require 'rspec/core/rake_task' do |t| t.pattern = 'spec/lib/**/*_spec.rb' end require 'mspec/opal/rake_task' do |config| config.pattern = ENV['MSPEC_PATTERN'] if ENV['MSPEC_PATTERN'] config.basedir = ENV['MSPEC_BASEDIR'] if ENV['MSPEC_BASEDIR'] end desc <<-DESC Run the MSpec test suite on node Use PATTERN and env var to manually set the glob for specs: # Will run all specs matching the specified pattern. # (Note: the rubyspecs filters will still apply) rake mspec_node PATTERN=spec/rubyspec/core/module/class_variable* DESC task :mspec_node do excepting = [] rubyspecs ='spec/rubyspecs').lines.reject do |l| l.strip!; l.start_with?('#') || l.empty? || (l.start_with?('!') && excepting.push(l.sub('!', 'spec/') + '.rb')) end.flat_map do |path| path = "spec/#{path}" ? Dir[path+'/*.rb'] : "#{path}.rb" end - excepting filters = Dir['spec/filters/**/*.rb'] shared = Dir['spec/{opal,lib/parser}/**/*_spec.rb'] + ['spec/lib/lexer_spec.rb'] specs = [] add_specs = ->(name, new_specs) { p [new_specs.size, name]; specs + new_specs} specs = add_specs.(:filters, filters) pattern = ENV['PATTERN'] whitelist_pattern = !!ENV['RUBYSPECS'] if pattern custom = Dir[pattern] custom &= rubyspecs if whitelist_pattern specs = add_specs.(:custom, custom) else specs = add_specs.(:shared, shared) specs = add_specs.(:rubyspecs, rubyspecs) end requires ={|s| "require '#{s.sub(/^spec\//,'')}'"} include_paths = '-Ispec -Ilib' filename = 'tmp/mspec_node.rb' js_filename = 'tmp/mspec_node.js' mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) if ENV['BM'] mkdir_p 'tmp/bench' index = 0 begin index += 1 bm_filepath = "tmp/bench/Spec#{index}" end while File.exist?(bm_filepath) enter_benchmarking_mode = "!(#{Integer(ENV['BM'])}, '#{bm_filepath}')" end File.write filename, <<-RUBY require 'spec_helper' #{enter_benchmarking_mode} #{requires.join("\n ")} OSpecRunner.main.did_finish RUBY stubs = '-smspec/helpers/tmp -smspec/helpers/environment -smspec/guards/block_device -smspec/guards/endian' sh "ruby -rbundler/setup -rmspec/opal/special_calls "\ "bin/opal -gmspec #{include_paths} #{stubs} -rnodejs/io -rnodejs/kernel -Dwarning -A #{filename} -c > #{js_filename}" sh "jshint --verbose #{js_filename}" sh "NODE_PATH=stdlib/nodejs/node_modules node #{js_filename}" if bm_filepath puts "Benchmark results have been written to #{bm_filepath}" puts "To view the results, run bundle exec rake bench:report" end end task :cruby_tests do if ENV.key? 'FILES' files = Dir[ENV['FILES'] || 'test/test_*.rb'] include_paths = '-Itest -I. -Itmp -Ilib' else include_paths = '-Itest/cruby/test' test_dir = Pathname("#{__dir__}/../test/cruby/test") files = %w[ benchmark/test_benchmark.rb ruby/test_call.rb ].flat_map do |path| if path.end_with?('.rb') path else glob = test_dir.join(path+"/test_*.rb").to_s size = test_dir.to_s.size Dir[glob].map { |file| file[size+1..-1] } end end end include_paths << ' -Ivendored-minitest' requires ={|f| "require '#{f}'"} filename = 'tmp/cruby_tests.rb' js_filename = 'tmp/cruby_tests.js' mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) File.write filename, requires.join("\n") stubs = "-soptparse -sio/console -stimeout -smutex_m -srubygems -stempfile -smonitor" puts "== Running: #{files.join ", "}" sh "ruby -rbundler/setup "\ "bin/opal #{include_paths} #{stubs} -rnodejs -Dwarning -A #{filename} -c > #{js_filename}" sh "NODE_PATH=stdlib/nodejs/node_modules node #{js_filename}" end task :mspec => [:mspec_node, :mspec_phantom] task :minitest => [:cruby_tests] task :test_all => [:rspec, :mspec, :minitest]