package com.rho.db; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.*; import com.xruby.runtime.lang.*; import com.rho.*; public class DBAdapter extends RubyBasic { private static final RhoLogger LOG = RhoLogger.RHO_STRIP_LOG ? new RhoEmptyLogger() : new RhoLogger("DbAdapter"); private static DBAdapter m_Instance; private IDBStorage m_dbStorage; private boolean m_bIsOpen = false; private String m_strDBPath; private String m_strDBVerPath; private DBAttrManager m_attrMgr = new DBAttrManager(); Mutex m_mxDB = new Mutex(); boolean m_bInsideTransaction=false; boolean m_bUnlockDB = false; DBAdapter(RubyClass c) { super(c); try{ m_dbStorage = RhoClassFactory.createDBStorage(); }catch(Exception exc){ LOG.ERROR("createDBStorage failed.", exc); } } public static DBAdapter getInstance(){ if ( m_Instance == null ) m_Instance = new DBAdapter(RubyRuntime.DatabaseClass); return m_Instance; } public void close() { try{ m_dbStorage.close(); m_dbStorage = null; }catch(Exception exc) { LOG.ERROR("DB close failed.", exc); } } public DBAttrManager getAttrMgr() { return m_attrMgr; } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, Object[] values)throws DBException{ LOG.TRACE("executeSQL: " + strStatement); return m_dbStorage.executeSQL(strStatement,values,false); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement)throws DBException{ return executeSQL(strStatement,null); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, Object arg1)throws DBException{ Object[] values = {arg1}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, int arg1)throws DBException{ Object[] values = { new Integer(arg1)}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, long arg1)throws DBException{ Object[] values = { new Long(arg1)}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, Object arg1, Object arg2)throws DBException{ Object[] values = {arg1,arg2}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3)throws DBException{ Object[] values = {arg1,arg2,arg3}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4)throws DBException{ Object[] values = {arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5)throws DBException{ Object[] values = {arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6)throws DBException{ Object[] values = {arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public IDBResult executeSQLReportNonUnique(String strStatement, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6)throws DBException{ LOG.TRACE("executeSQLReportNonUnique: " + strStatement); Object[] values = {arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6}; return m_dbStorage.executeSQL(strStatement,values, true); } public IDBResult executeSQL(String strStatement, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7)throws DBException{ Object[] values = {arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7}; return executeSQL(strStatement,values); } public boolean isUnlockDB(){ return m_bUnlockDB; } public void setUnlockDB(boolean b){ m_bUnlockDB = b; } public void Lock(){ m_mxDB.Lock(); } public void Unlock(){ setUnlockDB(false); m_mxDB.Unlock(); } public boolean isInsideTransaction(){ return m_bInsideTransaction; } public static IDBResult createResult(){ return getInstance().m_dbStorage.createResult(); } public static String makeBlobFolderName()throws Exception{ String fName = RhoClassFactory.createFile().getDirPath("apps/public/db-files"); return fName; } RubyString[] getColNames(IDBResult rows) { RubyString[] colNames = new RubyString[rows.getColCount()]; for ( int nCol = 0; nCol < rows.getColCount(); nCol ++ ) colNames[nCol] = ObjectFactory.createString(rows.getColName(nCol)); return colNames; } private String getNameNoExt(String strPath){ int nDot = strPath.lastIndexOf('.'); String strDbName = ""; if ( nDot > 0 ) strDbName = strPath.substring(0, nDot); else strDbName = strPath; return strDbName; } public String getDBPath(){ return getNameNoExt(m_strDBPath); } private void initFilePaths(String strDBName)throws Exception { if ( strDBName.charAt(0) == '/' || strDBName.charAt(0) == '\\' ) strDBName = strDBName.substring(1); int nSlash = strDBName.lastIndexOf('/'); if ( nSlash < 0 ) nSlash = strDBName.lastIndexOf('\\'); String strDBDir = ""; if ( nSlash > 0 ) strDBDir = strDBName.substring(0, nSlash); String strPath = RhoClassFactory.createFile().getDirPath(strDBDir); m_strDBPath = strPath + strDBName.substring(nSlash+1); m_strDBVerPath = strPath + getNameNoExt(strDBName.substring(nSlash+1)) + ".version"; } private