4B_T2F br; } ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad; //! 4 ccVertex2FTex2FColor4F Quad typedef struct _ccV2F_C4F_T2F_Quad { //! bottom left ccV2F_C4F_T2F bl; //! bottom right ccV2F_C4F_T2F br; //! top left ccV2F_C4F_T2F tl; //! top right ccV2F_C4F_T2F tr; } ccV2F_C4F_T2F_Quad; //! Blend Function used for textures typedef struct _ccBlendFunc { //! source blend function GLenum src; //! destination blend function GLenum dst; } ccBlendFunc; static const ccBlendFunc kCCBlendFuncDisable = {GL_ONE, GL_ZERO}; //! ccResolutionType typedef enum { //! Unknown resolution type kCCResolutionUnknown, #ifdef __CC_PLATFORM_IOS //! iPhone resolution type kCCResolutioniPhone, //! iPhone RetinaDisplay resolution type kCCResolutioniPhoneRetinaDisplay, //! iPhone5 resolution type kCCResolutioniPhone5, //! iPhone 5 RetinaDisplay resolution type kCCResolutioniPhone5RetinaDisplay, //! iPad resolution type kCCResolutioniPad, //! iPad Retina Display resolution type kCCResolutioniPadRetinaDisplay, #elif defined(__CC_PLATFORM_MAC) //! Mac resolution type kCCResolutionMac, //! Mac RetinaDisplay resolution type kCCResolutionMacRetinaDisplay, #endif // platform } ccResolutionType; // XXX: If any of these enums are edited and/or reordered, update CCTexture2D.m //! Vertical text alignment type typedef enum { kCCVerticalTextAlignmentTop, kCCVerticalTextAlignmentCenter, kCCVerticalTextAlignmentBottom, } CCVerticalTextAlignment; // XXX: If any of these enums are edited and/or reordered, update CCTexture2D.m //! Horizontal text alignment type typedef enum { kCCTextAlignmentLeft, kCCTextAlignmentCenter, kCCTextAlignmentRight, } CCTextAlignment; // XXX: If any of these enums are edited and/or reordered, update CCTexture2D.m //! Line break modes typedef enum { kCCLineBreakModeWordWrap, kCCLineBreakModeCharacterWrap, kCCLineBreakModeClip, kCCLineBreakModeHeadTruncation, kCCLineBreakModeTailTruncation, kCCLineBreakModeMiddleTruncation } CCLineBreakMode; //! delta time type //! if you want more resolution redefine it as a double typedef CGFloat ccTime; //typedef double ccTime; typedef float ccMat4[16];