#include #include "SystemTime.h" #include "winsock.h" #include "notify.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif const double NTP_FRACTIONAL_TO_MS = (((double)1000.0)/0xFFFFFFFF); const double NTP_TO_SECOND = (((double)1.0)/0xFFFFFFFF); const long JAN_1ST_1900 = 2415021; //Lookup table to convert from Milliseconds (hence 1000 Entries) //to fractions of a second expressed as a DWORD DWORD CNtpTime::m_MsToNTP[1000] = { 0x00000000, 0x00418937, 0x0083126f, 0x00c49ba6, 0x010624dd, 0x0147ae14, 0x0189374c, 0x01cac083, 0x020c49ba, 0x024dd2f2, 0x028f5c29, 0x02d0e560, 0x03126e98, 0x0353f7cf, 0x03958106, 0x03d70a3d, 0x04189375, 0x045a1cac, 0x049ba5e3, 0x04dd2f1b, 0x051eb852, 0x05604189, 0x05a1cac1, 0x05e353f8, 0x0624dd2f, 0x06666666, 0x06a7ef9e, 0x06e978d5, 0x072b020c, 0x076c8b44, 0x07ae147b, 0x07ef9db2, 0x083126e9, 0x0872b021, 0x08b43958, 0x08f5c28f, 0x09374bc7, 0x0978d4fe, 0x09ba5e35, 0x09fbe76d, 0x0a3d70a4, 0x0a7ef9db, 0x0ac08312, 0x0b020c4a, 0x0b439581, 0x0b851eb8, 0x0bc6a7f0, 0x0c083127, 0x0c49ba5e, 0x0c8b4396, 0x0ccccccd, 0x0d0e5604, 0x0d4fdf3b, 0x0d916873, 0x0dd2f1aa, 0x0e147ae1, 0x0e560419, 0x0e978d50, 0x0ed91687, 0x0f1a9fbe, 0x0f5c28f6, 0x0f9db22d, 0x0fdf3b64, 0x1020c49c, 0x10624dd3, 0x10a3d70a, 0x10e56042, 0x1126e979, 0x116872b0, 0x11a9fbe7, 0x11eb851f, 0x122d0e56, 0x126e978d, 0x12b020c5, 0x12f1a9fc, 0x13333333, 0x1374bc6a, 0x13b645a2, 0x13f7ced9, 0x14395810, 0x147ae148, 0x14bc6a7f, 0x14fdf3b6, 0x153f7cee, 0x15810625, 0x15c28f5c, 0x16041893, 0x1645a1cb, 0x16872b02, 0x16c8b439, 0x170a3d71, 0x174bc6a8, 0x178d4fdf, 0x17ced917, 0x1810624e, 0x1851eb85, 0x189374bc, 0x18d4fdf4, 0x1916872b, 0x19581062, 0x1999999a, 0x19db22d1, 0x1a1cac08, 0x1a5e353f, 0x1a9fbe77, 0x1ae147ae, 0x1b22d0e5, 0x1b645a1d, 0x1ba5e354, 0x1be76c8b, 0x1c28f5c3, 0x1c6a7efa, 0x1cac0831, 0x1ced9168, 0x1d2f1aa0, 0x1d70a3d7, 0x1db22d0e, 0x1df3b646, 0x1e353f7d, 0x1e76c8b4, 0x1eb851ec, 0x1ef9db23, 0x1f3b645a, 0x1f7ced91, 0x1fbe76c9, 0x20000000, 0x20418937, 0x2083126f, 0x20c49ba6, 0x210624dd, 0x2147ae14, 0x2189374c, 0x21cac083, 0x220c49ba, 0x224dd2f2, 0x228f5c29, 0x22d0e560, 0x23126e98, 0x2353f7cf, 0x23958106, 0x23d70a3d, 0x24189375, 0x245a1cac, 0x249ba5e3, 0x24dd2f1b, 0x251eb852, 0x25604189, 0x25a1cac1, 0x25e353f8, 0x2624dd2f, 0x26666666, 0x26a7ef9e, 0x26e978d5, 0x272b020c, 0x276c8b44, 0x27ae147b, 0x27ef9db2, 0x283126e9, 0x2872b021, 0x28b43958, 0x28f5c28f, 0x29374bc7, 0x2978d4fe, 0x29ba5e35, 0x29fbe76d, 0x2a3d70a4, 0x2a7ef9db, 0x2ac08312, 0x2b020c4a, 0x2b439581, 0x2b851eb8, 0x2bc6a7f0, 0x2c083127, 0x2c49ba5e, 0x2c8b4396, 0x2ccccccd, 0x2d0e5604, 0x2d4fdf3b, 0x2d916873, 0x2dd2f1aa, 0x2e147ae1, 0x2e560419, 0x2e978d50, 0x2ed91687, 0x2f1a9fbe, 0x2f5c28f6, 0x2f9db22d, 0x2fdf3b64, 0x3020c49c, 0x30624dd3, 0x30a3d70a, 0x30e56042, 0x3126e979, 0x316872b0, 0x31a9fbe7, 0x31eb851f, 0x322d0e56, 0x326e978d, 0x32b020c5, 0x32f1a9fc, 0x33333333, 0x3374bc6a, 0x33b645a2, 0x33f7ced9, 0x34395810, 0x347ae148, 0x34bc6a7f, 0x34fdf3b6, 0x353f7cee, 0x35810625, 0x35c28f5c, 0x36041893, 0x3645a1cb, 0x36872b02, 0x36c8b439, 0x370a3d71, 0x374bc6a8, 0x378d4fdf, 0x37ced917, 0x3810624e, 0x3851eb85, 0x389374bc, 0x38d4fdf4, 0x3916872b, 0x39581062, 0x3999999a, 0x39db22d1, 0x3a1cac08, 0x3a5e353f, 0x3a9fbe77, 0x3ae147ae, 0x3b22d0e5, 0x3b645a1d, 0x3ba5e354, 0x3be76c8b, 0x3c28f5c3, 0x3c6a7efa, 0x3cac0831, 0x3ced9168, 0x3d2f1aa0, 0x3d70a3d7, 0x3db22d0e, 0x3df3b646, 0x3e353f7d, 0x3e76c8b4, 0x3eb851ec, 0x3ef9db23, 0x3f3b645a, 0x3f7ced91, 0x3fbe76c9, 0x40000000, 0x40418937, 0x4083126f, 0x40c49ba6, 0x410624dd, 0x4147ae14, 0x4189374c, 0x41cac083, 0x420c49ba, 0x424dd2f2, 0x428f5c29, 0x42d0e560, 0x43126e98, 0x4353f7cf, 0x43958106, 0x43d70a3d, 0x44189375, 0x445a1cac, 0x449ba5e3, 0x44dd2f1b, 0x451eb852, 0x45604189, 0x45a1cac1, 0x45e353f8, 0x4624dd2f, 0x46666666, 0x46a7ef9e, 0x46e978d5, 0x472b020c, 0x476c8b44, 0x47ae147b, 0x47ef9db2, 0x483126e9, 0x4872b021, 0x48b43958, 0x48f5c28f, 0x49374bc7, 0x4978d4fe, 0x49ba5e35, 0x49fbe76d, 0x4a3d70a4, 0x4a7ef9db, 0x4ac08312, 0x4b020c4a, 0x4b439581, 0x4b851eb8, 0x4bc6a7f0, 0x4c083127, 0x4c49ba5e, 0x4c8b4396, 0x4ccccccd, 0x4d0e5604, 0x4d4fdf3b, 0x4d916873, 0x4dd2f1aa, 0x4e147ae1, 0x4e560419, 0x4e978d50, 0x4ed91687, 0x4f1a9fbe, 0x4f5c28f6, 0x4f9db22d, 