Title: BinData Reference Manual {:ruby: lang=ruby html_use_syntax=true} # BinData - Parsing Binary Data in Ruby A declarative way to read and write structured binary data. ## What is it for? Do you ever find yourself writing code like this? io = File.open(...) len = io.read(2).unpack("v")[0] name = io.read(len) width, height = io.read(8).unpack("VV") puts "Rectangle #{name} is #{width} x #{height}" {:ruby} It's ugly, violates DRY and feels like you're writing Perl, not Ruby. There is a better way. class Rectangle < BinData::Record endian :little uint16 :len string :name, :read_length => :len uint32 :width uint32 :height end io = File.open(...) r = Rectangle.read(io) puts "Rectangle #{r.name} is #{r.width} x #{r.height}" {:ruby} BinData makes it easy to specify the structure of the data you are manipulating. It supports all the common datatypes that are found in structured binary data. Support for dependent and variable length fields is built in. Last updated: 2011-10-01 ## License BinData is released under the same license as Ruby. Copyright © 2007 - 2011 [Dion Mendel](mailto:dion@lostrealm.com) ## Donate Want to donate? My favourite local charity is [Perth Raptor Care](http://care.raptor.id.au/help.html#PAL). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Installation You can install BinData via rubygems. gem install bindata Alternatively, visit the [download](http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=3252) page and download BinData as a tar file. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Overview BinData declarations are easy to read. Here's an example. class MyFancyFormat < BinData::Record stringz :comment uint8 :num, :check_value => lambda { value.even? } array :some_ints, :type => :int32be, :initial_length => :num_ints end {:ruby} This fancy format describes the following collection of data: `:comment` : A zero terminated string `:num` : An unsigned 8bit integer which must by even `:some_ints` : A sequence of unsigned 32bit big endian integers. The number of integers is given by the value of `:num` The BinData declaration matches the English description closely. Compare the above declaration with the equivalent `#unpack` code to read such a data record. def read_fancy_format(io) comment, num_ints, rest = io.read.unpack("Z*Ca*") raise ArgumentError, "ints must be even" unless num_ints.even? some_ints = rest.unpack("N#{num_ints}") {:comment => comment, :num_ints => num_ints, :some_ints => *some_ints} end {:ruby} The BinData declaration clearly shows the structure of the record. The `#unpack` code makes this structure opaque. The general usage of BinData is to declare a structured collection of data as a user defined record. This record can be instantiated, read, written and manipulated without the user having to be concerned with the underlying binary data representation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Common Operations There are operations common to all BinData types, including user defined ones. These are summarised here. ## Reading and writing `::read(io)` : Creates a BinData object and reads its value from the given string or `IO`. The newly created object is returned. obj = BinData::Int8.read("\xff") obj.snapshot #=> -1 {:ruby} `#read(io)` : Reads and assigns binary data read from `io`. obj = BinData::Stringz.new obj.read("string 1\0string 2\0") obj #=> "string 1" {:ruby} `#write(io)` : Writes the binary data representation of the object to `io`. File.open("...", "wb") do |io| obj = BinData::Uint64be.new(568290145640170) obj.write(io) end {:ruby} `#to_binary_s` : Returns the binary data representation of this object as a string. obj = BinData::Uint16be.new(4660) obj.to_binary_s #=> "\022\064" {:ruby} ## Manipulating `#assign(value)` : Assigns the given value to this object. `value` can be of the same format as produced by `#snapshot`, or it can be a compatible data object. arr = BinData::Array.new(:type => :uint8) arr.assign([1, 2, 3, 4]) arr.snapshot #=> [1, 2, 3, 4] {:ruby} `#clear` : Resets this object to its initial state. obj = BinData::Int32be.new(:initial_value => 42) obj.assign(50) obj.clear obj #=> 42 {:ruby} `#clear?` : Returns whether this object is in its initial state. arr = BinData::Array.new(:type => :uint16be, :initial_length => 5) arr[3] = 42 arr.clear? #=> false arr[3].clear arr.clear? #=> true {:ruby} ## Inspecting `#num_bytes` : Returns the number of bytes required for the binary data representation of this object. arr = BinData::Array.new(:type => :uint16be, :initial_length => 5) arr[0].num_bytes #=> 2 arr.num_bytes #=> 10 {:ruby} `#snapshot` : Returns the value of this object as primitive Ruby objects (numerics, strings, arrays and hashs). The output of `#snapshot` may be useful for serialization or as a reduced memory usage representation. obj = BinData::Uint8.new(2) obj.class #=> BinData::Uint8 obj + 3 #=> 5 obj.snapshot #=> 2 obj.snapshot.class #=> Fixnum {:ruby} `#offset` : Returns the offset of this object with respect to the most distant ancestor structure it is contained within. This is most likely to be used with arrays and records. class Tuple < BinData::Record int8 :a int8 :b end arr = BinData::Array.new(:type => :tuple, :initial_length => 3) arr[2].b.offset #=> 5 {:ruby} `#rel_offset` : Returns the offset of this object with respect to the parent structure it is contained within. Compare this to `#offset`. class Tuple < BinData::Record int8 :a int8 :b end arr = BinData::Array.new(:type => :tuple, :initial_length => 3) arr[2].b.rel_offset #=> 1 {:ruby} `#inspect` : Returns a human readable