--- title: Manual created_at: Wed Aug 29 08:57:00 -0600 2007 filter: - coderay - graphviz - textile --- <graphviz path="images" alt="test image"> digraph my_graph { // order all the nodes from Left to Right rankdir=LR; // defaults for each node in the graph node [shape=rect, style=filled, fillcolor="#99CCCC", fontname="Verdana", fontsize=10]; // defaults for each edge in the graph edge [fontname="Verdana", fontsize=8]; // the graph a [URL="/index.html", label="Home"]; b [URL="/download.html", label="Download"]; c [URL="/tutorial.html", label="Tutorial"]; d [label="Manual", fillcolor="#6699CC"]; e [URL="/tips_and_tricks.html", label="Tips &\nTricks"]; a -> b -> c; c -> d -> e; a -> c [URL="http://www.google.com" label="skipping\ndownload"]; } </graphviz> h2. To-Do The Webby user's manual goes here. <coderay lang="ruby"> def method( blah ) blah.upcase end </coderay> directory structure * content * output * layouts * templates * lib * tasks resources renderer pages database