Your order has been updated

Order Details

Order #<%= @order.order_number %>

Status: <%= @order.status %>

<% @order.order_packages.each do |op| %> <% op.line_items.each_with_index do |li, i| %> <% v = li.variant %> <% p = v.product %> <% if i == 0 %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% @order.line_items.each do |li| %> <% next if li.order_package_id %> <% v = li.variant %> <% p = v.product %> <% end %> <% if @order.gift_wrap && @order.gift_wrap > 0 %> <% end %> <% if @order.discounts %> <% @order.discounts.each do |d| %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if @order.custom_discount %> <% end %>
Package Line Item Unit Price Quantity Subtotal
<%= op.shipping_method.service_name %>
<%= op.status %>
<% if op.tracking_number %>
<%= op.tracking_number %>
<% end %>
<%= p.title %> <% if li.is_gift %>

This item is a gift.

  • <% if li.gift_wrap %>Gift wrap (<%= number_to_currency(p.gift_wrap_price) %>)<% else %>Do not gift wrap<% end %>
  • <% if li.include_gift_message %>Gift message: <%= li.gift_message %><% else %>No gift message<% end %>
  • <% if li.hide_prices %>Hide all prices<% else %>Show all prices<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= number_to_currency(li.unit_price) %> <%= li.quantity %> <%= number_to_currency(li.subtotal) %>
Not assigned to a package <%= p.title %> <%= number_to_currency(li.unit_price) %> <%= li.quantity %> <%= number_to_currency(li.subtotal) %>
Subtotal: <%= number_to_currency(@order.subtotal) %>
Tax: <%= number_to_currency( %>
Shipping and Handling: <%= number_to_currency(@order.shipping + @order.handling) %>
Gift wrap: <%= number_to_currency(@order.gift_wrap) %>
"<%= d.gift_card.code %>" gift card: <%= number_to_currency(d.amount) %>
Discount: <%= number_to_currency(@order.custom_discount) %>
Total: <%= number_to_currency( %>
<% if @order.shipping_address %> <% sa = @order.shipping_address %>

Shipping Address

<%= sa.first_name %> <%= sa.last_name %>
<%= sa.address1 %>
<% if sa.address2 && sa.address2.strip.length > 0 %><%= sa.address2 %>
<% end %> <%= %>, <%= sa.state %> <%= %>

<% end %> <% if @order.billing_address %> <% ba = @order.billing_address %>

Billing Address

<%= ba.first_name %> <%= ba.last_name %>
<%= ba.address1 %>
<% if ba.address2 && ba.address2.strip.length > 0 %><%= ba.address2 %>
<% end %> <%= %>, <%= ba.state %> <%= %>

<% end %>