# frozen_string_literal: true # Codes, which can be returned in response nodes `doParcelStateResponse` # # Do not miss `CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes.all_classes` and `CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes.new_by_code`, # they have to be at end of module to work properly module CzechPostB2bClient module ResponseCodes # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength class BaseCode @code = 'undefined' @text = '_NONE_' @decription = 'Unspecified B2B response code, is it listed in /doc/.../ResponseCodes.ods' class << self attr_reader :code end class << self attr_reader :text end class << self attr_reader :description end def self.error? @type == :error end def self.info? @type == :info end class << self attr_reader :type end def self.to_s "ResponseCode[#{code} #{text}] #{description}" end # forwarding instance methods to class %i[code text description error? info? to_s].each do |mth| define_method mth do self.class.send(mth) end end end class Ok < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 1 @text = 'OK' @description = 'Vše v poržadku :-)' @type = :info end class InternalApplicationError < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 2 @text = 'INTERNAL_APPLICATION_ERROR' @description = 'Interní chyba aplikace' @type = :chyba end class UnauthorizedAccess < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 3 @text = 'UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS' @description = 'Login není evidován k uvedenému číslu podavatele' @type = :chyba end class InvalidCustomerId < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 10 @text = 'INVALID_CUSTOMER_ID' @description = 'Neplatne technologické číslo (customer_id)' @type = :chyba end class InvalidLocation < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 11 @text = 'INVALID_LOCATION' @description = 'Neplatné podací místo, zkuste použít `locationNumber`.' @type = :chyba end class InvalidPostCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 12 @text = 'INVALID_POST_CODE' @description = 'Neplatné PSČ podací pošty' @type = :chyba end class InvalidTransmissionDate < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 13 @text = 'INVALID_TRANSMISSION_DATE' @description = 'Chybné datum podání (menší než aktuální datum)' @type = :chyba end class TransmissionOpened < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 14 @text = 'TRANSMISSION_OPENED' @description = 'Podání otevřeno' @type = :chyba end class TransmissionAlreadyClosed < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 15 @text = 'TRANSMISSION_CLOSED' @description = 'Podání již bylo uzavřeno' @type = :chyba end class TransmissionUnfinished < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 16 @text = 'TRANSMISSION_UNFINISHED' @description = 'Zpracování ještě není ukončeno' @type = :chyba end class BatchClosed < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 17 @text = 'BATCH_CLOSED' @description = 'Dávka uzavřena' @type = :chyba end class BatchUnfinished < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 18 @text = 'BATCH_UNFINISHED' @description = 'Zpracování ješte není ukončeno' @type = :chyba end class BatchInvalid < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 19 @text = 'BATCH_INVALID' @description = 'V dávce se vyskytují chybné záznamy' @type = :chyba end class TransmissionNotExists < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 20 @text = 'TRANSMISSION_NOT_EXISTS' @description = 'Podání neexistuje' @type = :chyba end class InvalidParcelCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 100 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Neplatné ID zásilky' @type = :chyba end class DuplicateParcelCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 101 @text = 'DUPLICATE_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Duplicitní ID zásilky v rámci 13-ti měsíců' @type = :chyba end class FullSequence < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 102 @text = 'FULL_SEQUENCE' @description = 'Vyčerpaná řada podacích čísel' @type = :chyba end class UnknownPrefix < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 103 @text = 'INVALID_PREFIX' @description = 'Neznámý typ zásilky (prefix)' @type = :chyba end class WeightIsOutOfRangeDuplicate < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 104 @text = 'INVALID_WEIGHT' @description = 'Hmotnost mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidPrice < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 105 @text = 'INVALID_PRICE' @description = 'Udaná cena mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidCODAmount < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 106 @text = 'INVALID_AMOUNT' @description = 'Dobírka mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidCODCurrency < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 107 @text = 'INVALID_CURRENCY' @description = 'Neplatná měna dobírkové částky' @type = :chyba end class MissingVariableSymbol < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 108 @text = 'MISSING_VS' @description = 'Neuveden variabilní symbol poukázky' @type = :chyba end class InvalidWidth < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 109 @text = 'INVALID_WIDTH' @description = 'Šířka mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidHeight < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 110 @text = 'INVALID_HEIGHT' @description = 'Výška mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidLength < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 111 @text = 'INVALID_LENGTH' @description = 'Délka mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class IllegalCombinationOfServices < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 112 @text = 'ILLEGAL_COMBINATION_SERVICE' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 113 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE' @description = 'Neuvedena alespoň jedna povinná doplňková služba' @type = :chyba end class MissingSurname < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 114 @text = 'MISSING_SURNAME' @description = 'Neuvedeno příjmení fyzické osoby' @type = :chyba end class MissingCompanyName < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 115 @text = 'MISSING_COMPANY_NAME' @description = 'Neuveden název právnické osoby' @type = :chyba end class UnknownAddresseeCity < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 116 @text = 'UNKNOWN_CITY' @description = 'Neznámá obec adresáta' @type = :chyba end class UnknownAddresseePostCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 117 @text = 'UNKNOWN_ZIP_CODE' @description = 'Neznámé PSC adresáta' @type = :chyba end class MissingPhoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 118 @text = 'MISSING_PHONE_NUMBER' @description = 'Neuvedeno telefonní číslo' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAddressForBigPackage < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 119 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS' @description = 'Adresa odesílatele není vhodná pro produkt Nadrozměrná zásilka' \ '(adresa obsahuje údaj P.O.Box nebo Poste restante)!' @type = :chyba end class DensityOutOfRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 120 @text = 'INVALID_DENSITY' @description = 'Objemová hmotnost mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class BadWeight < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 121 @text = 'BAD_WEIGHT' @description = 'Hmotnost není číslo' @type = :chyba end class BadPrice < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 122 @text = 'BAD_PRICE' @description = 'Udaná cena není číslo' @type = :chyba end class BadCODAmount < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 123 @text = 'BAD_AMOUNT' @description = 'Dobírka není číslo' @type = :chyba end class MissingCODAmount < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 124 @text = 'MISSING_AMOUNT' @description = 'Neuvedena částka dobírky' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService2X < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 125 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE 20/22/1U' @description = 'Neuvedena povinná služba 20 ani 22' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService3X < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 126 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE 37/38' @description = 'Neuvedena povinná služba 37 ani 38' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService4X < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 127 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE 42/43/44' @description = 'Neuvedena povinná služba 42 ani 43 ani 44' @type = :chyba end class MissingPrefix < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 128 @text = 'MISSING_PREFIX' @description = 'Neuveden typ zásilky' @type = :chyba end class InvalidWeightForService11 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 129 @text = 'INVALID_WEIGHT_FOR_SERVICE_11' @description = 'Hmotnost mimo povolený rozsah služby 11' @type = :chyba end class MissingPrice < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 130 @text = 'MISSING_PRICE' @description = 'Neuvedena částka udané ceny' @type = :chyba end class MissingCODAmountType < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 131 @text = 'MISSING_AMOUNT_TYPE' @description = 'Neuveden typ dobírky' @type = :chyba end class BadVariableSymbol < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 132 @text = 'BAD_VS' @description = 'Variabilní symbol poukázky není číslo' @type = :chyba end class BadWidth < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 133 @text = 'BAD_WIDTH' @description = 'Šířka není celé číslo' @type = :chyba end class BadHeight < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 134 @text = 'BAD_HEIGHT' @description = 'Výška není celé číslo' @type = :chyba end class BadLength < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 135 @text = 'BAD_LENGTH' @description = 'Délka není celé číslo' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredPhoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 136 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_PHONE_NUMBER' @description = 'Není uveden povinný údaj - telefonní číslo adresáta' @type = :chyba end class BadPrefixForAddress < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 137 @text = 'BAD_PREFIX' @description = 'Zásilku tohoto typu nelze na uvedenou adresu odeslat' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredPhoneNumberOrEmail < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 138 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_PHONE_NUMBER_OR_EMAIL' @description = 'Není uveden povinný údaj - telefonní číslo nebo email adresáta' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAddressForCODAmountOver20000 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 139 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS_FOR_AMOUNT_OVER_20000' @description = 'Zásilku tohoto typu s dobírkou vetší než 20 000 Kč nelze na uvedenou adresu odeslat' @type = :chyba end class BadPrefix < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 140 @text = 'BAD_PREFIX' @description = 'Zásilku tohoto typu nelze na uvedenou adresu odeslat' @type = :chyba end class AddressValidOnlyForNaPostu < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 141 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS' @description = 'Adresa je vhodná pouze pro produkt Na poštu' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAddressForParcelType < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 142 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS' @description = 'Adresu nelze zvolit (adresa obsahuje údaj P.O.Box, Poste restante nebo Na poštu)!' @type = :chyba end class FullSequenceDuplicate < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 143 @text = 'FULL_SEQUENCE' @description = 'Vyčerpaná řada podacích čísel' @type = :chyba end class DuplicateParcel < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 144 @text = 'DUPLICATE_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Duplicitní zásilka' @type = :chyba end class InvalidParcelCodeControl < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 145 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE_CONTROL' @description = 'Nesouhlasí kontrolní číslo v ID zásilky' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredMRNCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 146 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_MRN_CODE' @description = 'Neuveden MRN kód' @type = :chyba end class InvalidMRNCodeControl < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 147 @text = 'INVALID_MRN_CODE_CONTROL' @description = 'Neplatný kód MRN' @type = :chyba end class AddressValidOnlyForNaPostuDuplicate < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 150 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS' @description = 'Adresa je vhodná pouze pro produkt Na poštu' @type = :chyba end class AddressNeedsPhoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 155 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS' @description = 'Adresát není vhodný pro produkt Nadrozměrná zásilka (nevyplněn mobil nebo telefon)' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService1X < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 156 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE 14/19' @description = 'Neuvedena povinná služba 14 ani 19' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredPhoneNumberOrWhat < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 159 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_PHONE_NUMBER' @description = 'Nevyplněn variabilní symbol zásilky' # nebo telefonni cislo?! @type = :chyba end class InvalidParcelResponseCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 160 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Neuvedeno ID odpovědní zásilky' @type = :chyba end class MIssingParcelCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 161 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Neuvedeno ID zásilky' @type = :chyba end class CustomerIDNotInAccordanceWithParcelCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 164 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Nesouhlasí technologické číslo s ID zásilky' @type = :chyba end class BadAddressee < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 165 @text = 'BAD_ADDRESSEE' @description = 'Chybný adresát' @type = :chyba end class MissingHeight < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 168 @text = 'MISSING_HEIGHT' @description = 'Neuvedena výška' @type = :chyba end class MissingWidth < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 169 @text = 'MISSING_WIDTH' @description = 'Neuvedena šířka' @type = :chyba end class MissingLength < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 170 @text = 'MISSING_LENGTH' @description = 'Neuvedena délka' @type = :chyba end class PalettsNumberOutOfRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 171 @text = 'MISSING_PALETTS_NUMBER' @description = 'Počet palet mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidWeight < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 173 @text = 'INVALID_WEIGHT' @description = 'Součet fyzických hmotností celé vícekusové zásilky mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidDensity < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 174 @text = 'INVALID_DENSITY' @description = 'Součet objemových hmotností celé vícekusové zásilky mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class CODAmountOutOfRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 176 @text = 'INVALID_AMOUNT' @description = 'Napočtená dobírka u hlavni zásilky je nad povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class CODAmountTooBig < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 177 @text = 'INVALID_AMOUNT' @description = 'Limit pro uložení zásilky na Výdejním místě je pro Dobírku max. 50.000,- Kč.' \ ' Zásilka bude uložena na poště, která je Výdejnímu místu nadřízená.' @type = :chyba end class PriceTooBig < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 178 @text = 'INVALID_PRICE' @description = 'Limit pro uložení zásilky na Výdejním místě je pro Udanou cenu a Dobírku max. 50.000,- Kč.' \ ' Zásilka bude uložena na poště, která je Výdejnímu místu nadřízená.' @type = :chyba end class PriceAndCODAmountTooBig < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 179 @text = 'INVALID_PRICE_AND_AMOUNT' @description = 'Limit pro uložení zásilky na Výdejním místě je pro Udanou cenu a Dobírku max. 50.000,- Kč.' \ ' Zásilka bude uložena na poště, která je Výdejnímu místu nadřízená.' @type = :chyba end class InfoInvalidPhoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 182 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER' @description = 'Neplatný formát telefonního čísla' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidEmail < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 183 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_EMAIL' @description = 'Neplatný formát emailu' @type = :info end class InvalidPhoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 184 @text = 'INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER' @description = 'Neplatný formát telefonního čísla' @type = :chyba end class InvalidEmail < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 185 @text = 'INVALID_EMAIL' @description = 'Neplatný formát emailu' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService4 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 186 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE 4' @description = 'Musí být vybraná služba "Dobírka Pk A" !' @type = :chyba end class ServicesCombinationNotAllowed < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 187 @text = 'INVALID_PREFIX' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb' @type = :chyba end class MissingSenderEmail < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 188 @text = 'MISSING_SENDER_EMAIL' @description = 'Neuveden povinný údaj- email odesílatele' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredMobileNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 189 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_MOBIL_NUMBER' @description = 'Není uveden povinný údaj - telefonní číslo nebo mobil adresáta' @type = :chyba end class InvalidSignNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 190 @text = 'INVALID_SIGN_NUMBER' @description = 'Neuveden počet dokumentů určených k podpisu' @type = :chyba end class InvalidUseOfService36 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 191 @text = 'INVALID_SERVICE_36' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace adresy do Balíkomatu a služby 36 (Potvrzení dokumentace při dodání)' @type = :chyba end class InvalidUseOfService37 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 192 @text = 'INVALID_SERVICE_37' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace adresy do Balíkomatu a služby 37 (Ověření údajů při dodání)' @type = :chyba end class InvalidUseOfService38 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 193 @text = 'INVALID_SERVICE_38' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace adresy do Balíkomatu a služby 38 (Předání inf. z dod.)' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAddressAddresseeDocumentForParcelType < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 194 @text = 'INVALID_ADDRESS_ADDRESSEE_DOCUMENT' @description = 'Zásilku tohoto typu nelze na uvedenou adresu adresáta dokumentů odeslat (obsahuje údaj Na poštu)' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredAddresseeDocument < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 195 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_ADDRESSEE_DOCUMENT' @description = 'Adresát dokumentů neuveden' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredMobileNumberOrEmail < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 196 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_MOBIL_OR_EMAIL' @description = 'Není uveden povinný údaj - mobilní telefonní číslo nebo email adresáta' @type = :chyba end class InvalidZPROOrderNumberFormat < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 197 @text = 'INVALID_ZPRO_ORDER_NUMBER' @description = 'Nesprávný formát čísla objednávky ZPRO' @type = :chyba end class InvalidPartnerCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 198 @text = 'INVALID_PARTNER_CODE' @description = 'Váš kód partnera neodpovídá zadanému kódu objednávky' @type = :chyba end class NotExistingOrderNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 199 @text = 'INVALID_ORDER_NUMBER' @description = 'Neexistující číslo objednávky' @type = :chyba end class CanceledOrderNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 200 @text = 'INVALID_ORDER_NUMBER' @description = 'Objednávka s tímto číslem byla stornována' @type = :chyba end class AlreadyAssignedOrderNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 201 @text = 'INVALID_ORDER_NUMBER' @description = 'K číslu objednávky již existuje přiřazená zásilka, číslo objednávky nelze použít' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAmount < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 202 @text = 'INVALID_AMOUNT' @description = 'Dobírková částka je vyšší než celková cena objednávky' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredZPROOrderNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 