# encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" require "logstash/patterns/core" describe_pattern "NAGIOSLOGLINE - CURRENT HOST STATE", [ 'legacy', 'ecs-v1' ] do let(:message) { "[1427925600] CURRENT HOST STATE: nagioshost;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 2.24 ms" } it "a pattern pass the grok expression" do expect(grok).to pass end it "matches a simple message" do expect(pattern).to match(message) end it "generates the nagios_epoch field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("timestamp" => "1427925600") else expect(grok).to include("nagios_epoch" => "1427925600") end end it "generates the nagios_message field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("message" => [message, "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 2.24 ms"]) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_message" => "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 2.24 ms") end end it "generates the nagios_hostname field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("host" => { "hostname" => "nagioshost" }) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_hostname" => "nagioshost") end end it "generates the nagios_state field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("service" => hash_including("state" => "UP")) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_state" => "UP") end end it "generates the nagios_statetype field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("state_type" => "HARD"))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_statetype" => "HARD") end end end describe_pattern "NAGIOSLOGLINE - CURRENT SERVICE STATE", [ 'legacy', 'ecs-v1' ] do let(:message) { "[1427925600] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: nagioshost;SSH;OK;HARD;1;nagiosmessage" } it "a pattern pass the grok expression" do expect(grok).to pass end it "matches a simple message" do expect(pattern).to match(message) end it "generates the nagios_type field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("type" => "CURRENT SERVICE STATE"))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_type" => "CURRENT SERVICE STATE") end end it "generates the nagios_epoch field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("timestamp" => "1427925600") else expect(grok).to include("nagios_epoch" => "1427925600") end end it "generates the nagios_message field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("message" => [message, "nagiosmessage"]) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_message" => "nagiosmessage") end end it "generates the hostname field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("host" => { "hostname" => "nagioshost" }) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_hostname" => "nagioshost") end end it "generates the service field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("service" => hash_including("name" => "SSH")) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_service" => "SSH") end end it "generates the nagios_state field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("service" => hash_including("state" => "OK")) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_state" => "OK") end end it "generates the nagios_statetype field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("state_type" => "HARD"))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_statetype" => "HARD") end end it "generates the nagios_statecode field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("attempt" => 1))) else # NOTE: (legacy) nagios_statecode corresponds to current_attempt (according to Nagios' source) expect(grok).to include("nagios_statecode" => "1") end end context 'real-world example' do let(:message) do '[1427956600] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: prod-virtual-ESz06;check_vmfs_prod-PvDC2;CRITICAL;HARD;3;CRITICAL - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vsRoot - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7859.84 Gb (95%)- free: 331.90 Gb (5%)' end it 'matches' do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include( "host" => { "hostname" => "prod-virtual-ESz06" }, "service" => { "name" => "check_vmfs_prod-PvDC2", "state" => 'CRITICAL' }, "nagios" => { "log" => { "type" => "CURRENT SERVICE STATE", "state_type" => "HARD", "attempt" => 3 }}, "message" => [message, "CRITICAL - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vsRoot - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7859.84 Gb (95%)- free: 331.90 Gb (5%)"] ) else expect(grok).to include( "nagios_type"=>"CURRENT SERVICE STATE", "nagios_state"=>"CRITICAL", "nagios_statetype"=>"HARD", "nagios_hostname"=>"prod-virtual-ESz06", "nagios_statecode"=>"3", # NOTE: "incorrect" - corresponds to current_attempt (according to Nagios' source) "nagios_message"=>"CRITICAL - /vmfs/volumes/prod-vsRoot - total: 8191.75 Gb - used: 7859.84 Gb (95%)- free: 331.90 Gb (5%)" ) end end end end describe_pattern "NAGIOSLOGLINE - TIMEPERIOD TRANSITION", [ 'legacy', 'ecs-v1' ] do let(:message) { "[1427925600] TIMEPERIOD TRANSITION: 24X7;-1;1" } it "matches the message" do expect(pattern).to match(message) end it "generates the nagios_type field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("type" => 'TIMEPERIOD TRANSITION'))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_type" => "TIMEPERIOD TRANSITION") end end it "generates the nagios_epoch field" do expect(grok).to include("nagios_epoch" => "1427925600") unless ecs_compatibility? end it "generates the service field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("service" => hash_including("name" => '24X7')) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_service" => "24X7") end end it "generates the period from/to fields" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("period_from" => -1, "period_to" => 1))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_unknown1" => "-1", "nagios_unknown2" => "1") end end # Regression test for but fixed in Nagios patterns #30 it "doesn't end in a semi-colon" do message = grok['message'] message = message.last if message.is_a?