=begin #convertapi #Convert API lets you effortlessly convert file formats and types. OpenAPI spec version: v1 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git Swagger Codegen version: 2.3.1 =end require 'spec_helper' require 'json' # Unit tests for CloudmersiveConvertApiClient::ConvertImageApi # Automatically generated by swagger-codegen (github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) # Please update as you see appropriate describe 'ConvertImageApi' do before do # run before each test @instance = CloudmersiveConvertApiClient::ConvertImageApi.new end after do # run after each test end describe 'test an instance of ConvertImageApi' do it 'should create an instance of ConvertImageApi' do expect(@instance).to be_instance_of(CloudmersiveConvertApiClient::ConvertImageApi) end end # unit tests for convert_image_get_image_info # Get information about an image # Get details from an image such as size, format and MIME type, compression, EXIF data such as location, DPI, unique colors, transparency information, and more # @param input_file Input file to perform the operation on. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [GetImageInfoResult] describe 'convert_image_get_image_info test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for convert_image_image_format_convert # Image format conversion # Convert between over 100 file formats, including key formats such as Photoshop (PSD), PNG, JPG, GIF, NEF, and BMP. # @param format1 Input file format as a 3+ letter file extension. You can also provide UNKNOWN for unknown file formats. Supported formats include AAI, ART, ARW, AVS, BPG, BMP, BMP2, BMP3, BRF, CALS, CGM, CIN, CMYK, CMYKA, CR2, CRW, CUR, CUT, DCM, DCR, DCX, DDS, DIB, DJVU, DNG, DOT, DPX, EMF, EPDF, EPI, EPS, EPS2, EPS3, EPSF, EPSI, EPT, EXR, FAX, FIG, FITS, FPX, GIF, GPLT, GRAY, HDR, HEIC, HPGL, HRZ, ICO, ISOBRL, ISBRL6, JBIG, JNG, JP2, JPT, J2C, J2K, JPEG/JPG, JXR, MAT, MONO, MNG, M2V, MRW, MTV, NEF, ORF, OTB, P7, PALM, PAM, PBM, PCD, PCDS, PCL, PCX, PDF, PEF, PES, PFA, PFB, PFM, PGM, PICON, PICT, PIX, PNG, PNG8, PNG00, PNG24, PNG32, PNG48, PNG64, PNM, PPM, PSB, PSD, PTIF, PWB, RAD, RAF, RGB, RGBA, RGF, RLA, RLE, SCT, SFW, SGI, SID, SUN, SVG, TGA, TIFF, TIM, UIL, VIFF, VICAR, VBMP, WDP, WEBP, WPG, X, XBM, XCF, XPM, XWD, X3F, YCbCr, YCbCrA, YUV # @param format2 Output (convert to this format) file format as a 3+ letter file extension. Supported formats include AAI, ART, ARW, AVS, BPG, BMP, BMP2, BMP3, BRF, CALS, CGM, CIN, CMYK, CMYKA, CR2, CRW, CUR, CUT, DCM, DCR, DCX, DDS, DIB, DJVU, DNG, DOT, DPX, EMF, EPDF, EPI, EPS, EPS2, EPS3, EPSF, EPSI, EPT, EXR, FAX, FIG, FITS, FPX, GIF, GPLT, GRAY, HDR, HEIC, HPGL, HRZ, ICO, ISOBRL, ISBRL6, JBIG, JNG, JP2, JPT, J2C, J2K, JPEG/JPG, JXR, MAT, MONO, MNG, M2V, MRW, MTV, NEF, ORF, OTB, P7, PALM, PAM, PBM, PCD, PCDS, PCL, PCX, PDF, PEF, PES, PFA, PFB, PFM, PGM, PICON, PICT, PIX, PNG, PNG8, PNG00, PNG24, PNG32, PNG48, PNG64, PNM, PPM, PSB, PSD, PTIF, PWB, RAD, RAF, RGB, RGBA, RGF, RLA, RLE, SCT, SFW, SGI, SID, SUN, SVG, TGA, TIFF, TIM, UIL, VIFF, VICAR, VBMP, WDP, WEBP, WPG, X, XBM, XCF, XPM, XWD, X3F, YCbCr, YCbCrA, YUV # @param input_file Input file to perform the operation on. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [String] describe 'convert_image_image_format_convert test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for convert_image_image_set_dpi # Change image DPI # Resize an image to have a different DPI # @param dpi New DPI in pixels-per-inch, for example 300 DPI or 600 DPI # @param input_file Input file to perform the operation on. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [String] describe 'convert_image_image_set_dpi test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for convert_image_multipage_image_format_convert # Multi-page image format conversion # Convert between over 100 file formats, including support for Multiple-Page formats (e.g. PDFs, TIFFs, etc. with multiple pages). # @param format1 Input file format as a 3+ letter file extension. You can also provide UNKNOWN for unknown file formats. Supported formats include AAI, ART, ARW, AVS, BPG, BMP, BMP2, BMP3, BRF, CALS, CGM, CIN, CMYK, CMYKA, CR2, CRW, CUR, CUT, DCM, DCR, DCX, DDS, DIB, DJVU, DNG, DOT, DPX, EMF, EPDF, EPI, EPS, EPS2, EPS3, EPSF, EPSI, EPT, EXR, FAX, FIG, FITS, FPX, GIF, GPLT, GRAY, HDR, HEIC, HPGL, HRZ, ICO, ISOBRL, ISBRL6, JBIG, JNG, JP2, JPT, J2C, J2K, JPEG/JPG, JXR, MAT, MONO, MNG, M2V, MRW, MTV, NEF, ORF, OTB, P7, PALM, PAM, PBM, PCD, PCDS, PCL, PCX, PDF, PEF, PES, PFA, PFB, PFM, PGM, PICON, PICT, PIX, PNG, PNG8, PNG00, PNG24, PNG32, PNG48, PNG64, PNM, PPM, PSB, PSD, PTIF, PWB, RAD, RAF, RGB, RGBA, RGF, RLA, RLE, SCT, SFW, SGI, SID, SUN, SVG, TGA, TIFF, TIM, UIL, VIFF, VICAR, VBMP, WDP, WEBP, WPG, X, XBM, XCF, XPM, XWD, X3F, YCbCr, YCbCrA, YUV # @param format2 Output (convert to this format) file format as a 3+ letter file extension. Supported formats include AAI, ART, ARW, AVS, BPG, BMP, BMP2, BMP3, BRF, CALS, CGM, CIN, CMYK, CMYKA, CR2, CRW, CUR, CUT, DCM, DCR, DCX, DDS, DIB, DJVU, DNG, DOT, DPX, EMF, EPDF, EPI, EPS, EPS2, EPS3, EPSF, EPSI, EPT, EXR, FAX, FIG, FITS, FPX, GIF, GPLT, GRAY, HDR, HEIC, HPGL, HRZ, ICO, ISOBRL, ISBRL6, JBIG, JNG, JP2, JPT, J2C, J2K, JPEG/JPG, JXR, MAT, MONO, MNG, M2V, MRW, MTV, NEF, ORF, OTB, P7, PALM, PAM, PBM, PCD, PCDS, PCL, PCX, PDF, PEF, PES, PFA, PFB, PFM, PGM, PICON, PICT, PIX, PNG, PNG8, PNG00, PNG24, PNG32, PNG48, PNG64, PNM, PPM, PSB, PSD, PTIF, PWB, RAD, RAF, RGB, RGBA, RGF, RLA, RLE, SCT, SFW, SGI, SID, SUN, SVG, TGA, TIFF, TIM, UIL, VIFF, VICAR, VBMP, WDP, WEBP, WPG, X, XBM, XCF, XPM, XWD, X3F, YCbCr, YCbCrA, YUV # @param input_file Input file to perform the operation on. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [MultipageImageFormatConversionResult] describe 'convert_image_multipage_image_format_convert test' do it "should work" do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end end