0x4fdf3b64, 0x5020c49c, 0x50624dd3, 0x50a3d70a, 0x50e56042, 0x5126e979, 0x516872b0, 0x51a9fbe7, 0x51eb851f, 0x522d0e56, 0x526e978d, 0x52b020c5, 0x52f1a9fc, 0x53333333, 0x5374bc6a, 0x53b645a2, 0x53f7ced9, 0x54395810, 0x547ae148, 0x54bc6a7f, 0x54fdf3b6, 0x553f7cee, 0x55810625, 0x55c28f5c, 0x56041893, 0x5645a1cb, 0x56872b02, 0x56c8b439, 0x570a3d71, 0x574bc6a8, 0x578d4fdf, 0x57ced917, 0x5810624e, 0x5851eb85, 0x589374bc, 0x58d4fdf4, 0x5916872b, 0x59581062, 0x5999999a, 0x59db22d1, 0x5a1cac08, 0x5a5e353f, 0x5a9fbe77, 0x5ae147ae, 0x5b22d0e5, 0x5b645a1d, 0x5ba5e354, 0x5be76c8b, 0x5c28f5c3, 0x5c6a7efa, 0x5cac0831, 0x5ced9168, 0x5d2f1aa0, 0x5d70a3d7, 0x5db22d0e, 0x5df3b646, 0x5e353f7d, 0x5e76c8b4, 0x5eb851ec, 0x5ef9db23, 0x5f3b645a, 0x5f7ced91, 0x5fbe76c9, 0x60000000, 0x60418937, 0x6083126f, 0x60c49ba6, 0x610624dd, 0x6147ae14, 0x6189374c, 0x61cac083, 0x620c49ba, 0x624dd2f2, 0x628f5c29, 0x62d0e560, 0x63126e98, 0x6353f7cf, 0x63958106, 0x63d70a3d, 0x64189375, 0x645a1cac, 0x649ba5e3, 0x64dd2f1b, 0x651eb852, 0x65604189, 0x65a1cac1, 0x65e353f8, 0x6624dd2f, 0x66666666, 0x66a7ef9e, 0x66e978d5, 0x672b020c, 0x676c8b44, 0x67ae147b, 0x67ef9db2, 0x683126e9, 0x6872b021, 0x68b43958, 0x68f5c28f, 0x69374bc7, 0x6978d4fe, 0x69ba5e35, 0x69fbe76d, 0x6a3d70a4, 0x6a7ef9db, 0x6ac08312, 0x6b020c4a, 0x6b439581, 0x6b851eb8, 0x6bc6a7f0, 0x6c083127, 0x6c49ba5e, 0x6c8b4396, 0x6ccccccd, 0x6d0e5604, 0x6d4fdf3b, 0x6d916873, 0x6dd2f1aa, 0x6e147ae1, 0x6e560419, 0x6e978d50, 0x6ed91687, 0x6f1a9fbe, 0x6f5c28f6, 0x6f9db22d, 0x6fdf3b64, 0x7020c49c, 0x70624dd3, 0x70a3d70a, 0x70e56042, 0x7126e979, 0x716872b0, 0x71a9fbe7, 0x71eb851f, 0x722d0e56, 0x726e978d, 0x72b020c5, 0x72f1a9fc, 0x73333333, 0x7374bc6a, 0x73b645a2, 0x73f7ced9, 0x74395810, 0x747ae148, 0x74bc6a7f, 0x74fdf3b6, 0x753f7cee, 0x75810625, 0x75c28f5c, 0x76041893, 0x7645a1cb, 0x76872b02, 0x76c8b439, 0x770a3d71, 0x774bc6a8, 0x778d4fdf, 0x77ced917, 0x7810624e, 0x7851eb85, 0x789374bc, 0x78d4fdf4, 0x7916872b, 0x79581062, 0x7999999a, 0x79db22d1, 0x7a1cac08, 0x7a5e353f, 0x7a9fbe77, 0x7ae147ae, 0x7b22d0e5, 0x7b645a1d, 0x7ba5e354, 0x7be76c8b, 0x7c28f5c3, 0x7c6a7efa, 0x7cac0831, 0x7ced9168, 0x7d2f1aa0, 0x7d70a3d7, 0x7db22d0e, 0x7df3b646, 0x7e353f7d, 0x7e76c8b4, 0x7eb851ec, 0x7ef9db23, 0x7f3b645a, 0x7f7ced91, 0x7fbe76c9, 0x80000000, 0x80418937, 0x8083126f, 0x80c49ba6, 0x810624dd, 0x8147ae14, 0x8189374c, 0x81cac083, 0x820c49ba, 0x824dd2f2, 0x828f5c29, 0x82d0e560, 0x83126e98, 0x8353f7cf, 0x83958106, 0x83d70a3d, 0x84189375, 0x845a1cac, 0x849ba5e3, 0x84dd2f1b, 0x851eb852, 0x85604189, 0x85a1cac1, 0x85e353f8, 0x8624dd2f, 0x86666666, 0x86a7ef9e, 0x86e978d5, 0x872b020c, 0x876c8b44, 0x87ae147b, 0x87ef9db2, 0x883126e9, 0x8872b021, 0x88b43958, 0x88f5c28f, 0x89374bc7, 0x8978d4fe, 0x89ba5e35, 0x89fbe76d, 0x8a3d70a4, 0x8a7ef9db, 0x8ac08312, 0x8b020c4a, 0x8b439581, 0x8b851eb8, 0x8bc6a7f0, 0x8c083127, 0x8c49ba5e, 0x8c8b4396, 0x8ccccccd, 0x8d0e5604, 0x8d4fdf3b, 0x8d916873, 0x8dd2f1aa, 0x8e147ae1, 0x8e560419, 0x8e978d50, 0x8ed91687, 0x8f1a9fbe, 0x8f5c28f6, 0x8f9db22d, 0x8fdf3b64, 0x9020c49c, 0x90624dd3, 0x90a3d70a, 0x90e56042, 0x9126e979, 0x916872b0, 0x91a9fbe7, 0x91eb851f, 0x922d0e56, 0x926e978d, 0x92b020c5, 0x92f1a9fc, 0x93333333, 0x9374bc6a, 0x93b645a2, 0x93f7ced9, 0x94395810, 0x947ae148, 0x94bc6a7f, 0x94fdf3b6, 0x953f7cee, 0x95810625, 0x95c28f5c, 0x96041893, 0x9645a1cb, 0x96872b02, 0x96c8b439, 0x970a3d71, 0x974bc6a8, 0x978d4fdf, 0x97ced917, 0x9810624e, 0x9851eb85, 0x989374bc, 0x98d4fdf4, 0x9916872b, 0x99581062, 0x9999999a, 0x99db22d1, 0x9a1cac08, 0x9a5e353f, 0x9a9fbe77, 0x9ae147ae, 0x9b22d0e5, 0x9b645a1d, 0x9ba5e354, 0x9be76c8b, 0x9c28f5c3, 0x9c6a7efa, 0x9cac0831, 0x9ced9168, 0x9d2f1aa0, 0x9d70a3d7, 0x9db22d0e, 0x9df3b646, 0x9e353f7d, 0x9e76c8b4, 0x9eb851ec, 0x9ef9db23, 0x9f3b645a, 0x9f7ced91, 0x9fbe76c9, 0xa0000000, 0xa0418937, 0xa083126f, 0xa0c49ba6, 0xa10624dd, 0xa147ae14, 0xa189374c, 0xa1cac083, 0xa20c49ba, 0xa24dd2f2, 0xa28f5c29, 0xa2d0e560, 0xa3126e98, 0xa353f7cf, 0xa3958106, 0xa3d70a3d, 0xa4189375, 0xa45a1cac, 0xa49ba5e3, 0xa4dd2f1b, 0xa51eb852, 0xa5604189, 0xa5a1cac1, 0xa5e353f8, 0xa624dd2f, 0xa6666666, 0xa6a7ef9e, 0xa6e978d5, 0xa72b020c, 0xa76c8b44, 0xa7ae147b, 0xa7ef9db2, 0xa83126e9, 0xa872b021, 0xa8b43958, 0xa8f5c28f, 