require 'spec_helper' describe Vendorer do before do `rm -rf spec/tmp` `mkdir spec/tmp` end after do `rm -rf spec/tmp` end def write(file, content)"spec/tmp/#{file}",'w'){|f| f.write(content) } end def read(file)"spec/tmp/#{file}") end def size(file) File.size("spec/tmp/#{file}") end def ls(path) `ls spec/tmp/#{path} 2>&1`.split("\n") end def run(args='', options={}) out = `cd spec/tmp && bundle exec ../../bin/vendorer #{args} 2>&1` raise out if $?.success? == !!options[:raise] out end describe 'version' do it "has a VERSION" do Vendorer::VERSION.should =~ /^[\.\da-z]+$/ end it "shows its version via -v" do run('-v').should == "#{Vendorer::VERSION}\n" end it "shows its version via --version" do run('--version').should == "#{Vendorer::VERSION}\n" end end describe 'help' do it "shows help via -h" do run('-h').should include("Usage") end it "shows help via --help" do run('--help').should include("Usage") end end describe '.file' do context "with working Vendorfile" do before do write 'Vendorfile', "file 'public/javascripts/jquery.min.js', ''" run end it "can download via hash syntax" do ls('public/javascripts').should == ["jquery.min.js"] read('public/javascripts/jquery.min.js').should include('jQuery') end it "does not update an existing file" do write('public/javascripts/jquery.min.js', 'Foo') run read('public/javascripts/jquery.min.js').should == 'Foo' end it "can update a file" do write('public/javascripts/jquery.min.js', 'Foo') run 'update' read('public/javascripts/jquery.min.js').should include('jQuery') end it "can update a single file" do write 'Vendorfile', " file 'public/javascripts/jquery.min.js', '' file 'public/javascripts/jquery.js', '' " run read('public/javascripts/jquery.js').should include('jQuery') read('public/javascripts/jquery.min.js').should include('jQuery') write('public/javascripts/jquery.js', 'Foo') write('public/javascripts/jquery.min.js', 'Foo') run 'update public/javascripts/jquery.js' size('public/javascripts/jquery.min.js').should == 3 size('public/javascripts/jquery.js').should > 300 end end it "fails with a nice message if the Vendorfile is broken" do write 'Vendorfile', "file 'xxx.js', 'http://NOTFOUND'" result = run '', :raise => true # different errors on travis / local raise result unless result.include?("resolve host 'NOTFOUND'") or result.include?('Downloaded empty file') end context "with a passed block" do before do write 'Vendorfile', "file('public/javascripts/jquery.js', ''){|path| puts 'THE PATH IS ' + path }" @output = "THE PATH IS public/javascripts/jquery.js" end it "runs the block after update" do run.should include(@output) end it "does not run the block when not updating" do run run.should_not include(@output) end end end describe '.folder' do it "can download via hash syntax" do write 'Vendorfile', "folder 'vendor/plugins/parallel_tests', ''" run ls('vendor/plugins').should == ["parallel_tests"] read('vendor/plugins/parallel_tests/Gemfile').should include('parallel') end it "reports errors when the Vendorfile is broken" do write 'Vendorfile', "folder 'vendor/plugins/parallel_tests', 'https://blob'" output = run '', :raise => true # different errors on travis / local raise unless output.include?('Connection refused') or output.include?('resolve host') end context "with a fast,local repository" do before do write 'Vendorfile', "folder 'its_recursive', '../../.git'" run end it "can download" do ls('').should == ["its_recursive", "Vendorfile"] read('its_recursive/Gemfile').should include('rake') end it "does not keep .git folder so everything can be checked in" do ls('its_recursive/.git').first.should include('cannot access') end it "does not update an existing folder" do write('its_recursive/Gemfile', 'Foo') run read('its_recursive/Gemfile').should == 'Foo' end it "can update a folder" do write('its_recursive/Gemfile', 'Foo') run 'update' read('its_recursive/Gemfile').should include('rake') end it "can update a single file" do write 'Vendorfile', " folder 'its_recursive', '../../.git' folder 'its_really_recursive', '../../.git' " run write('its_recursive/Gemfile', 'Foo') write('its_really_recursive/Gemfile', 'Foo') run 'update its_recursive' size('its_really_recursive/Gemfile').should == 3 size('its_recursive/Gemfile').should > 30 end end describe "git options" do it "can checkout by :ref" do write 'Vendorfile', "folder 'its_recursive', '../../.git', :ref => 'b1e6460'" run read('its_recursive/').should include('CODE EXAMPLE') end it "can checkout by :branch" do write 'Vendorfile', "folder 'its_recursive', '../../.git', :branch => 'b1e6460'" run read('its_recursive/').should include('CODE EXAMPLE') end it "can checkout by :tag" do write 'Vendorfile', "folder 'its_recursive', '../../.git', :tag => 'b1e6460'" run read('its_recursive/').should include('CODE EXAMPLE') end end context "with a passed block" do before do write 'Vendorfile', "folder('its_recursive', '../../.git'){|path| puts 'THE PATH IS ' + path }" @output = 'THE PATH IS its_recursive' end it "runs the block after update" do run.should include(@output) end it "does not run the block when not updating" do run run.should_not include(@output) end end end end