# Copyright 2019 panda Holdings PTE LTE (panda), All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file # https://github.com/monora/rgl/blob/0b526e16f9fb344abf387f4c5523d7917ce8f4b1/lib/rgl/dot.rb require "rgl/rdot" module RGL module Graph def to_dot_graph(options) highlight_nodes = options[:highlight_nodes] || Set.new options["name"] ||= self.class.name.gsub(/:/, "_") fontsize = options["fontsize"] || "12" graph = (directed? ? DOT::Digraph : DOT::Graph).new(options) edge_class = directed? ? DOT::DirectedEdge : DOT::Edge vertex_options = options["vertex"] || {} edge_options = options["edge"] || {} each_vertex do |v| default_vertex_options = { "name" => vertex_id(v), "fontsize" => fontsize, "label" => vertex_label(v), "style" => "filled" } default_vertex_options.merge!("color" => "red", "fillcolor" => "red") if highlight_nodes.include?(v) each_vertex_options = default_vertex_options.merge(vertex_options) vertex_options.each { |option, val| each_vertex_options[option] = val.call(v) if val.is_a?(Proc) } graph << DOT::Node.new(each_vertex_options) end each_edge do |u, v| default_edge_options = { "from" => vertex_id(u), "to" => vertex_id(v), "fontsize" => fontsize } each_edge_options = default_edge_options.merge(edge_options) edge_options.each { |option, val| each_edge_options[option] = val.call(u, v) if val.is_a?(Proc) } graph << edge_class.new(each_edge_options) end graph end def write_to_graphic_file(options) output_path = Pathname.new(options[:output_path]) fmt = output_path.extname.delete_prefix(".") dotfile = output_path.sub_ext(".dot") File.open(dotfile, "w") do |f| f << to_dot_graph(options).to_s end unless system("dot -T#{fmt} #{dotfile} -o #{output_path}") message = <<~HEREDOC Error executing dot. Did you install GraphViz? Try installing it via Homebrew: `brew install graphviz`. Visit https://graphviz.org/download/ for more installation instructions. HEREDOC raise message end output_path end end end