require 'thor' module Jim # CLI handles the command line interface for the `jim` binary. It is a `Thor` # application. class CLI < ::Thor include Thor::Actions attr_accessor :jimfile, :jimhome, :debug, :force source_root File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/templates' class_option "jimhome", :type => :string, :banner => "set the install path/JIMHOME dir (default ~/.jim)" class_option "jimfile", :type => :string, :aliases => '-j', :banner => "load specific Jimfile at path (default ./Jimfile)" class_option "force", :default => false, :aliases => '-f', :banner => "force file creation/overwrite" class_option "debug", :default => false, :aliases => '-d', :banner => "set log level to debug" class_option "version", :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-v', :banner => "print version and exit" # create a new instance with the args passed from the command line i.e. ARGV def initialize(*) super if options[:version] say "jim #{Jim::VERSION}", :red exit end # set the default jimhome self.jimhome =[:jimhome] || ENV['JIMHOME'] || '~/.jim').expand_path # parse the options self.jimfile =[:jimfile] || 'Jimfile').expand_path self.force = options[:force] self.debug = options[:debug] logger.level = Logger::DEBUG if debug end desc 'init [APPDIR]', 'Create an example Jimfile at path or the current directory if path is omitted' def init(dir = nil) dir = || '') jimfile_path = dir + 'Jimfile' template('jimfile', jimfile_path) end desc 'install [NAME] [VERSION]', "Install the file(s) at url into the JIMHOME directory." long_desc <<-EOT Install the file(s) at url into the JIMHOME directory. URL can be any path or url that Downlow understands. This means: jim install\n jim install ../sammy/\n jim install gh://quirkey/sammy\n jim install git://\n EOT def install(url, name = false, version = false), jimhome, :force => force, :name => name, :version => version).install end desc 'bundle [BUNDLE_NAME]', "Bundle the files specified in Jimfile" long_desc <<-EOT Concatenate all the bundles listed in a Jimfile and save them to the bundle dir specified in the options or in the Jimfile. If [BUNDLE_NAME] is specified, only bundles that specific bundle. If no Jimfile is set in the options, assumes ./Jimfile. EOT method_option "bundle_dir", :type => :string, :banner => "override the bundle_dir set in the Jimfile" method_option "stdout", :default => false, :aliases => '-o', :type => :boolean, :banner => "write the bundle to STDOUT" def bundle(bundle_name = nil) make_bundle(bundle_name, false) end desc "compress [BUNDLE_NAME]", "Bundle all the files listed in a Jimfile, run through the google closure " + "compiler and save them to [COMPRESSED_PATH]." long_desc <<-EOT Concatenate all the bundles listed in a Jimfile, run them through the google closure compiler and save them to the bundle dirspecified in the options or in the Jimfile. If a [BUNDLE_NAME] is specified, only bundle and compress that bundle. If no Jimfile is set in the options, assumes ./Jimfile. EOT method_option "bundle_dir", :type => :string, :banner => "override the bundle_dir set in the Jimfile" method_option "stdout", :default => false, :aliases => '-o', :type => :boolean, :banner => "write the bundle to STDOUT" def compress(bundle_name = nil) make_bundle(bundle_name, true) end desc "vendor [VENDOR_DIR]", "Copy all the files listed in Jimfile to the vendor_dir" def vendor(dir = nil) dir = bundler.vendor!(dir, force) say("Vendored files to #{dir}", :green) rescue Jim::Error => e say e.message, :red end desc "list [SEARCH]", "List all the installed packages and their versions, optionally limiting by [SEARCH]" def list(search = nil) say "Getting list of installed files in" say("#{installed_index.directories.join(':')}", :yellow) say("Searching for '#{search}'", :yellow) if search list = installed_index.list(search) say "Installed:" print_version_list(list) end map "installed" => "list" desc "available [SEARCH]", "List all available projects and versions " + "including those in the local path, or paths specified in a Jimfile" def available(search = nil) say "Getting list of all available files in\n#{index.directories.join("\n")}" say "Searching for '#{search}'" if search list = index.list(search) say "Available:" print_version_list(list) end desc "remove [VERSION]", "Iterate through the install files and prompt for the removal of those " + "matching the supplied NAME and VERSION" def remove(name, version = nil) say "Looking for files matching #{name} #{version}" files = installed_index.find_all(name, version) if files.length > 0 say "Found #{files.length} matching files" removed = 0 files.each do |filename| do_remove = yes?("Remove #{filename}?", :red) if do_remove say "Removing #{filename}" filename.delete removed += 1 else say "Skipping #{filename}", :yellow end end say "Removed #{removed} files." else say "No installed files matched." end end map "uninstall" => "remove" desc "resolve", "Resolve all the paths listed in a Jimfile and print them to STDOUT. " + "If no Jimfile is set in the options, assumes ./Jimfile." def resolve resolved = bundler.resolve! say "Files:" resolved.each do |bundle_name, requirements| say bundle_name, :green say "-----------------------", :green requirements.each do |path, name, version| say [name, version, path].join(" | ") + "\n" end end resolved rescue Jim::Error => e say e.message, :red end desc "pack [DIR]", "Runs in order, vendor, bundle, compress. This command " + "simplifies the common workflow of vendoring and re-bundling " + "before committing or deploying changes to a project" def pack(dir = nil) say "Packing the Jimfile for this project" invoke :vendor, [dir] invoke :bundle invoke :compress end desc "watch [DIR]", "Watches your Jimfile and JS files and triggers `bundle` if something " + "changes. Handy for development." def watch(dir = nil) require 'fssm' run_update = lambda {|type, path| unless bundler.bundle_paths.any? {|p| path.include?(p) } say("--> #{path} #{type}") system "jim bundle" end } say "Now watching JS files..." run_update["started", 'Jimfile'] FSSM.monitor(Dir.pwd, [File.join('**','*.js'), 'Jimfile']) do update do |base, relative| run_update["changed", relative] end create do |base, relative| run_update["created", relative] end delete do |base, relative| run_update["deleted", relative] end end end desc "update_jimfile [APP_DIR]", "Converts a Jimfile from the old pre 0.3 format to the JSON format." def update_jimfile(dir = nil) dir = || '') bundler copy_file(dir + 'Jimfile', dir + 'Jimfile.old') create_file(dir + 'Jimfile', bundler.jimfile_to_json) end private def index @index ||=, Dir.pwd) end def installed_index @installed_index ||= end def bundler @bundler ||=, index) end def install_dir jimhome + 'lib' end def logger Jim.logger end def print_version_list(list) list.each do |file, versions| say "#{file} (#{VersionSorter.rsort(versions.collect {|v| v[0] }).join(', ')}\n" end end def make_bundle(bundle_name, compress = false) bundler.bundle_dir = options[:bundle_dir] if options[:bundle_dir] bundler.bundle_dir = nil if options[:stdout] result = bundler.bundle!(bundle_name, compress) if options[:stdout] puts result else result.each do |path| say("Wrote #{path} #{File.size(path.to_s) / 1024}kb", :green) end end rescue Jim::Error => e say e.message, :red end end end