(Array) expect(message).to_not end_with(";") end end describe_pattern "NAGIOSLOGLINE - SERVICE ALERT", [ 'legacy', 'ecs-v1' ] do let(:message) { "[1427925689] SERVICE ALERT: varnish;Varnish Backend Connections;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;Current value: 154.0, warn threshold: 10.0, crit threshold: 20.0" } it "a pattern pass the grok expression" do expect(grok).to pass end it "matches a simple message" do expect(pattern).to match(message) end it "generates the nagios_type field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("type" => 'SERVICE ALERT'))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_type" => "SERVICE ALERT") end end it "generates the nagios_epoch field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("timestamp" => "1427925689") else expect(grok).to include("nagios_epoch" => "1427925689") end end it "generates the hostname field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("host" => { "hostname" => "varnish" }) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_hostname" => "varnish") end end it "generates the service field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("service" => hash_including("name" => 'Varnish Backend Connections')) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_service" => "Varnish Backend Connections") end end it "generates the nagios_state field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("service" => hash_including("state" => "CRITICAL")) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_state" => "CRITICAL") end end it "generates the nagios_statelevel field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("state_type" => "SOFT"))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_statelevel" => "SOFT") end end it "generates the nagios_attempt field" do if ecs_compatibility? pending "TODO: are we hitting a grok bug here ?!?" # [nagios][log][attempt]:int is clearly there (changing to :float gets this passing) # ... but in this particular case we still get the raw "1" string back expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("attempt" => 1))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_attempt" => "1") end end it "generates the nagios_message field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok['message'].last).to eql "Current value: 154.0, warn threshold: 10.0, crit threshold: 20.0" else expect(grok).to include("nagios_message" => "Current value: 154.0, warn threshold: 10.0, crit threshold: 20.0") end end end describe_pattern "NAGIOSLOGLINE - SERVICE NOTIFICATION", [ 'legacy', 'ecs-v1' ] do let(:message) { "[1427950229] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;varnish;Varnish Backend Connections;CRITICAL;notify-service-by-email;Current value: 337.0, warn threshold: 10.0, crit threshold: 20.0" } it "a pattern pass the grok expression" do expect(grok).to pass end it "matches a simple message" do expect(pattern).to match(message) end it "generates the nagios_type field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("type" => 'SERVICE NOTIFICATION'))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_type" => "SERVICE NOTIFICATION") end end it "generates the nagios_epoch field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("timestamp" => "1427950229") else expect(grok).to include("nagios_epoch" => "1427950229") end end it "generates the nagios_notifyname field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("user" => { "name" => "nagiosadmin" }) # Nagios contact's contact_name else expect(grok).to include("nagios_notifyname" => "nagiosadmin") end end it "generates the hostname field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("host" => { "hostname" => "varnish" }) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_hostname" => "varnish") end end it "generates the service field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("service" => hash_including("name" => 'Varnish Backend Connections')) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_service" => "Varnish Backend Connections") end end it "generates the nagios_state field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("service" => hash_including("state" => "CRITICAL")) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_state" => "CRITICAL") end end it "generates the nagios_contact field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("notification_command" => "notify-service-by-email"))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_contact" => "notify-service-by-email") end end it "generates the nagios_message field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok['message'].last).to eql "Current value: 337.0, warn threshold: 10.0, crit threshold: 20.0" else expect(grok).to include("nagios_message" => "Current value: 337.0, warn threshold: 10.0, crit threshold: 20.0") end end end describe_pattern "NAGIOSLOGLINE - HOST NOTIFICATION", [ 'legacy', 'ecs-v1' ] do let(:message) { "[1429878690] HOST NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;;DOWN;host-notify-by-email;CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds" } it "matches a simple message" do expect(pattern).to match(message) end it "generates the nagios_type field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("type" => "HOST NOTIFICATION"))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_type" => "HOST NOTIFICATION") end end it "generates the nagios_epoch field" do expect(grok).to include("nagios_epoch" => "1429878690") unless ecs_compatibility? end it "generates the nagios_notifyname field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("user" => { "name" => "nagiosadmin" }) # Nagios contact's contact_name else expect(grok).to include("nagios_notifyname" => "nagiosadmin") end end it "generates the nagios_hostname field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("host" => { "hostname" => "" }) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_hostname" => "") end end it "generates the nagios_contact field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include("nagios" => hash_including("log" => hash_including("notification_command" => "host-notify-by-email"))) else expect(grok).to include("nagios_contact" => "host-notify-by-email") end end it "generates the nagios_message field" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok['message'].last).to eql "CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds" else expect(grok).to include("nagios_message" => "CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds") end end end describe_pattern "NAGIOSLOGLINE - SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME", [ 'legacy', 'ecs-v1' ] do let(:message) { "[1334609999] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME;sputnik;1334665800;1334553600;1;0;120;nagiosadmin;test;" } it "matches" do if ecs_compatibility? expect(grok).to include( "host" => { "hostname" => "sputnik" }, "nagios" => { "log" => { "type" => "EXTERNAL COMMAND", "command" => "SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME", "start_time" => "1334665800", "end_time" => "1334553600", "fixed" => '1', "trigger_id" => '0', "duration" => 120, }}, "user" => { "name" => 'nagiosadmin' }, "message" => message ) else expect(grok).to include( "nagios_epoch"=>"1334609999", "nagios_type"=>"EXTERNAL COMMAND", "nagios_command"=>"SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME", "nagios_hostname"=>"sputnik", "nagios_duration"=>"120", "nagios_fixed"=>"1", "nagios_trigger_id"=>"0", "nagios_start_time"=>"1334665800", "nagios_end_time"=>"1334553600", "author"=>"nagiosadmin" ) end end end