0xa9374bc7, 0xa978d4fe, 0xa9ba5e35, 0xa9fbe76d, 0xaa3d70a4, 0xaa7ef9db, 0xaac08312, 0xab020c4a, 0xab439581, 0xab851eb8, 0xabc6a7f0, 0xac083127, 0xac49ba5e, 0xac8b4396, 0xaccccccd, 0xad0e5604, 0xad4fdf3b, 0xad916873, 0xadd2f1aa, 0xae147ae1, 0xae560419, 0xae978d50, 0xaed91687, 0xaf1a9fbe, 0xaf5c28f6, 0xaf9db22d, 0xafdf3b64, 0xb020c49c, 0xb0624dd3, 0xb0a3d70a, 0xb0e56042, 0xb126e979, 0xb16872b0, 0xb1a9fbe7, 0xb1eb851f, 0xb22d0e56, 0xb26e978d, 0xb2b020c5, 0xb2f1a9fc, 0xb3333333, 0xb374bc6a, 0xb3b645a2, 0xb3f7ced9, 0xb4395810, 0xb47ae148, 0xb4bc6a7f, 0xb4fdf3b6, 0xb53f7cee, 0xb5810625, 0xb5c28f5c, 0xb6041893, 0xb645a1cb, 0xb6872b02, 0xb6c8b439, 0xb70a3d71, 0xb74bc6a8, 0xb78d4fdf, 0xb7ced917, 0xb810624e, 0xb851eb85, 0xb89374bc, 0xb8d4fdf4, 0xb916872b, 0xb9581062, 0xb999999a, 0xb9db22d1, 0xba1cac08, 0xba5e353f, 0xba9fbe77, 0xbae147ae, 0xbb22d0e5, 0xbb645a1d, 0xbba5e354, 0xbbe76c8b, 0xbc28f5c3, 0xbc6a7efa, 0xbcac0831, 0xbced9168, 0xbd2f1aa0, 0xbd70a3d7, 0xbdb22d0e, 0xbdf3b646, 0xbe353f7d, 0xbe76c8b4, 0xbeb851ec, 0xbef9db23, 0xbf3b645a, 0xbf7ced91, 0xbfbe76c9, 0xc0000000, 0xc0418937, 0xc083126f, 0xc0c49ba6, 0xc10624dd, 0xc147ae14, 0xc189374c, 0xc1cac083, 0xc20c49ba, 0xc24dd2f2, 0xc28f5c29, 0xc2d0e560, 0xc3126e98, 0xc353f7cf, 0xc3958106, 0xc3d70a3d, 0xc4189375, 0xc45a1cac, 0xc49ba5e3, 0xc4dd2f1b, 0xc51eb852, 0xc5604189, 0xc5a1cac1, 0xc5e353f8, 0xc624dd2f, 0xc6666666, 0xc6a7ef9e, 0xc6e978d5, 0xc72b020c, 0xc76c8b44, 0xc7ae147b, 0xc7ef9db2, 0xc83126e9, 0xc872b021, 0xc8b43958, 0xc8f5c28f, 0xc9374bc7, 0xc978d4fe, 0xc9ba5e35, 0xc9fbe76d, 0xca3d70a4, 0xca7ef9db, 0xcac08312, 0xcb020c4a, 0xcb439581, 0xcb851eb8, 0xcbc6a7f0, 0xcc083127, 0xcc49ba5e, 0xcc8b4396, 0xcccccccd, 0xcd0e5604, 0xcd4fdf3b, 0xcd916873, 0xcdd2f1aa, 0xce147ae1, 0xce560419, 0xce978d50, 0xced91687, 0xcf1a9fbe, 0xcf5c28f6, 0xcf9db22d, 0xcfdf3b64, 0xd020c49c, 0xd0624dd3, 0xd0a3d70a, 0xd0e56042, 0xd126e979, 0xd16872b0, 0xd1a9fbe7, 0xd1eb851f, 0xd22d0e56, 0xd26e978d, 0xd2b020c5, 0xd2f1a9fc, 0xd3333333, 0xd374bc6a, 0xd3b645a2, 0xd3f7ced9, 0xd4395810, 0xd47ae148, 0xd4bc6a7f, 0xd4fdf3b6, 0xd53f7cee, 0xd5810625, 0xd5c28f5c, 0xd6041893, 0xd645a1cb, 0xd6872b02, 0xd6c8b439, 0xd70a3d71, 0xd74bc6a8, 0xd78d4fdf, 0xd7ced917, 0xd810624e, 0xd851eb85, 0xd89374bc, 0xd8d4fdf4, 0xd916872b, 0xd9581062, 0xd999999a, 0xd9db22d1, 0xda1cac08, 0xda5e353f, 0xda9fbe77, 0xdae147ae, 0xdb22d0e5, 0xdb645a1d, 0xdba5e354, 0xdbe76c8b, 0xdc28f5c3, 0xdc6a7efa, 0xdcac0831, 0xdced9168, 0xdd2f1aa0, 0xdd70a3d7, 0xddb22d0e, 0xddf3b646, 0xde353f7d, 0xde76c8b4, 0xdeb851ec, 0xdef9db23, 0xdf3b645a, 0xdf7ced91, 0xdfbe76c9, 0xe0000000, 0xe0418937, 0xe083126f, 0xe0c49ba6, 0xe10624dd, 0xe147ae14, 0xe189374c, 0xe1cac083, 0xe20c49ba, 0xe24dd2f2, 0xe28f5c29, 0xe2d0e560, 0xe3126e98, 0xe353f7cf, 0xe3958106, 0xe3d70a3d, 0xe4189375, 0xe45a1cac, 0xe49ba5e3, 0xe4dd2f1b, 0xe51eb852, 0xe5604189, 0xe5a1cac1, 0xe5e353f8, 0xe624dd2f, 0xe6666666, 0xe6a7ef9e, 0xe6e978d5, 0xe72b020c, 0xe76c8b44, 0xe7ae147b, 0xe7ef9db2, 0xe83126e9, 0xe872b021, 0xe8b43958, 0xe8f5c28f, 0xe9374bc7, 0xe978d4fe, 0xe9ba5e35, 0xe9fbe76d, 0xea3d70a4, 0xea7ef9db, 0xeac08312, 0xeb020c4a, 0xeb439581, 0xeb851eb8, 0xebc6a7f0, 0xec083127, 0xec49ba5e, 0xec8b4396, 0xeccccccd, 0xed0e5604, 0xed4fdf3b, 0xed916873, 0xedd2f1aa, 0xee147ae1, 0xee560419, 0xee978d50, 0xeed91687, 0xef1a9fbe, 0xef5c28f6, 0xef9db22d, 0xefdf3b64, 0xf020c49c, 0xf0624dd3, 0xf0a3d70a, 0xf0e56042, 0xf126e979, 0xf16872b0, 0xf1a9fbe7, 0xf1eb851f, 0xf22d0e56, 0xf26e978d, 0xf2b020c5, 0xf2f1a9fc, 0xf3333333, 0xf374bc6a, 0xf3b645a2, 0xf3f7ced9, 0xf4395810, 0xf47ae148, 0xf4bc6a7f, 0xf4fdf3b6, 0xf53f7cee, 0xf5810625, 0xf5c28f5c, 0xf6041893, 0xf645a1cb, 0xf6872b02, 0xf6c8b439, 0xf70a3d71, 0xf74bc6a8, 0xf78d4fdf, 0xf7ced917, 0xf810624e, 0xf851eb85, 0xf89374bc, 0xf8d4fdf4, 0xf916872b, 0xf9581062, 0xf999999a, 0xf9db22d1, 0xfa1cac08, 0xfa5e353f, 0xfa9fbe77, 0xfae147ae, 0xfb22d0e5, 0xfb645a1d, 0xfba5e354, 0xfbe76c8b, 0xfc28f5c3, 0xfc6a7efa, 0xfcac0831, 0xfced9168, 0xfd2f1aa0, 0xfd70a3d7, 0xfdb22d0e, 0xfdf3b646, 0xfe353f7d, 0xfe76c8b4, 0xfeb851ec, 0xfef9db23, 0xff3b645a, 0xff7ced91, 0xffbe76c9 }; //The mandatory part of an NTP packet struct NtpBasicInfo { BYTE m_LiVnMode; BYTE m_Stratum; char m_Poll; char