# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveModel module Validations class AcceptanceValidator < EachValidator # :nodoc: def initialize(options) super({ allow_nil: true, accept: ["1", true] }.merge!(options)) setup!(options[:class]) end def validate_each(record, attribute, value) unless acceptable_option?(value) record.errors.add(attribute, :accepted, **options.except(:accept, :allow_nil)) end end private def setup!(klass) define_attributes = LazilyDefineAttributes.new(attributes) klass.include(define_attributes) unless klass.included_modules.include?(define_attributes) end def acceptable_option?(value) Array(options[:accept]).include?(value) end class LazilyDefineAttributes < Module def initialize(attributes) @attributes = attributes.map(&:to_s) end def included(klass) @lock = Mutex.new mod = self define_method(:respond_to_missing?) do |method_name, include_private = false| mod.define_on(klass) super(method_name, include_private) || mod.matches?(method_name) end define_method(:method_missing) do |method_name, *args, &block| mod.define_on(klass) if mod.matches?(method_name) send(method_name, *args, &block) else super(method_name, *args, &block) end end end def matches?(method_name) attr_name = method_name.to_s.chomp("=") attributes.any? { |name| name == attr_name } end def define_on(klass) @lock&.synchronize do return unless @lock attr_readers = attributes.reject { |name| klass.attribute_method?(name) } attr_writers = attributes.reject { |name| klass.attribute_method?("#{name}=") } attr_reader(*attr_readers) attr_writer(*attr_writers) remove_method :respond_to_missing? remove_method :method_missing @lock = nil end end def ==(other) self.class == other.class && attributes == other.attributes end protected attr_reader :attributes end end module HelperMethods # Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate the acceptance of a # terms of service check box (or similar agreement). # # class Person < ActiveRecord::Base # validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service # validates_acceptance_of :eula, message: 'must be abided' # end # # If the database column does not exist, the +terms_of_service+ attribute # is entirely virtual. This check is performed only if +terms_of_service+ # is not +nil+. # # Configuration options: # * :message - A custom error message (default is: "must be # accepted"). # * :accept - Specifies a value that is considered accepted. # Also accepts an array of possible values. The default value is # an array ["1", true], which makes it easy to relate to an HTML # checkbox. This should be set to, or include, +true+ if you are validating # a database column, since the attribute is typecast from "1" to +true+ # before validation. # # There is also a list of default options supported by every validator: # +:if+, +:unless+, +:on+, +:allow_nil+, +:allow_blank+, and +:strict+. # See ActiveModel::Validations::ClassMethods#validates for more information. def validates_acceptance_of(*attr_names) validates_with AcceptanceValidator, _merge_attributes(attr_names) end end end end