203 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_ZPRO_ORDER_NUMBER' @description = 'Neuvedeno číslo objednávky ZPRO' @type = :chyba end class VariableSymbolIsNotNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 204 @text = 'INVALID_VS_PARCEL' @description = 'Variabilní symbol není číslo' @type = :chyba end class ParcelCodeNotInAssignedRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 205 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Zadané ID zásilky není v rozmezí vaší přidělené číselné řady' @type = :chyba end class MissingParcelCustomGoods < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 206 @text = 'MISSING_PARCEL_CUSTOM_GOODS' @description = 'Neuvedena data celní prohlášky' @type = :chyba end class MissingCategoryCustomDecalaration < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 207 @text = 'MISSING_CATEGORY_CUSTOM_DECALARATION' @description = 'Neuvedena kategorie zásilky' @type = :chyba end class MissingCurrencyCustomDeclaration < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 208 @text = 'MISSING_CURRENCY_CUSTOM_DECALARATION' # or DECLARATION? @description = 'Neuvedena měna celní hodnoty' @type = :chyba end class CustomGoodQuantityOutOfRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 209 @text = 'INVALID_QUANTITY_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Množství celního obsahu mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class MissingQuantityCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 210 @text = 'MISSING_QUANTITY_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Neuvedeno množství celního obsahu' @type = :chyba end class WeightCustomGoodOutOfRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 211 @text = 'INVALID_WEIGHT_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Hmotnost celního obsahu mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class MissingWeightCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 212 @text = 'MISSING_WEIGHT_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Neuvedena hmotnost celního obsahu' @type = :chyba end class MissingPriceCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 213 @text = 'MISSING_PRICE_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Neuvedena celní hodnota položky' @type = :chyba end class MissingIsoCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 214 @text = 'MISSING_ISO_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Neuvedena země původu zboží' @type = :chyba end class MissingHsCodeCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 215 @text = 'MISSING_HS_CODE_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Neuveden tarifní kód' @type = :chyba end class MissingContentCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 216 @text = 'MISSING_CONTENT_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Neuveden popis obsahu zboží' @type = :chyba end class InvalidPriceCurrencyAccordance < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 217 @text = 'INVALID_PRICE_CURRENCY' @description = 'Nesouhlasí měna udané ceny' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAmountCurrency < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 218 @text = 'INVALID_AMOUNT_CURRENCY' @description = 'Nesouhlasí měna dobírky' @type = :chyba end class MissingAddresseeZipCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 219 @text = 'MISSING_ADDRESSEE_ZIP_CODE' @description = 'PSČ adresáta musí být vyplněno' @type = :chyba end class MissingAddresseeCity < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 220 @text = 'MISSING_ADDRESSEE_CITY' @description = 'Obec adresáta musí být vyplněna' @type = :chyba end class InvalidWeightCustomGoodSummary < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 221 @text = 'INVALID_WEIGHT_CUSTOM_GOOD_SUMMARY' @description = 'Celková hmotnost zboží je vyšší než hmotnost uvedená u zásilky' @type = :chyba end class MissingParcelCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 222 @text = 'MISSING_PARCEL_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Neuvedena zásilka k položkám obsahu zboží' @type = :chyba end class WeightIsOutOfRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 223 @text = 'INVALID_WEIGHT' @description = 'Váhové rozmezí je mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidOrderNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 224 @text = 'INVALID_ORDER_NUMBER' @description = 'Číslo objednávky nelze použít, ještě nedošlo k jejímu odeslání' @type = :chyba end class InvalidPrefixAccordance < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 225 @text = 'INVALID_PREFIX' @description = 'Nesouhlasí typ zásilky s typem produktu dané dávky' @type = :chyba end class InvalidContentCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 226 @text = 'INVALID_CONTENT_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Celní hodnota položky je mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidCustomGoodNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 227 @text = 'INVALID_CUSTOM_GOOD_NUMBER' @description = 'Počet položek celního obsahu mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredVoucherPrice < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 228 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_VOUCHER_PRICE' @description = 'Neuvedena částka' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredPayday < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 230 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_PAYDAY' @description = 'Termín výplaty není uveden' @type = :chyba end class InvalidPayday < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 231 @text = 'INVALID_PAYDAY' @description = 'Termín výplaty je mimo povolené rozmezí 365 dní' @type = :chyba end class OverenoVecerniDorucovani < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 232 @text = 'overenoVecerniDorucovani' # WTF? @description = 'Termín výplaty není platné datum' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService3XTrinity < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 240 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE 3/32/33' @description = 'Neuvedena povinná služba 3 ani 32 ani 33' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService10 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 241 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE_10' @description = 'Neuvedena služba 10' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService1AB < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 242 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE 1A/1B' @description = 'Neuvedena povinná služba 1A ani 1B' @type = :chyba end class MissingHandlingInstructions < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 243 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE' @description = 'Neuvedeny dispozice pro nakládání se zásilkou' @type = :chyba end class MissingReturnInstructions < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 243 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE' @description = 'Neuveden způsob vrácení zásilky (ekonom./let.)' @type = :chyba end class MissingReturnNumberDays < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 245 @text = 'MISSING_RETURN_NUMBER_DAYS' @description = 'Neuveden počet dní pro vrácení zásilky' @type = :chyba end class InvalidReturnNumberDays < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 246 @text = 'INVALID_RETURN_NUMBER_DAYS' @description = 'Počet dní pro vrácení zásilky mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAddressForBalikovna < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 247 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS' @description = 'Nepovolená provozovna pro adresu typu Balíkovna' @type = :chyba end class AddressAllowedForBalikovnaOnly < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 248 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS' @description = 'Adresa je vhodná pouze pro produkt balík do Balíkovny' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredAddresseeEmail < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 250 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_EMAIL' @description = 'Není uveden povinný údaj - email adresáta' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredFirstNameAddresseeDocument < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 252 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_FIRST_NAME_ADDRESSEE_DOCUMENT' @description = 'Neuvedeno jméno adresáta dokumentů' @type = :chyba end class InfoInexactAddress < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 253 @text = 'INFO_INEXACT_ADDRESS' @description = 'Nepřesná (nejednoznačná) adresa' @type = :info end class InvalidParcelBarcode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 254 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Chybné ID čárového kódu' @type = :chyba end # WHAT! AGAIN? class InvalidParcelBarcodeDuplicate < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 255 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Chybné ID čárového kódu' @type = :chyba end class DuplicateDuplicateParcelCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 256 @text = 'DUPLICATE_PARCEL_CODE' # here we go again @description = 'Duplicitní ID čárového kódu' @type = :chyba end class AddressSuitableForLocalDelivery < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 257 @text = 'INVALID_ADRESS' # no kidding! Like 6 times same text? @description = 'Adresa je vhodná pouze pro vnitrostátní zásilky' @type = :chyba end class MissingVariableSymbolDuplicate < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 258 @text = 'MISSING_VS' @description = 'Nevyplněn variabilní symbol' @type = :chyba end class AddresseeCityRequired < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 259 @text = 'MISSING_ADDRESSEE_CITY' @description = 'Není uveden povinný údaj - město adresáta' @type = :chyba end class MissingAddresseeStreet < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 260 @text = 'MISSING_ADDRESSEE_STREET' @description = 'Není uveden povinný údaj – ulice adresáta' @type = :chyba end class MissingSizeCategory < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 261 @text = 'MISSING_SIZE_CATEGORY' @description = 'Neuvedena rozměrová kategorie zásilky' @type = :chyba end class PriceOutOfRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 262 @text = 'INVALID_PRICE' @description = 'Udaná cena mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InfoSpecialPackagingRequest < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 263 @text = 'INFO_SPECIAL_PACKAGING_REQUEST' @description = 'Pozor – požadavek na speciální balení zásilky' @type = :info end class PriceTooLow < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 264 @text = 'INVALID_PRICE' @description = 'Službu Cenný obsah je možné zvolit až od 10 tis. Kč' @type = :chyba end class MissingAddressee < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 300 @text = 'MISSING_ADDRESSEE' @description = 'Adresát neuveden' @type = :chyba end class InfoCityChanged < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 301 @text = 'INFO_CITY_CHANGED' @description = 'V adrese byl upraven údaj "obec" dle zadaného psč' @type = :info end class AddressIsNotValidForSubject < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 302 @text = 'MISSING_ADDRESS' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace adresy a subjektu' @type = :chyba end class InfoInvalidBirthDay < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 303 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_BIRTH_DAY' @description = 'Neplatný formát data narození' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidMobilePhoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 304 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_MOBIL_NUMBER' @description = 'Mobil - neplatné telefonní číslo' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidTelephoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 305 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_TELEPHONE_NUMBER' @description = 'Telefon - neplatné telefonní číslo' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidPrefixAccount < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 306 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_PREFIX_ACCOUNT' @description = 'Předčíslí není číslo' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidAccount < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 307 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_ACCOUNT' @description = 'Účet není číslo' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidBankCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 308 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_BANK_CODE' @description = 'Banka není číslo' @type = :info end class InvalidostCodeOrCity < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 309 @text = 'INVALID_ADDRESS' @description = 'Chybná adresa - neexistující PSČ nebo obec' @type = :chyba end class InvalidTypePrefix < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 310 @text = 'INVALID_PREFIX' @description = 'Neplatný typ zásilky' @type = :chyba end class InvalidParcelTypeForID < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 311 @text = 'INVALID_PREFIX' @description = 'Nesouhlasí typ zásilky s ID zásilky' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelService29 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 312 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_29' @description = 'Zrušena služba 29 - nepovolená služba pro typ adresy poste restante' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidWeight < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 313 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_WEIGHT' @description = 'Hmotnost není číslo' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidPrice < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 314 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_PRICE' @description = 'Udaná cena není číslo' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidCODAmount < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 315 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_AMOUNT' @description = 'Dobírka není číslo' @type = :info end class InvalidCODCurrencyAccordance < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 316 @text = 'INVALID_AMOUNT_CURRENCY' @description = 'Nesouhlasí měna dobírkove částky' @type = :chyba end class InfoInvalidSpecificSymbol < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 317 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_SPEC_SYMBOL' @description = 'Specifický symbol není číslo' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService27 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 318 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_27' @description = 'Zrušena služba 27 - nepovolená služba pro adresáta s PSČ Výdejního místa' @type = :info end class InvalidService18 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 319 @text = 'INVALID_SERVICE_18' @description = 'Nepovolena kombinace adresy a služby Doručení v Sobotu' @type = :chyba end class InvalidService19 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 320 @text = 'INVALID_SERVICE_19' @description = 'Nepovolena kombinace adresy a služby Doručení v Neděli/sv' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelService30 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 321 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_30' @description = 'Zrušena služba 30 - nepovolená služba u produktu Balík Do ruky nad 30kg' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService31 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 322 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_31' @description = 'Zrušena služba 31 - nepovolená služba u produktu Balík Do ruky nad 30kg' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService47 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 323 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_47' @description = 'Zrušena služba 47 - nepovolená služba u produktu Balík Do ruky do 30kg' @type = :info end class InfoService29And47 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 324 @text = 'INFO_SERVICE_29+47' @description = 'Zásilku s výškou nad 150cm nelze podat jako Balík Do ruky se sl.47,' \ ' ale musí být využit Balík Nadrozměr v kategorii NZ 2' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService34InvalidPhoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 325 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_34' @description = 'Zrušena služba 34, nesprávný formát telefonního čísla' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService45InvalidPhoneNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 326 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_45' @description = 'Zrušena služba 45, nesprávný formát telefonního čísla nebo emailu' @type = :info end class MissingRequiredEmail < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 327 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_EMAIL' @description = 'Není uveden povinný údaj - email adresáta' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelService25 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 328 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_25' @description = 'Zrušena služba 25 - neuvedena povinná služba 24 k této službě' @type = :info end class MissingRequiredParcelCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 329 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Neuvedeno ID zásilky' @type = :chyba end class ParcelCodeNotAllowed < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 330 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Nepovolené ID zásilky' @type = :chyba end class MissingPalettsNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 331 @text = 'MISSING_PALETTS_NUMBER' @description = 'Neuveden počet palet' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelPalettsNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 332 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_PALETTS_NUMBER' @description = 'Počet palet není celé číslo' @type = :info end class InfoCancelWidth < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 333 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_WIDTH' @description = 'Šířka není celé číslo' @type = :info end class InfoCancelHeight < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 334 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_HEIGHT' @description = 'Výška není celé číslo' @type = :info end class InfoCancelLength < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 335 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_LENGTH' @description = 'Délka není celé číslo' @type = :info end class MissingRequiredPrice < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 336 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_PRICE' @description = 'Neuvedena částka udané ceny' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAmountType < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 337 @text = 'INVALID_AMOUNT_TYPE' @description = 'Neuveden typ dobírky' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelVSVoucher < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 338 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_VS_VOUCHER' @description = 'Variabilní symbol poukázky není číslo' @type = :info end class InvalidServiceCombination < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 339 @text = 'INVALID_SERVICE_COMBINATION' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb službyZak' @type = :chyba end class InvalidMRNCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 340 @text = 'INVALID_MRN_CODE' @description = 'neplatný kód MRN' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelService34 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 341 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_34' @description = 'Zrušena služba 34, nesprávný formát telefonního čísla' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService46 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 342 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_46' @description = 'Zrušena služba 46, nesprávný formát emailu' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService45 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 343 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_45' @description = 'Zrušena služba 45, nesprávný formát telefonního čísla nebo emailu' @type = :info end class MissingRequiredAddresseeDocumentDuplicate < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 344 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_ADDRESSEE_DOCUMENT' @description = 'Adresát dokumentů neuveden' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAddressAddresseeDocumentWrongCity < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 345 @text = 'INVALID_ADDRESS_ADDRESSEE_DOCUMENT' @description = 'Chybná adresa adresáta dokumentů - neexistující PSČ nebo obec' @type = :chyba end class InvalidAddressAddresseeDocumentObjectNotFound < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 346 @text = 'INVALID_ADDRESS_ADDRESSEE_DOCUMENT' @description = 'Nepřesná adresa adresáta dokumentů - nenalezen objekt' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelMobilePhoneOrEmailAddresseeDocument < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 347 @text = 