# pgsync Sync Postgres data between databases. Designed for: - **speed** - up to 4x faster than traditional tools on a 4-core machine - **security** - built-in methods to prevent sensitive data from ever leaving the server - **convenience** - sync partial tables, groups of tables, and related records :tangerine: Battle-tested at [Instacart](https://www.instacart.com/opensource) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ankane/pgsync.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ankane/pgsync) ## Installation pgsync is a command line tool. To install, run: ```sh gem install pgsync ``` This will give you the `pgsync` command. In your project directory, run: ```sh pgsync --setup ``` This creates `.pgsync.yml` for you to customize. We recommend checking this into your version control (assuming it doesn’t contain sensitive information). `pgsync` commands can be run from this directory or any subdirectory. ## How to Use Sync all tables ```sh pgsync ``` **Note:** pgsync assumes your schema is already set up on your local machine. See the [schema section](#schema) if that’s not the case. Sync specific tables ```sh pgsync table1,table2 ``` Sync specific rows (existing rows are overwritten) ```sh pgsync products "where store_id = 1" ``` You can also preserve existing rows ```sh pgsync products "where store_id = 1" --preserve ``` Or truncate them ```sh pgsync products "where store_id = 1" --truncate ``` ### Exclude Tables ```sh pgsync --exclude users ``` To always exclude, add to `.pgsync.yml`. ```yml exclude: - table1 - table2 ``` For Rails, you probably want to exclude schema migrations and ActiveRecord metadata. ```yml exclude: - schema_migrations - ar_internal_metadata ``` ### Groups Define groups in `.pgsync.yml`: ```yml groups: group1: - table1 - table2 ``` And run: ```sh pgsync group1 ``` You can also use groups to sync a specific record and associated records in other tables. To get product `123` with its reviews, last 10 coupons, and store, use: ```yml groups: product: products: "where id = {1}" reviews: "where product_id = {1}" coupons: "where product_id = {1} order by created_at desc limit 10" stores: "where id in (select store_id from products where id = {1})" ``` And run: ```sh pgsync product:123 ``` ### Schema Sync schema before the data ```sh pgsync --schema-first ``` **Note:** This wipes out existing data Specify tables ```sh pgsync table1,table2 --schema-first ``` Or just the schema ```sh pgsync --schema-only ``` ## Sensitive Information Prevent sensitive information - like passwords and email addresses - from leaving the remote server. Define rules in `.pgsync.yml`: ```yml data_rules: email: unique_email last_name: random_letter birthday: random_date users.auth_token: value: secret visits_count: statement: "(RANDOM() * 10)::int" encrypted_*: null ``` `last_name` matches all columns named `last_name` and `users.last_name` matches only the users table. Wildcards are supported, and the first matching rule is applied. Options for replacement are: - null - value - statement - unique_email - unique_phone - unique_secret - random_letter - random_int - random_date - random_time - random_ip - random_string - random_number - untouched ## Multiple Databases To use with multiple databases, run: ```sh pgsync --setup db2 ``` This creates `.pgsync-db2.yml` for you to edit. Specify a database in commands with: ```sh pgsync --db db2 ``` ## Safety To keep you from accidentally overwriting production, the destination is limited to `localhost` or `` by default. To use another host, add `to_safe: true` to your `.pgsync.yml`. ## Large Tables For extremely large tables, sync in batches. ```sh pgsync large_table --in-batches ``` The script will resume where it left off when run again, making it great for backfills. ## Foreign Keys By default, tables are copied in parallel. If you use foreign keys, this can cause violations. You can specify tables to be copied serially with: ```sh pgsync group1 --debug ``` ## Reference Help ```sh pgsync --help ``` Version ```sh pgsync --version ``` ## Setup Scripts Use groups when possible to take advantage of parallelism. For Ruby scripts, you may need to do: ```rb Bundler.with_clean_env do system "pgsync ..." end ``` ## Upgrading Run: ```sh gem install pgsync ``` To use master, run: ```sh gem install specific_install gem specific_install https://github.com/ankane/pgsync.git ``` ## Thanks Inspired by [heroku-pg-transfer](https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-pg-transfer). ## Contributing Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help: - [Report bugs](https://github.com/ankane/pgsync/issues) - Fix bugs and [submit pull requests](https://github.com/ankane/pgsync/pulls) - Write, clarify, or fix documentation - Suggest or add new features