Solidus Stripe =============== [![CircleCI](]( Stripe Payment Method for Solidus. It works as a wrapper for the ActiveMerchant Stripe gateway. --- Installation ------------ In your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'solidus_stripe', '~> 3.0' ``` Then run from the command line: ```shell bundle install bundle exec rails g solidus_stripe:install bundle exec rails db:migrate ``` Usage ----- Navigate to *Settings > Payments > Payment Methods* in the admin panel. You can now create a new payment method that uses Stripe by selecting `Stripe credit card` under Type in the New Payment Method form and saving. The Stripe payment method's extra fields will be now shown in the form. **Configure via database configuration** If you want to store your Stripe credentials in the database just fill the new fields in the form, selecting `custom` (default) in the Preference Source field. **Configure via static configuration** If you want to store your credentials into your codebase or use ENV variables you can create the following static configuration: ```ruby # config/initializers/spree.rb Spree.config do |config| # ... config.static_model_preferences.add( Spree::PaymentMethod::StripeCreditCard, 'stripe_env_credentials', secret_key: ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'], publishable_key: ENV['STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY'], stripe_country: 'US', v3_elements: false, v3_intents: false, server: Rails.env.production? ? 'production' : 'test', test_mode: !Rails.env.production? ) end ``` Once your server has been restarted, you can select in the Preference Source field a new entry called `stripe_env_credentials`. After saving, your application will start using the static configuration to process Stripe payments. Using Stripe Payment Intents API -------------------------------- If you want to use the new SCA-ready Stripe Payment Intents API you need to change the `v3_intents` preference from the code above to true. Also, if you want to allow Apple Pay and Google Pay payments using the Stripe payment request button API, you only need to set the `stripe_country` preference, which represents the two-letter country code of your Stripe account. Conversely, if you need to disable the button you can simply remove the `stripe_country` preference. Please refer to Stripe official [documentation]( for further instructions on how to make this work properly. The following configuration will use both Payment Intents and the payment request button API on the store payment page: ```ruby Spree.config do |config| # ... config.static_model_preferences.add( Spree::PaymentMethod::StripeCreditCard, 'stripe_env_credentials', secret_key: ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'], publishable_key: ENV['STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY'], stripe_country: 'US', v3_elements: false, v3_intents: true, server: Rails.env.production? ? 'production' : 'test', test_mode: !Rails.env.production? ) end ``` When using the Payment Intents API, be aware that the charge flow will be a bit different than when using the old V2 API or Elements. It's advisable that all Payment Intents charges are captured only by using the Solidus backend, as it is the final source of truth in regards of Solidus orders payments. A Payment Intent is created as soon as the customer enters their credit card data. A tentative charge will be created on Stripe, easily recognizable by its description: `Solidus Order ID: R987654321 (pending)`. As soon as the credit card is confirmed (ie. when the customer passes the 3DSecure authorization, when required) then the charge description gets updated to include the Solidus payment number: `Solidus Order ID: R987654321-Z4VYUDB3`. These charges are created `uncaptured` and will need to be captured in Solidus backend later, after the customer confirms the order. If the customer never completes the checkout, that charge must remain uncaptured. If the customer decides to change their payment method after creating a Payment Request, then that Payment Request charge will be canceled. Apple Pay and Google Pay ----------------------- The Payment Intents API now supports also Apple Pay and Google Pay via the [payment request button API]( Check the Payment Intents section for setup details. Also, please refer to the official Stripe documentation for configuring your Stripe account to receive payments via Apple Pay. It's possible to pay with Apple Pay and Google Pay directly from the cart page. The functionality is self-contained in the view partial `_stripe_payment_request_button.html.erb`. In order