'INF0_CANCEL_MOBIL_OR_EMAIL_ADDRESSEE_DOCUMENT' # really `inf0` ? @description = 'Mobil - neplatné telefonní číslo nebo email ardesáta dokumentů' @type = :info end class InfoCancelCustCardNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 348 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_CUST_CARD_NUMBER' @description = 'Nesprávný formát zákaznické karty' @type = :info end class InfoCancelCustCardNumberAddresseeDocument < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 349 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_CUST_CARD_NUMBER_ADDRESSEE_DOCUMENT' @description = 'Nesprávný formát zákaznické karty ardesáta dokumentů' @type = :info end class InvalidZPROOrderNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 350 @text = 'INVALID_ZPRO_ORDER_NUMBER' @description = 'Nesprávný formát čísla objednávky ZPRO' @type = :chyba end class InfoAddRequiredService75 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 351 @text = 'INFO_ADD_REQUIRED_SERVICE_75' @description = 'Doplněna povinná služba 75 k číslu objednávky ZPRO' @type = :info end class InvalidPriceCurrency < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 352 @text = 'INVALID_PRICE_CURRENCY' @description = 'Nesouhlasí měna udané ceny' @type = :chyba end class InvalidCategoryCustomDecalaration < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 353 @text = 'INVALID_CATEGORY_CUSTOM_DECALARATION' @description = 'Nesprávný formát kategorie zásilky' @type = :chyba end class InvalidCurrencyCustomDecalaration < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 354 @text = 'INVALID_CURRENCY_CUSTOM_DECALARATION' @description = 'Nesprávný formát měny celní hodnoty' @type = :chyba end class InvalidQuantityCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 355 @text = 'INVALID_QUANTITY_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Nesprávný formát množství celního obsahu' @type = :chyba end class InvalidWeightCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 356 @text = 'INVALID_WEIGHT_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Nesprávný formát hmotnosti celního obsahu' @type = :chyba end class InvalidPriceCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 357 @text = 'INVALID_PRICE_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Nesprávný formát celní hodnota položky' @type = :chyba end class InvalidIsoCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 358 @text = 'INVALID_ISO_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Neexistující země původu zboží' @type = :chyba end class InvalidIsoCustomGoodFormat < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 359 @text = 'INVALID_ISO_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Nesprávný formát země původu zboží' @type = :chyba end class InvalidHsCodeCustomGood < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 360 @text = 'INVALID_HS_CODE_CUSTOM_GOOD' @description = 'Nesprávný formát tarifního kódu' @type = :chyba end class MissingRequiredService4x < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 361 @text = 'MISSING_REQUIRED_SERVICE_43/44' @description = 'Neuvedena povinná služba č. 43 nebo č. 44 k datům celní prohlášky' @type = :chyba end class InfoPriceIsNotNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 362 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_PRICE' @description = 'Částka není číslo' @type = :info end class InfoPriceIsTooBig < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 363 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_PRICE' @description = 'Příliš velká částka' @type = :info end class InfoCancelPersonalIdentificationNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 364 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_PERSONAL_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER' @description = 'Neplatný formát rodného čísla' @type = :info end class InvalidAddressee < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 365 @text = 'INVALID_ADDRESSEE' @description = 'Chybný adresát' @type = :chyba end class ResponsibleConsignmentNumberOutOfRange < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 366 @text = 'INVALID_RESPONSIBLE_CONSIGNMENT_NUMBER' @description = 'Hodnota "počet odpovědních zásilek" je mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidResponsibleConsignmentNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 367 @text = 'INVALID_RESPONSIBLE_CONSIGNMENT_NUMBER' @description = 'Nesprávný formát počtu odpovědních zásilek' @type = :chyba end class ResponsibleConsignmentNumberCannotBeImported < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 368 @text = 'INVALID_RESPONSIBLE_CONSIGNMENT_NUMBER' @description = 'Počet odpovědních zásilek při vyplnění ID zásilky nelze importovat' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelService1ABForService40 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 369 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1A/1B' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1A/1B - nepovolená ke službě 40' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1AForService40 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 370 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1A' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1A – nepovolená ke službě 40' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1BForPostCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 371 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1B' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1B – nepovolena k PSČ adresáta' @type = :info end class InvalidTareWeight < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 372 @text = 'INVALID_TARE_WEIGHT' @description = 'Hmotnost obalu je mimo povolený rozsah' @type = :chyba end class InvalidNumberClosure < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 373 @text = 'INVALID_NUMBER_CLOSURE' @description = 'Duplicitní číslo uzávěru' @type = :chyba end class DuplicitParcelCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 374 @text = 'INVALID_PARCEL_CODE' @description = 'Duplicitní ID zásilky v rámci souboru' @type = :chyba end class InvalidTiming < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 375 @text = 'INVALID_TIMING' @description = 'Nesprávný předstih podání' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelService1AB < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 376 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1A+1B' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1A a 1B - nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1B < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 377 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1B' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1B' @type = :info end class InvalidPrefixCombination < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 378 @text = 'INVALID_PREFIX_COMBINATION' @description = 'Zásilka je chybně přiřazena k id tiskové šablony' @type = :chyba end class ParcelDoesNotMeetTheRequirementsForm < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 379 @text = 'PARCEL_DOES_NOT_MEET_THE_REQUIREMENTS_FORM' @description = 'Parametry zásilky nesplňují podmínky