module Segurofacil class Estagiario extend Segurofacil::REST::EstagiarioCreate extend Segurofacil::REST::EstagiarioRemove NAME='nome' CPF='cPF' BIRTHDATE='dOB' GENDER='sexoId' MALE=1 FEMALE=2 attr_reader :name, :cpf, :birthdate, :gender def initialize(options) @name = options.fetch(NAME) @cpf = options.fetch(CPF) @birthdate = options.fetch(BIRTHDATE) @gender = options.fetch(GENDER) end def male? gender == MALE end def female? gender == FEMALE end class << self def create(estagiario, cnpj) res = super estagiario, cnpj get_create_response(res) end # Remove a estagiario from the policy # @param estagiario_cpf [String] the estagiario to be removed # @param cnpj [String] the cnpj of the company that holds the estagiario's policy # @return EstagiarioRemoveResponse def remove(estagiario_cpf, cnpj) res = super estagiario_cpf, cnpj get_remove_response(res) end def convert_to_estagiario(hash) hash end def ary_to_estagiarios(list) return [] if list.nil? {|item| convert_to_estagiario(item) } end private def get_create_response(res) end def get_remove_response(res) end end end end