String getSqlScript() { return RhoConf.getInstance().loadFileFromJar("apps/db/syncdb.schema"); /* return "CREATE TABLE client_info ("+ "client_id VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY,"+ "token VARCHAR(255) default NULL,"+ "token_sent int default 0,"+ "reset int default 0,"+ "port VARCHAR(10) default NULL,"+ "last_sync_success VARCHAR(100) default NULL);"+ "CREATE TABLE object_values ("+ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"+ " source_id int default NULL,"+ " attrib varchar(255) default NULL,"+ " object varchar(255) default NULL,"+ " value varchar default NULL,"+ " attrib_type varchar(255) default NULL);"+ "CREATE TABLE changed_values ("+ " id INTEGER default NULL,"+ " source_id int default NULL,"+ " attrib varchar(255) default NULL,"+ " object varchar(255) default NULL,"+ " value varchar default NULL,"+ " attrib_type varchar(255) default NULL," + " update_type varchar(255) default NULL, " + " sent int default 0," + " main_id INTEGER default 0 );"+ "CREATE TABLE sources ("+ //"id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"+ "source_url VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY," + "source_id int,"+ "name varchar(255) default NULL,"+ "token varchar(30) default NULL,"+ "priority INTEGER," + "session VARCHAR(255) default NULL,"+ "last_updated int default 0,"+ "last_inserted_size int default 0,"+ "last_deleted_size int default 0,"+ "last_sync_duration int default 0,"+ "last_sync_success int default 0," + "backend_refresh_time int default 0," + "source_attribs varchar default NULL);"+ //"CREATE INDEX by_attrib_obj_utype on object_values (attrib,object,update_type);"+ //"CREATE INDEX by_attrib_utype on object_values (attrib,update_type);"+ //"CREATE INDEX by_src_type ON object_values (source_id, attrib_type, object);"+ "CREATE INDEX by_src_id ON object_values (source_id);"+ "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX by_src_object ON object_values (object, attrib, source_id);"+ "CREATE INDEX by_src_value ON object_values (attrib, source_id, value);";//+ //"CREATE INDEX by_id ON object_values (id);"; //for delete operation //"CREATE INDEX by_src_object ON object_values (source_id, object);"+ //"CREATE INDEX by_src_up_value ON object_values (source_id, update_type, value);"; //"CREATE INDEX by_type ON object_values (attrib_type)"; */ } /*private String getSqlScript(){ //TODO: read script from jar return "CREATE TABLE client_info ("+ "client_id VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY,"+ "token VARCHAR(255) default NULL,"+ "token_sent int default 0,"+ "reset int default 0,"+ "port VARCHAR(10) default NULL,"+ "last_sync_success VARCHAR(100) default NULL);"+ "CREATE TABLE object_values ("+ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"+ " source_id int default NULL,"+ " attrib varchar(255) default NULL,"+ " object varchar(255) default NULL,"+ " value varchar default NULL,"+ " attrib_type varchar(32) default NULL);"+ "CREATE TABLE changed_values ("+ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"+ " update_type varchar(255) default NULL);"+ "CREATE TABLE sources ("+ //"id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"+ "source_id int PRIMARY KEY,"+ "name varchar(255) default NULL,"+ "token varchar(32) default NULL,"+ "source_url VARCHAR(255) default NULL,"+ "session VARCHAR(255) default NULL,"+ "last_updated int default 0,"+ "last_inserted_size int default 0,"+ "last_deleted_size int default 0,"+ "last_sync_duration int default 0,"+ "last_sync_success int default 0," + "source_attribs varchar default NULL);"+ //"CREATE INDEX by_attrib_obj_utype on object_values (attrib,object,update_type);"+ //"CREATE INDEX by_attrib_utype on object_values (attrib,update_type);"+ //"CREATE INDEX by_src_type ON object_values (source_id, attrib_type, object);"+ "CREATE INDEX by_src_update ON object_values (source_id, update_type);"+ "CREATE INDEX by_id ON object_values (id);"; //for delete operation //"CREATE INDEX by_src_object ON object_values (source_id, object);"+ //"CREATE INDEX by_src_up_value ON object_values (source_id, update_type, value);"; //"CREATE INDEX by_type ON object_values (attrib_type)"; }*/ public void startTransaction()throws DBException { Lock(); m_bInsideTransaction=true; m_dbStorage.startTransaction(); } public void commit()throws DBException { getAttrMgr().save(this); m_dbStorage.commit(); m_bInsideTransaction=false; Unlock(); } public void endTransaction()throws DBException { commit(); } class