požadovaného formuláře' @type = :chyba end class NoContractServiceReturnReceipt < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 380 @text = 'NO_CONTRACT_SERVICE_RETURN_RECEIPT' @description = 'K formuláři není sjednána smlouva ke službě Dodejka' @type = :chyba end class InfoCancelService1BAddService1A < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 381 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1B_ADD_SERVICE_1A' @description = 'Služba 1B není povolena k PSČ adresáta, nahrazena službou 1A' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1AForPostCode < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 382 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1A' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1A – nepovolena k PSČ adresáta' @type = :info end class InvalidCustomerCardNumber < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 383 @text = 'INVALID_CUSTOMER_CARD_NUMBER' @description = 'Chybné číslo zákaznické karty' @type = :chyba end class BadFormatReturnNumberDays < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 384 @text = 'BAD_FORMAT_RETURN_NUMBER_DAYS' @description = 'Neplatný formát počtu dní pro vrácení zásilky' @type = :chyba end class InfoAddService1B < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 385 @text = 'INFO_ADD_SERVICE_1B' @description = 'Přiřazena služba 1B Doruč. 13-19 hod' @type = :info end class InfoAddService1A < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 386 @text = 'INFO_ADD_SERVICE_1A' @description = 'Přiřazena služba 1A Doruč. 8-14 hod' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1AWith1B < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 387 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1A' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1A Doruč. 8-14 hod - nepovolena se službou 1B' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1BWith1A < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 388 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1B' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1B Doruč. 13-19 hod - nepovolena se službou 1A' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1V < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 389 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1V' @description = 'Zrušena nepovolená služba 1V - Vrácení zboží' @type = :info end class InfoAddresseeToLong < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 390 @text = 'INFO_ADDRESSEE_TO_LONG' @description = 'Adresát mimo rozsah 40 znaků pro přenos ke zpracování Pk B' @type = :info end class InfoMissingPartCityServiceDeliveryOnSundayOrHolidayMayNotBeRealized < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength @code = 391 @text = 'INFO_MISSING_PART_CITY_SERVICE_DELIVERY_ON_SUNDAY/HOLIDAY_MAY_NOT_BE_REALIZED' @description = 'Neuvedena část obce - služba Garantovaný čas dodání v Ne/Sv nemusí být realizována' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService9 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 392 @text = 'NFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_9' @description = 'Zrušena nepovolená služba 9 Prioritně' @type = :info end class InfoAddService9 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 393 @text = 'INFO_ADD_SERVICE_9' @description = 'Přiřazena služba 9 Prioritně' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1E < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 394 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1E' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1E - neuveden kontaktní údaj adresáta' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService5B < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 395 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_5B' @description = 'Zrušena služba 5B - neuveden kontaktní údaj adresáta' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService5C < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 396 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_5C' @description = 'Zrušena služba 5C - neuveden kontaktní údaj adresáta' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService5D < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 397 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_5D' @description = 'Zrušena služba 5D - neuveden kontaktní údaj adresáta' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService5BAnd5C < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 398 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_5B_AND_5C' @description = 'Zrušena služba 5B a 5C --nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService5BAnd5D < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 399 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_5B_AND_5D' @description = 'Zrušena služba 5B a 5D - nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService5CAnd5D < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 400 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_5C_AND_5D' @description = 'Zrušena služba 5C a 5D - nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb' @type = :info end class InfoInvalidCategoryCustomDecalaration < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 401 @text = 'INFO_INVALID_CATEGORY_CUSTOM_DECALARATION' @description = 'Uvedena nepovolená kategorie zásilky - nahrazena kategorií Dokumenty' @type = :info end class InvalidSubisoCountry < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 402 @text = 'INVALID_SUBISO_COUNTRY' @description = 'Neexistující nebo nesprávný členský stát' @type = :chyba end class NoContractService41 < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 403 @text = 'NO_CONTRACT_SERVICE_41' @description = 'Pro tech. číslo a produkt nesjednána služba Bezdokladová dobírka' @type = :chyba end class InvalidServicesForDimensions < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 404 @text = 'INVALID_PREFIX' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb – rozměr zásilky' @type = :chyba end class InvalidPrefixForDimensionsAndFragile < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 405 @text = 'INVALID_PREFIX' @description = 'Nepovolená kombinace doplňkových služeb – rozměr zásilky a sl.11 (Křehce)' @type = :chyba end class InfoAddService1D < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 406 @text = 'INFO_ADD_SERVICE_1D' @description = 'Přiřazena služba 1D – cenný obsah' @type = :info end class InfoCancelService1D < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 407 @text = 'INFO_CANCEL_SERVICE_1D' @description = 'Zrušena služba 1D' @type = :info end class InfoAddressWasModified < CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode @code = 408 @text = 'INFO_ADDRESS_WAS_MODIFIED' @description = 'Adresa není přesná, byla upravena' @type = :info end # must be at end to collect all classes defined before def self.all_classes base_class = CzechPostB2bClient::ResponseCodes::BaseCode ObjectSpace.each_object(base_class.singleton_class).reject { |c| c == base_class } end def self.new_by_code(code) klass = all_classes.detect { |k| k.code == code } raise "ResponseCode with code: #{code} is unknown!" unless klass klass.new end end end