m_Precision; long m_RootDelay; long m_RootDispersion; char m_ReferenceID[4]; CNtpTimePacket m_ReferenceTimestamp; CNtpTimePacket m_OriginateTimestamp; CNtpTimePacket m_ReceiveTimestamp; CNtpTimePacket m_TransmitTimestamp; }; //The optional part of an NTP packet struct NtpAuthenticationInfo { unsigned long m_KeyID; BYTE m_MessageDigest[16]; }; //The Full NTP packet struct NtpFullPacket { NtpBasicInfo m_Basic; NtpAuthenticationInfo m_Auth; }; //Simple wrapper class for an Ntp socket class CNtpSocket { public: //Constructors / Destructors CNtpSocket(PBModule* pModule); ~CNtpSocket(); //General functions BOOL Create(); BOOL Connect(char* pszHostAddress, int nPort); BOOL Send(LPCSTR pszBuf, int nBuf); int Receive(LPSTR pszBuf, int nBuf); void Close(); BOOL IsReadible(BOOL& bReadible, DWORD dwTimeout); protected: BOOL Connect(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen); SOCKET m_hSocket; PBModule* m_pModule; }; ///////////////////////////////// Implementation ////////////////////////////// CNtpTime::CNtpTime() { m_Time = 0; } CNtpTime::CNtpTime(const CNtpTime& time) { *this = time; } CNtpTime::CNtpTime(CNtpTimePacket& packet) { DWORD dwLow = ntohl(packet.m_dwFractional); DWORD dwHigh = ntohl(packet.m_dwInteger); m_Time = ((unsigned __int64) dwHigh) << 32; m_Time += dwLow; } CNtpTime::CNtpTime(const SYSTEMTIME& st) { //Currently this function only operates correctly in //the 1900 - 2036 primary epoch defined by NTP long JD = GetJulianDay(st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay); JD -= JAN_1ST_1900; //ASSERT(JD >= 0); //NTP only supports dates greater than 1900 unsigned __int64 Seconds = JD; Seconds = (Seconds * 24) + st.wHour; Seconds = (Seconds * 60) + st.wMinute; Seconds = (Seconds * 60) + st.wSecond; //ASSERT(Seconds <= 0xFFFFFFFF); //NTP Only supports up to 2036 m_Time = (Seconds << 32) + MsToNtpFraction(st.wMilliseconds); } long CNtpTime::GetJulianDay(WORD Year, WORD Month, WORD Day) { long y = (long) Year; long m = (long) Month; long d = (long) Day; if (m > 2) m = m - 3; else { m = m + 9; y = y - 1; } long c = y / 100; long ya = y - 100 * c; long j = (146097L * c) / 4 + (1461L * ya) / 4 + (153L * m + 2) / 5 + d + 1721119L; return j; } void CNtpTime::GetGregorianDate(long JD, WORD& Year, WORD& Month, WORD& Day) { long j = JD - 1721119; long y = (4 * j - 1) / 146097; j = 4 * j - 1 - 146097 * y; long d = j / 4; j = (4 * d + 3) / 1461; d = 4 * d + 3 - 1461 * j; d = (d + 4) / 4; long m = (5 * d - 3) / 153; d = 5 * d - 3 - 153 * m; d = (d + 5) / 5; y = 100 * y + j; if (m < 10) m = m + 3; else { m = m - 9; y = y + 1; } Year = (WORD) y; Month = (WORD) m; Day = (WORD) d; } CNtpTime& CNtpTime::operator=(const CNtpTime& time) { m_Time = time.m_Time; return *this; } double CNtpTime::operator-(const CNtpTime& time) const { if (m_Time >= time.m_Time) { CNtpTime diff; diff.m_Time = m_Time - time.m_Time; return diff.Seconds() + NtpFractionToSecond(diff.Fraction()); } else { CNtpTime diff; diff.m_Time = time.m_Time - m_Time; return -(diff.Seconds() + NtpFractionToSecond(diff.Fraction())); } } CNtpTime CNtpTime::operator+(const double& timespan) const { CNtpTime rVal; rVal.m_Time = m_Time; if (timespan >= 0) { unsigned __int64 diff = ((unsigned __int64) timespan) << 32; double intpart; double frac = modf(timespan, &intpart); diff += (unsigned __int64) (frac * 0xFFFFFFFF); rVal.m_Time += diff; } else { double d = -timespan; unsigned __int64 diff = ((unsigned __int64) d) << 32; double intpart; double frac = modf(d, &intpart); diff += (unsigned __int64) (frac * 0xFFFFFFFF); rVal.m_Time -= diff; } return rVal; } CNtpTime::operator SYSTEMTIME() const { //Currently this function only operates correctly in //the 1900 - 2036 primary epoch defined by NTP SYSTEMTIME st; DWORD s = Seconds(); st.wSecond = (WORD)(s % 60); s /= 60; st.wMinute = (WORD)(s % 60); s /= 60; st.wHour = (WORD)(s % 24); s /= 24; long JD = s + JAN_1ST_1900; st.wDayOfWeek = (WORD)((JD + 1) % 7); GetGregorianDate(JD, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay); st.wMilliseconds = NtpFractionToMs(Fraction()); return st; } DWORD CNtpTime::Seconds() const { return (DWORD) ((m_Time & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >> 