DBVersion { String m_strRhoVer = ""; String m_strAppVer = ""; DBVersion(){} DBVersion( String strRhoVer, String strAppVer ) { m_strRhoVer = strRhoVer; m_strAppVer = strAppVer; } }; DBVersion readDBVersion()throws Exception { String strFullVer = ""; try { IRAFile file = RhoClassFactory.createRAFile();; byte buf[] = new byte[20]; int len =, 0, buf.length); file.close(); if ( len > 0 ) strFullVer = new String(buf,0,len); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.TRACE("readDBVersion: Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } if ( strFullVer.length() == 0 ) return new DBVersion(); int nSep = strFullVer.indexOf(';'); if ( nSep == -1 ) return new DBVersion(strFullVer, ""); return new DBVersion(strFullVer.substring(0,nSep), strFullVer.substring(nSep+1) ); } void writeDBVersion(DBVersion ver)throws Exception { IRAFile file = RhoClassFactory.createRAFile();, "rw"); String strFullVer = ver.m_strRhoVer + ";" + ver.m_strAppVer; byte[] buf = strFullVer.getBytes(); file.write(buf, 0, buf.length); file.close(); } void checkDBVersion()throws Exception { String strRhoDBVer = RhoSupport.getRhoDBVersion(); String strAppDBVer = RhoConf.getInstance().getString("app_db_version"); DBVersion dbVer = readDBVersion(); boolean bReset = false; if ( strRhoDBVer != null && strRhoDBVer.length() > 0 ) { if ( dbVer == null || dbVer.m_strRhoVer == null || !dbVer.m_strRhoVer.equalsIgnoreCase(strRhoDBVer) ) bReset = true; } if ( strAppDBVer != null && strAppDBVer.length() > 0 ) { if ( dbVer == null || dbVer.m_strAppVer == null || !dbVer.m_strAppVer.equalsIgnoreCase(strAppDBVer) ) bReset = true; } if ( bReset ) { m_dbStorage.deleteAllFiles(m_strDBPath); String fName = makeBlobFolderName(); RhoClassFactory.createFile().delete(fName); DBAdapter.makeBlobFolderName(); //Create folder back writeDBVersion(new DBVersion(strRhoDBVer, strAppDBVer) ); } } private void openDB(String strDBName)throws Exception { if ( m_bIsOpen ) return; initFilePaths(strDBName); checkDBVersion();, getSqlScript() ); //executeSQL("CREATE INDEX by_src ON object_values (source_id)", null); m_bIsOpen = true; getAttrMgr().load(this); m_dbStorage.setDbCallback(new DBCallback(this)); } private String createInsertStatement(IDBResult res, String tableName) { String strInsert = "INSERT INTO "; strInsert += tableName; strInsert += "("; String strQuest = ") VALUES("; for (int i = 0; i < res.getColCount(); i++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) { strInsert += ","; strQuest += ","; } strInsert += res.getColName(i); strQuest += "?"; } strInsert += strQuest + ")"; return strInsert; } private RubyValue rb_destroy_table(RubyValue v) { if ( !m_bIsOpen ) return RubyConstant.QNIL; IDBStorage db = null; try{ getAttrMgr().reset(this); String strTable = v.toStr(); String dbName = getNameNoExt(m_strDBPath); String dbNewName = dbName + "new"; IFileAccess fs = RhoClassFactory.createFileAccess(); String dbNameData = dbName + ".data"; String dbNewNameData = dbNewName + ".data"; String dbNameScript = dbName + ".script"; String dbNewNameScript = dbNewName + ".script"; String dbNameJournal = dbName + ".journal"; String dbNewNameJournal = dbNewName + ".journal"; String dbNewNameProps = dbNewName + ".properties"; //LOG.TRACE("DBAdapter: " + dbNewNameDate + ": " + (fs.exists(dbNewNameData) ? "" : "not ") + "exists"); fs.delete(dbNewNameData); //LOG.TRACE("DBAdapter: " + dbNewNameScript + ": " + (fs.exists(dbNewNameScript) ? "" : "not ") + "exists"); fs.delete(dbNewNameScript); //LOG.TRACE("DBAdapter: " + dbNewNameJournal + ": " + (fs.exists(dbNewNameJournal) ? "" : "not ") + "exists"); fs.delete(dbNewNameJournal); fs.delete(dbNewNameProps); LOG.TRACE("1. Size of " + dbNameData + ": " + fs.size(dbNameData)); db = RhoClassFactory.createDBStorage(); dbNewName, getSqlScript() ); String[] vecTables = m_dbStorage.getAllTableNames(); IDBResult res; db.startTransaction(); for ( int i = 0; i< vecTables.length; i++ ) { String tableName = vecTables[i]; if ( tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(strTable) ) continue; res = executeSQL("SELECT * from " + tableName, null); String strInsert = ""; for ( ; !res.isEnd(); ) { if ( strInsert.length() == 0 ) strInsert = createInsertStatement(res, tableName); db.executeSQL(strInsert, res.getCurData(), false ); } } db.commit(); db.close(); m_dbStorage.close(); m_dbStorage = null; m_bIsOpen = false; LOG.TRACE("2. Size of " + dbNewNameData + ": " + fs.size(dbNewNameData)); fs.delete(dbNewNameProps); fs.delete(dbNameJournal); String