require 'spec_helper' describe Conjur::Command::Groups, logged_in: true do describe_command 'group create --gidnumber 12345 some-group' do it "creates the group with a specified gidnumber" do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to receive(:create_group).with('some-group', gidnumber: 12345).and_return "something" expect { invoke }.to write "something" end end describe_command 'group update --gidnumber 12345 some-group' do it "updates the gid" do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to \ receive(:group).with('some-group').and_return(group = double("group")) expect(group).to receive(:update).with(gidnumber: 12_345) expect { invoke }.to write "GID set" end end context "lookup by GID" do let(:search_result) { %w(g1 g2) } describe_command "group gidsearch 12345" do it "finds the groups" do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to \ receive(:find_groups).with(gidnumber: 12_345).and_return search_result expect { invoke }.to write(JSON.pretty_generate(search_result)) end end end describe_command "group:members:add group user:alice" do it "adds the role to the group" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with( method: :put, url: "", headers: {}, payload: nil ) invoke end end describe_command "group:members:add -a group user:alice" do it "adds the role to the group with admin option" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with( method: :put, url: "", headers: {}, payload: { admin_option: true } ) invoke end end describe_command "group:members:add -a group alice" do it "assumes that a nake member name is a user" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with( method: :put, url: "", headers: {}, payload: { admin_option: true } ) invoke end end describe_command "group:members:add -r group alice" do it "revokes the admin rights" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with( method: :put, url: "", headers: {}, payload: { admin_option: false } ) invoke end end end