32); } DWORD CNtpTime::Fraction() const { return (DWORD) (m_Time & 0xFFFFFFFF); } CNtpTime::operator CNtpTimePacket() const { CNtpTimePacket ntp; ntp.m_dwInteger = htonl(Seconds()); ntp.m_dwFractional = htonl(Fraction()); return ntp; } CNtpTime CNtpTime::GetCurrentTime() { SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); CNtpTime t(st); return t; } DWORD CNtpTime::MsToNtpFraction(WORD wMilliSeconds) { //ASSERT(wMilliSeconds < 1000); return m_MsToNTP[wMilliSeconds]; } WORD CNtpTime::NtpFractionToMs(DWORD dwFraction) { return (WORD)((((double)dwFraction) * NTP_FRACTIONAL_TO_MS) + 0.5); } double CNtpTime::NtpFractionToSecond(DWORD dwFraction) { double d = (double)dwFraction; d *= NTP_TO_SECOND; return ((double)dwFraction) * NTP_TO_SECOND; } CNtpSocket::CNtpSocket(PBModule* pModule) { m_pModule = pModule; m_hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; //default to an invalid scoket descriptor } CNtpSocket::~CNtpSocket() { if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Close Socket", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); Close(); } BOOL CNtpSocket::Create() { //NTP Uses UDP instead of the usual TCP m_hSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Create Socket", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); return (m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET); } BOOL CNtpSocket::Connect(char* pszHostAddress, int nPort) { //For correct operation of the T2A macro, see MFC Tech Note 59 //USES_CONVERSION; //must have been created first //ASSERT(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET); //LPSTR lpszAscii = T2A((LPTSTR)pszHostAddress); LPSTR lpszAscii = (LPSTR)pszHostAddress; //Determine if the address is in dotted notation SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; ZeroMemory(&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)); sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; //nPort = 123; sockAddr.sin_port = htons((UINT)nPort); //sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(lpszAscii); sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(pszHostAddress); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Connect Socket", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); //If the address is not dotted notation, then do a DNS //lookup of it. //if (sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) //{ // LPHOSTENT lphost; // lphost = gethostbyname(lpszAscii); // if (lphost != NULL) // sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = ((LPIN_ADDR)lphost->h_addr)->s_addr; // else // return FALSE; //} //Call the protected version which takes an address //in the form of a standard C style struct. return Connect((SOCKADDR*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)); } BOOL CNtpSocket::Connect(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen) { int nConnect = connect(m_hSocket, lpSockAddr, nSockAddrLen); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Connect", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); return (nConnect == 0); } BOOL CNtpSocket::Send(LPCSTR pszBuf, int nBuf) { //must have been created first //ASSERT(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO,L"Send", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); return (send(m_hSocket, pszBuf, nBuf, 0) != SOCKET_ERROR); } int CNtpSocket::Receive(LPSTR pszBuf, int nBuf) { //must have been created first //ASSERT(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Recieve", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); return recv(m_hSocket, pszBuf, nBuf, 0); } void CNtpSocket::Close() { if (m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { VERIFY(SOCKET_ERROR != closesocket(m_hSocket)); m_hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } } BOOL CNtpSocket::IsReadible(BOOL& bReadible, DWORD dwTimeout) { timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = dwTimeout / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = dwTimeout % 1000; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(m_hSocket, &fds); int nStatus = select(0, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (nStatus == SOCKET_ERROR) return FALSE; else { bReadible = !