fName = makeBlobFolderName(); RhoClassFactory.createFile().delete(fName); DBAdapter.makeBlobFolderName(); //Create folder back fs.renameOverwrite(dbNewNameData, dbNameData); fs.renameOverwrite(dbNewNameScript, dbNameScript); LOG.TRACE("3. Size of " + dbNameData + ": " + fs.size(dbNameData)); m_dbStorage = RhoClassFactory.createDBStorage();, getSqlScript() ); m_bIsOpen = true; getAttrMgr().load(this); m_dbStorage.setDbCallback(new DBCallback(this)); }catch(Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("execute failed.", e); if ( !m_bIsOpen ) { LOG.ERROR("destroy_table error.Try to open old DB."); try{, getSqlScript() ); m_bIsOpen = true; }catch(Exception exc) { LOG.ERROR("destroy_table open old table failed.", exc); } } try { if ( db != null) db.close(); } catch (DBException e1) { LOG.ERROR("closing of DB caused exception: " + e1.getMessage()); } throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } public void rollback()throws DBException { m_dbStorage.rollback(); m_bInsideTransaction=false; Unlock(); } public void setInitialSyncDB(String fDbName, String fScriptName) { IDBStorage db = null; try{ db = RhoClassFactory.createDBStorage(); fDbName, "" ); db.startTransaction(); //copy client_info { IDBResult res = executeSQL("SELECT * from client_info", null); String strInsert = ""; for ( ; !res.isEnd(); ) { if ( strInsert.length() == 0 ) strInsert = createInsertStatement(res, "client_info"); db.executeSQL(strInsert, res.getCurData(), false ); } } //copy sources { IDBResult res = executeSQL("SELECT name, source_url,priority,session from sources", null); for ( ; !res.isEnd(); ) { String strName = res.getStringByIdx(0); Object[] values = {res.getStringByIdx(1), new Integer(res.getIntByIdx(2)),res.getStringByIdx(3),strName}; db.executeSQL("UPDATE sources SET source_url=?,priority=?,session=? where name=?",values, false); } } db.commit(); db.close(); m_dbStorage.close(); m_dbStorage = null; m_bIsOpen = false; String dbName = getNameNoExt(m_strDBPath); IFileAccess fs = RhoClassFactory.createFileAccess(); String dbNameData = dbName + ".data"; String dbNameScript = dbName + ".script"; String dbNameJournal = dbName + ".journal"; String dbNewNameProps = getNameNoExt(fDbName) + ".properties"; fs.delete(dbNameJournal); fs.delete(dbNewNameProps); String fName = makeBlobFolderName(); RhoClassFactory.createFile().delete(fName); DBAdapter.makeBlobFolderName(); //Create folder back fs.renameOverwrite(fDbName, dbNameData); fs.renameOverwrite(fScriptName, dbNameScript); m_dbStorage = RhoClassFactory.createDBStorage();, getSqlScript() ); m_bIsOpen = true; getAttrMgr().load(this); m_dbStorage.setDbCallback(new DBCallback(this)); }catch(Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("execute failed.", e); if ( !m_bIsOpen ) { LOG.ERROR("destroy_table error.Try to open old DB."); try{, getSqlScript() ); m_bIsOpen = true; }catch(Exception exc) { LOG.ERROR("destroy_table open old table failed.", exc); } } try { if ( db != null) db.close(); } catch (DBException e1) { LOG.ERROR("closing of DB caused exception: " + e1.getMessage()); } throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } } /* public RubyValue rb_execute(RubyValue v) { RubyArray res = new RubyArray(); try{ IDBResult rows = executeSQL(v.toStr(), null); RubyString[] colNames = getColNames(rows); for( ; !rows.isEnd(); ) { RubyHash row = ObjectFactory.createHash(); for ( int nCol = 0; nCol < rows.getColCount(); nCol ++ ) row.add( colNames[nCol], rows.getRubyValueByIdx(nCol) ); res.add( row ); } }catch(Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("execute failed.", e); throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } return res; }*/ public RubyValue rb_execute(RubyValue v, RubyValue arg) { RubyArray res = new RubyArray(); try{ Object[] values = null; if ( arg != null ) { RubyArray args1 = arg.toAry(); RubyArray args = args1; if ( args.size() > 0 && args.get(0) instanceof RubyArray ) args = (RubyArray)args.get(0); values = new Object[args.size()]; for ( int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++ ) { RubyValue val = args.get(i); if ( val instanceof RubyFixnum ) values[i] = new Long( ((RubyFixnum)val).toLong() ); else values[i] = val.toString(); } } IDBResult rows = executeSQL(v.toStr(), values); RubyString[] colNames = getColNames(rows); for( ; !rows.isEnd(); ) { RubyHash row = ObjectFactory.createHash(); for ( int nCol = 0; nCol < rows.getColCount(); nCol ++ ) row.add( colNames[nCol], rows.getRubyValueByIdx(nCol) ); res.add( row ); } }catch(Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("execute failed.", e); throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } return res; } //@RubyAllocMethod private static RubyValue alloc(RubyValue receiver) { return getInstance(); } private RubyValue rb_initialize(RubyValue v) { try{ openDB(v !