to use it, you need to load that partial in the `orders#edit` frontend page, and pass it the payment method configured for Stripe via the local variable `cart_checkout_payment_method`, for example using `deface`: ```ruby # app/overrides/spree/orders/edit/add_payment_request_button.html.erb.deface <%= render 'stripe_payment_request_button', cart_checkout_payment_method: Spree::PaymentMethod::StripeCreditCard.first %> ``` Of course, the rules listed in the Payment Intents section (adding the stripe country config value, for example) apply also for this feature. Customizing the V3 API javascript --------------------------------- Stripe V3 JS code is now managed via Sprockets. If you need to customize the JS, you can simply override or/and add new methods to the relevant object prototype. Make sure you load your customizations after Stripe initalization code from `spree/frontend/solidus_stripe`. For example, the following code adds a callback method in order to print a debug message on the console: ```js SolidusStripe.CartPageCheckout.prototype.onPrButtonMounted = function(id, result) { if (result) { $('#' + id).parent().show(); console.log('Payment request button is now mounted on element with id #' + id); } else { console.log('Payment request button failed initalization.'); } } ``` Customizing Stripe Elements ----------------------- ### Styling input fields The default style this gem provides for Stripe Elements input fields is defined in `SolidusStripe.Elements.prototype.baseStyle`. You can override this method to return your own custom style (make sure it returns a valid [Stripe Style]( object): ```js SolidusStripe.Elements.prototype.baseStyle = function () { return { base: { iconColor: '#c4f0ff', color: '#fff', fontWeight: 500, fontFamily: 'Roboto, Open Sans, Segoe UI, sans-serif', fontSize: '16px', fontSmoothing: 'antialiased', ':-webkit-autofill': { color: '#fce883', }, '::placeholder': { color: '#87BBFD', }, }, invalid: { iconColor: '#FFC7EE', color: '#FFC7EE', } } }; ``` You can also style your element containers directly by using CSS rules like this: ```css .StripeElement { border: 1px solid transparent; } .StripeElement--focus { box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 #cfd7df; } .StripeElement--invalid { border-color: #fa755a; } .StripeElement--webkit-autofill { background-color: #fefde5 !important; } ``` ### Customizing individual input fields If you want to customize individual input fields, you can override these methods * `SolidusStripe.Elements.prototype.cardNumberElementOptions` * `SolidusStripe.Elements.prototype.cardExpiryElementOptions` * `SolidusStripe.Elements.prototype.cardCvcElementOptions` and return a valid [options object]( for the corresponding field type. For example, this code sets a custom placeholder and enables the credit card icon for the card number field ```js SolidusStripe.Elements.prototype.cardNumberElementOptions = function () { return { style: this.baseStyle(), showIcon: true, placeholder: "I'm a custom placeholder!" } } ``` ### Passing options to the Stripe Elements instance By overriding the `SolidusStripe.Payment.prototype.elementsBaseOptions` method and returning a [valid options object](, you can pass custom options to the Stripe Elements instance. Note that in order to use web fonts with Stripe Elements, you must specify the fonts when creating the Stripe Elements instance. Here's an example specifying a custom web font and locale: ```js SolidusStripe.Payment.prototype.elementsBaseOptions = function () { return { locale: 'de', fonts: [ { cssSrc: ',600' } ] }; }; ``` Migrating from solidus_gateway ------------------------------ If you were previously using `solidus_gateway` gem you might want to check out our [Wiki page]( that describes how to handle this migration. Testing ------- Then just run the following to automatically build a dummy app if necessary and run the tests: ```shell bundle exec rake ``` Releasing --------- We use [gem-release]( to release this extension with ease. Supposing you are on the master branch and you are working on a fork of this extension, `upstream` is the main remote and you have write access to it, you can simply run: ``` gem bump --version minor --tag --release --remote upstream ``` This command will: - bump the gem version to the next minor (changing the `version.rb` file) - commit the change and push it to upstream master - create a git tag - push the tag to the upstream remote - release the new version on RubyGems Or you can run these commands individually: ``` gem bump --version minor --remote upstream gem tag --remote upstream gem release ```