(nStatus == 0); return TRUE; } } CSystemTime::CSystemTime(PBModule* pModule) { m_dwSntpTimeout = 5000; //Default timeout of 5 seconds m_pModule = pModule; } BOOL CSystemTime::GetSntpServerTime(char* pszHostName, NtpServerResponse& response, int nPort, BOOL modem) { TCHAR cLog[256]; //CNtpRAS* pRAS = new CNtpRAS(); //pRAS->m_hRASConn = NULL; //if (pRAS->Connect(modem) != 0) //{ // Log("RAS failed to connect.\r\n"); // return FALSE; //} //Create the socket, Allocated of the heap so we can control //the time when it's destructor is called. This means that //we can call SetLastError after its destructor CNtpSocket* pSocket = new CNtpSocket(m_pModule); if (!pSocket->Create()) { wsprintf(cLog, L"Failed to create client socket, GetLastError returns: %d\r\n", GetLastError()); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_WARNING, cLog, _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); return FALSE; } //Connect to the SNTP server if (!pSocket->Connect(pszHostName, nPort)) { wsprintf(cLog, L"Could not connect to the SNTP server %s on port %d, GetLastError returns: %d\r\n", pszHostName, nPort, GetLastError()); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_WARNING, cLog, _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); //Tidy up prior to returning DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); delete pSocket; //delete pRAS; SetLastError(dwError); return FALSE; } else { //Initialise the NtpBasicInfo packet NtpBasicInfo nbi; int nSendSize = sizeof(NtpBasicInfo); ZeroMemory(&nbi, nSendSize); nbi.m_LiVnMode = 27; //Encoded representation which represents NTP Client Request & NTP version 3.0 nbi.m_TransmitTimestamp = CNtpTime::GetCurrentTime(); //Send off the NtpBasicInfo packet if (!pSocket->Send((LPCSTR) &nbi, nSendSize)) { wsprintf(cLog, L"Failed in call to send NTP request to the SNTP server, GetLastError returns %d\r\n", GetLastError()); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_WARNING, cLog, _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); //Tidy up prior to returning DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); delete pSocket; //delete pRAS; SetLastError(dwError); return FALSE; } //Need to use select to determine readibilty of socket BOOL bReadable; if (!pSocket->IsReadible(bReadable, m_dwSntpTimeout) || !bReadable) { wsprintf(cLog, L"Unable to wait for NTP reply from the SNTP server, GetLastError returns %d\r\n", WSAETIMEDOUT); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_WARNING, cLog, _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); //Tidy up prior to returning delete pSocket; //delete pRAS; SetLastError(WSAETIMEDOUT); return FALSE; } response.m_DestinationTime = CNtpTime::GetCurrentTime(); //read back the response into the NtpFullPacket struct NtpFullPacket nfp; int nReceiveSize = sizeof(NtpFullPacket); ZeroMemory(&nfp, nReceiveSize); if (!pSocket->Receive((LPSTR) &nfp, nReceiveSize)) { wsprintf(cLog, L"Unable to read reply from the SNTP server, GetLastError returns %d\r\n", GetLastError()); if (m_pModule != NULL) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_WARNING, cLog, _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); //Tidy up prior to returning DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); delete pSocket; //delete pRAS; SetLastError(dwError); return FALSE; } //Transfer all the useful info into the response structure response.m_nStratum = nfp.m_Basic.m_Stratum; response.m_nLeapIndicator = (nfp.m_Basic.m_LiVnMode & 0xC0) >> 6; response.m_OriginateTime = nfp.m_Basic.m_OriginateTimestamp; response.m_ReceiveTime = nfp.m_Basic.m_ReceiveTimestamp; response.m_TransmitTime = nfp.m_Basic.m_TransmitTimestamp; response.m_RoundTripDelay = (response.m_DestinationTime - response.m_OriginateTime) - (response.m_ReceiveTime - response.m_TransmitTime); response.m_LocalClockOffset = ((response.m_ReceiveTime - response.m_OriginateTime) + (response.m_TransmitTime - response.m_DestinationTime)) / 2; //Tidy up prior to returning delete pSocket; //delete pRAS; return TRUE; } } BOOL CSystemTime::EnableSetTimePriviledge() { //BOOL bOpenToken = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | // TOKEN_QUERY, &m_hToken); m_bTakenPriviledge = FALSE; //if (!bOpenToken) //{ // if (GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) // { // //Must be running on 95 or 98 not NT. In that case just ignore the error // SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); // return TRUE; // } // TRACE(_T("Failed to get Adjust priviledge token\n")); // return FALSE; //} ZeroMemory(&m_TokenPriv, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES)); //if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME, &m_TokenPriv.Privileges[0].Luid)) //{ // TRACE(_T("Failed in callup to lookup priviledge\n")); // return FALSE; //} m_TokenPriv.PrivilegeCount = 1; m_TokenPriv.Privileges[0].Attributes |= SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; m_bTakenPriviledge = TRUE; //BOOL bSuccess = AdjustTokenPrivileges(m_hToken, FALSE, &m_TokenPriv, 0, NULL, 0); //if (!bSuccess) // TRACE(_T("Failed to adjust SetTime priviledge\n")); return TRUE; //bSuccess; } void CSystemTime::RevertSetTimePriviledge() { //if (m_bTakenPriviledge) //{ // m_TokenPriv.Privileges[0].Attributes &= (~SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED); // if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(m_hToken, FALSE, &m_TokenPriv, 0, NULL, 0)) // TRACE(_T("Failed to reset SetTime priviledge\n")); //} } BOOL CSystemTime::SetSntpClientTime(const CNtpTime& NewTime) { // Fix to get around SetSystemTime problem #define MARCH 3 #define OCTOBER 10 int Daylight = 0; // 0 is false bool TimezoneFlag = false; SYSTEMTIME st = NewTime; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); tzi.Bias = 0; tzi.StandardBias = 0; tzi.DaylightBias = -60; //wcscpy(tzi.StandardName, _T("GMT")); SetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); int MarchDate = 31 - ((int) (st.wYear * 5 /4) +4) % 7; int OctoberDate = 31 - ((int) (st.wYear * 5 /4) +1) % 7; if ((st.wMonth > MARCH) && (st.wMonth < OCTOBER)) { // In BST Daylight = 1; } else if (st.wMonth == MARCH) { if (st.wDay > MarchDate) { // After BST date Daylight = 1; } else if (st.wDay == MarchDate) { if (st.wHour >= 1) { // We are in british summer time Daylight = 1; } } } else if (st.wMonth == OCTOBER) { if (st.wDay < OctoberDate) { // Still BST Daylight = 1; } else if (st.wDay == OctoberDate) { if (st.wHour < 1) { // We are still in british summer time Daylight = 1; } else if (st.wHour == 1) { // Special exception to the set daylight rules // this hour requires the ClockNot.exe to be disabled // because it seems to put the system time back by one hour TimezoneFlag = true; } } } if (TimezoneFlag) CeRunAppAtEvent(_T("clocknot.exe"), 0); SetDaylightTime(Daylight); SetSystemTime(&st); if (TimezoneFlag) CeRunAppAtEvent(_T("clocknot.exe"), NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TIME_CHANGE); // End of fix return TRUE; /*BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; if (EnableSetTimePriviledge()) { SYSTEMTIME st = NewTime; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); tzi.Bias = 0; tzi.StandardBias = 0; tzi.DaylightBias = -60; //wcscpy(tzi.StandardName, _T("GMT")); SetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); bSuccess = SetSystemTime(&st); if (!bSuccess) _tprintf(_T("Failed in call to set the system time\n")); } RevertSetTimePriviledge(); return bSuccess;*/ } BOOL CSystemTime::SetTime(LPCWSTR szTime, TimeFormat fmt) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; LPWSTR szUtcStr = NULL; int iUtcLen = wcslen(szTime); if ((iUtcLen != 25) && (iUtcLen != 19) || ((szUtcStr = new WCHAR[iUtcLen+1]) == NULL)) { m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"time string length incorrect - should be 19 or 25", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); return FALSE; } wcscpy(szUtcStr, szTime); LPWSTR pUtcMarker = szUtcStr; SYSTEMTIME newTime; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzd; ZeroMemory(&newTime, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); ZeroMemory(&tzd, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION)); // replace the minus signs with an alpha character so wcstol can recogise the year and month if ((pUtcMarker[4] == L'-') && (pUtcMarker[7] == L'-') && ((pUtcMarker[10] == L'T') || (pUtcMarker[10] == L't'))) { pUtcMarker[4] = L'T'; pUtcMarker[7] = L'T'; newTime.wYear = (WORD)wcstol(pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10); newTime.wMonth = (WORD)wcstol(++pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10); newTime.wDay = (WORD)wcstol(++pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10); } if ((newTime.wYear == 0) || (newTime.wMonth == 0) || (newTime.wDay == 0)) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Invalid date format in time string", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); else { newTime.wHour = (WORD)wcstol(++pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10); if (*pUtcMarker == L'-') { *pUtcMarker = L'T'; newTime.wMinute = (WORD)wcstol(++pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10); if (*pUtcMarker == L'-') { *pUtcMarker = L'T'; newTime.wSecond = (WORD)wcstol(++pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10); // workaround to fill in day of week - convert to FILETIME and back FILETIME ft; ZeroMemory(&ft, sizeof(FILETIME)); if (SystemTimeToFileTime(&newTime, &ft)) { if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &newTime)) { // we at least have a valid time, but we need to update the timezone FIRST if // necessary, because SetTimezoneInformation doesn't actually update the sytem // time, it just defines how systemtime and localtime relate to each other. bResult = TRUE; if (iUtcLen == 25) // if theres a timezone designator { bResult = FALSE; if ((*pUtcMarker == L'+') || (*pUtcMarker == L'-')) { long lBias = wcstol(pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10)*60; if (lBias < 0) lBias -= wcstol(pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10); else lBias += wcstol(pUtcMarker, &pUtcMarker, 10); // bias is UTC offset from Local Time in windows not offset from UTC lBias *= -1; // invert the bias; GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzd); if (lBias == tzd.Bias) // if the timezone isn't changing we can ignore it bResult = TRUE; else { // set the new timezone ZeroMemory(&tzd, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION)); tzd.Bias = lBias; if (SetTimeZoneInformation(&tzd)) bResult = TRUE; else m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Invalid time zone information", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); } } else m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"invalid tzd format", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); } else m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Invalid time format", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); if (bResult) { if (fmt == UTC_TIME) bResult = SetSystemTime(&newTime); else // LOCAL_TIME bResult = SetLocalTime(&newTime); if (!bResult) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"error setting time", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); } } else m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Invalid time format", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); } else m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Missing or invalid time zome information", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); } else m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Missing seconds field", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); } else m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Missing minutes field", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); if (!bResult) m_pModule->Log(PB_LOG_INFO, L"Invalid format in time string", _T(__FUNCTION__), __LINE__); } delete [] szUtcStr; return bResult; } void CSystemTime::SetPBModule(PBModule* pModule) { m_pModule = pModule; } void IncDate(SYSTEMTIME *st) { if (st->wHour != 23) { st->wHour++; } else { // We are at the 11pm so we need to move the day forwards // first check we're not at the end of a month switch (st->wMonth) { case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: if (st->wDay == 31) { st->wMonth++; st->wDay = 1; st->wHour = 0; } else { st->wDay++; st->wHour = 0; } break; case 4: case 6: case 9: if (st->wDay == 30) { st->wMonth++; st->wDay = 1; st->wHour = 0; } else { st->wDay++; st->wHour = 0; } break; } } }