=null && v != RubyConstant.QNIL ? v.toString() : ""); }catch(Exception e) { LOG.ERROR("initialize failed.", e); throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } return this; } private RubyValue rb_start_transaction() { try{ setUnlockDB(true); startTransaction(); }catch( Exception e ){ LOG.ERROR("start_transaction failed.", e); throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } return ObjectFactory.createInteger(0); } private RubyValue rb_commit() { try{ commit(); }catch( Exception e ){ LOG.ERROR("commit failed.", e); throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } return ObjectFactory.createInteger(0); } private RubyValue rb_rollback() { try{ rollback(); }catch( Exception e ){ LOG.ERROR("rollback failed.", e); throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } return ObjectFactory.createInteger(0); } private RubyValue rb_close() { try{ //do not close sync db, close it at exit /*if ( m_dbStorage != null ){ m_dbStorage.close(); m_dbStorage = null; }*/ }catch( Exception e ){ LOG.ERROR("close failed.", e); throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException(e.getMessage())); } return ObjectFactory.createInteger(0); } public static void initMethods(RubyClass klass) { klass.defineAllocMethod(new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ) { return DBAdapter.alloc(receiver);} }); klass.defineMethod( "initialize", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return ((DBAdapter)receiver).rb_initialize(arg);} }); klass.defineMethod( "close", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return ((DBAdapter)receiver).rb_close();} }); klass.defineMethod( "execute", new RubyVarArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block ){ return ((DBAdapter)receiver).rb_execute(args.get(0), (args.size() > 1 ? args.get(1):null));} }); klass.defineMethod( "start_transaction", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return ((DBAdapter)receiver).rb_start_transaction();} }); klass.defineMethod( "commit", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return ((DBAdapter)receiver).rb_commit();} }); klass.defineMethod( "rollback", new RubyNoArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block ){ return ((DBAdapter)receiver).rb_rollback();} }); klass.defineMethod( "destroy_table", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block ){ return ((DBAdapter)receiver).rb_destroy_table(arg);} }); } public static class DBCallback implements IDBCallback { private DBAdapter m_db; DBCallback(DBAdapter db){ m_db = db; } /*public void OnDeleteAll() { OnDeleteAllFromTable("object_values"); } public void OnDeleteAllFromTable(String tableName) { if ( !tableName.equals("object_values") ) return; try{ String fName = DBAdapter.makeBlobFolderName(); RhoClassFactory.createFile().delete(fName); DBAdapter.makeBlobFolderName(); //Create folder back }catch(Exception exc){ LOG.ERROR("DBCallback.OnDeleteAllFromTable: Error delete files from table: " + tableName, exc); } }*/ public void OnInsertIntoTable(String tableName, IDBResult rows2Insert) { if ( !tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("object_values") ) return; for( ; !rows2Insert.isEnd(); ) { int nSrcID = rows2Insert.getIntByIdx(1); String name = rows2Insert.getStringByIdx(2); m_db.getAttrMgr().add(nSrcID, name); } } public void OnDeleteFromTable(String tableName, IDBResult rows2Delete) { if ( !tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("object_values") ) return; for( ; !rows2Delete.isEnd(); ) { int nSrcID = rows2Delete.getIntByIdx(1); String attrib = rows2Delete.getStringByIdx(2); m_db.getAttrMgr().remove(nSrcID, attrib); String attrib_type = rows2Delete.getStringByIdx(5); if ( !attrib_type.equals("blob.file") ) continue; String url = rows2Delete.getStringByIdx(4); if ( url == null || url.length() == 0 ) continue; try{ SimpleFile oFile = RhoClassFactory.createFile(); String strFilePath = oFile.getDirPath(""); strFilePath += url.startsWith("/") ? url.substring(1) : url; oFile.delete(strFilePath); }catch(Exception exc){ LOG.ERROR("DBCallback.OnDeleteFromTable: Error delete file: " + url, exc); } } } } }