representation of this object. This is a shortcut to #snapshot.inspect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Records The general format of a BinData record declaration is a class containing one or more fields. class MyName < BinData::Record type field_name, :param1 => "foo", :param2 => bar, ... ... end {:ruby} `type` : is the name of a supplied type (e.g. `uint32be`, `string`, `array`) or a user defined type. For user defined types, the class name is converted from `CamelCase` to lowercased `underscore_style`. `field_name` : is the name by which you can access the field. Use a `Symbol` for the name. If the name is omitted, then this particular field is anonymous. An anonymous field is still read and written, but will not appear in `#snapshot`. Each field may have optional *parameters* for how to process the data. The parameters are passed as a `Hash` with `Symbols` for keys. Parameters are designed to be lazily evaluated, possibly multiple times. This means that any parameter value must not have side effects. Here are some examples of legal values for parameters. * `:param => 5` * `:param => lambda { foo + 2 }` * `:param => :bar` The simplest case is when the value is a literal value, such as `5`. If the value is not a literal, it is expected to be a lambda. The lambda will be evaluated in the context of the parent, in this case the parent is an instance of `MyName`. If the value is a symbol, it is taken as syntactic sugar for a lambda containing the value of the symbol. e.g `:param => :bar` is `:param => lambda { bar }` ## Specifying default endian The endianess of numeric types must be explicitly defined so that the code produced is independent of architecture. However, explicitly specifying the endian for each numeric field can result in a bloated declaration that is difficult to read. class A < BinData::Record int16be :a int32be :b int16le :c # <-- Note little endian! int32be :d float_be :e array :f, :type => :uint32be end {:ruby} The `endian` keyword can be used to set the default endian. This makes the declaration easier to read. Any numeric field that doesn't use the default endian can explicitly override it. class A < BinData::Record endian :big int16 :a int32 :b int16le :c # <-- Note how this little endian now stands out int32 :d float :e array :f, :type => :uint32 end {:ruby} The increase in clarity can be seen with the above example. The `endian` keyword will cascade to nested types, as illustrated with the array in the above example. ## Dependencies between fields A common occurence in binary file formats is one field depending upon the value of another. e.g. A string preceded by its length. As an example, let's assume a Pascal style string where the byte preceding the string contains the string's length. # reading io = File.open(...) len = io.getc str = io.read(len) puts "string is " + str # writing io = File.open(...) str = "this is a string" io.putc(str.length) io.write(str) {:ruby} Here's how we'd implement the same example with BinData. class PascalString < BinData::Record uint8 :len, :value => lambda { data.length } string :data, :read_length => :len end # reading io = File.open(...) ps = PascalString.new ps.read(io) puts "string is " + ps.data # writing io = File.open(...) ps = PascalString.new ps.data = "this is a string" ps.write(io) {:ruby} This syntax needs explaining. Let's simplify by examining reading and writing separately. class PascalStringReader < BinData::Record uint8 :len string :data, :read_length => :len end {:ruby} This states that when reading the string, the initial length of the string (and hence the number of bytes to read) is determined by the value of the `len` field. Note that `:read_length => :len` is syntactic sugar for `:read_length => lambda { len }`, as described previously. class PascalStringWriter < BinData::Record uint8 :len, :value => lambda { data.length } string :data end {:ruby} This states that the value of `len` is always equal to the length of `data`. `len` may not be manually modified. Combining these two definitions gives the definition for `PascalString` as previously defined. It is important to note with dependencies, that a field can only depend on one before it. You can't have a string which has the characters first and the length afterwards. ## Nested Records Records can be used as a mean of grouping together related data. Rather than declaring a single flat record, a nested structure can be used to document this grouping. class Coord < BinData::Record endian :little double :x double :z double :y end class LabeledCoord < BinData::Record string :label, :length => 20 coord :coord end pos = LabeledCoord.new(:label => "red leader") pos.coord.assign(:x => 2.0, :y => 0, :z => -1.57) {:ruby} BinData supports anonymous nested records. The previous example could also be declared using the `struct` keyword as follows: class LabeledCoord < BinData::Record string :label, :length => 20 struct :coord do endian :little double :x double :z double :y end end {:ruby} ## Bitfields Most types in a record are byte oriented. Bitfields allow us to access individual bits in an octet stream. Sometimes a bitfield has unused elements such as class RecordWithBitfield < BinData::Record bit1 :foo bit1 :bar bit1 :baz bit5 :unused stringz :qux end {:ruby} The problem with specifying an unused field is that the size of this field must be manually counted. This is a potential source of errors. BinData provides a shortcut to skip to the next byte boundary with the `resume_byte_alignment` keyword. class RecordWithBitfield < BinData::Record bit1 :foo bit1 :bar bit1 :baz resume_byte_alignment stringz :qux end {:ruby} ## Optional fields A record may contain optional fields. The optional state of a field is decided by the `:onlyif` parameter. If the value of this parameter is `false`, then the field will be as if it didn't exist in the record. class RecordWithOptionalField < BinData::Record ... uint8 :comment_flag string :comment, :length => 20, :onlyif => :has_comment? def has_comment? comment_flag.nonzero? end end {:ruby} In the above example, the `comment` field is only included in the record if the value of the `comment_flag` field is non zero. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Primitive Types BinData provides support for the most commonly used primitive types that are used when working with binary data. Namely: * fixed size strings * zero terminated strings * byte based integers - signed or unsigned, big or little endian and of any size * bit based integers - unsigned big or little endian integers of any size * floating point numbers - single or double precision floats in either big or little endian Primitives may be manipulated individually, but is more common to work with them as part of a record. Examples of individual usage: int16 = BinData::Int16be.new(941) int16.to_binary_s #=> "\003\255" fl = BinData::FloatBe.read("\100\055\370\124") #=> 2.71828174591064 fl.num_bytes #=> 4 fl * int16 #=> 2557.90320057996 {:ruby} There are several parameters that are specific to primitives. `:initial_value` : This contains the initial value that the primitive will contain after initialization. This is useful for setting default values. obj = BinData::String.new(:initial_value => "hello ") obj + "world" #=> "hello world" obj.assign("good-bye " ) obj + "world" #=> "good-bye world" {:ruby} `:value` : The primitive will always contain this value. Reading or assigning will not change the value. This parameter is used to define constants or dependent fields. pi = BinData::FloatLe.new(:value => Math::PI) pi.assign(3) puts pi #=> 3.14159265358979 {:ruby} `:check_value` : When reading, will raise a `ValidityError` if the value read does not match the value of this parameter. obj = BinData::String.new(:check_value => lambda { /aaa/ =~ value }) obj.read("baaa!") #=> "baaa!" obj.read("bbb") #=> raises ValidityError obj = BinData::String.new(:check_value => "foo") obj.read("foo") #=> "foo" obj.read("bar") #=> raises ValidityError {:ruby} ## Numerics There are three kinds of numeric types that are supported by BinData. ### Byte based integers These are the common integers that are used in most low level programming languages (C, C++, Java etc). These integers can be signed or unsigned. The endian must be specified so that the conversion is independent of architecture. The bit size of these integers must be a multiple of 8. Examples of byte based integers are: `uint16be` : unsigned 16 bit big endian integer `int8` : signed 8 bit integer `int32le` : signed 32 bit little endian integer `uint40be` : unsigned 40 bit big endian integer The `be` | `le` suffix may be omitted if the `endian` keyword is in use. ### Bit based integers These unsigned integers are used to define bitfields in records. Bitfields are big endian by default but little endian may be specified explicitly. Little endian bitfields are rare, but do occur in older file formats (e.g. The file allocation table for FAT12 filesystems is stored as an array of 12bit little endian integers). An array of bit based integers will be packed according to their endian. In a record, adjacent bitfields will be packed according to their endian. All other fields are byte-aligned. Examples of bit based integers are: `bit1` : 1 bit big endian integer (may be used as boolean) `bit4_le` : 4 bit little endian integer `bit32` : 32 bit big endian integer The difference between byte and bit base integers of the same number of bits (e.g. `uint8` vs `bit8`) is one of alignment. This example is packed as 3 bytes class A < BinData::Record bit4 :a uint8 :b bit4 :c end Data is stored as: AAAA0000 BBBBBBBB CCCC0000 {:ruby} Whereas this example is packed into only 2 bytes class B < BinData::Record bit4 :a bit8 :b bit4 :c end Data is stored as: AAAABBBB BBBBCCCC {:ruby} ### Floating point numbers BinData supports 32 and 64 bit floating point numbers, in both big and little endian format. These types are: `float_le` : single precision 32 bit little endian float `float_be` : single precision 32 bit big endian float `double_le` : double precision 64 bit little endian float `double_be` : double precision 64 bit big endian float The `_be` | `_le` suffix may be omitted if the `endian` keyword is in use. ### Example Here is an example declaration for an Internet Protocol network packet. class IP_PDU < BinData::Record endian :big bit4 :version, :value => 4 bit4 :header_length uint8 :tos uint16 :total_length uint16 :ident bit3 :flags bit13 :frag_offset uint8 :ttl uint8 :protocol uint16 :checksum uint32 :src_addr uint32 :dest_addr string :options, :read_length => :options_length_in_bytes string :data, :read_length => lambda { total_length - header_length_in_bytes } def header_length_in_bytes header_length * 4 end def options_length_in_bytes header_length_in_bytes - 20 end end {:ruby} Three of the fields have parameters. * The version field always has the value 4, as per the standard. * The options field is read as a raw string, but not processed. * The data field contains the payload of the packet. Its length is calculated as the total length of the packet minus the length of the header. ## Strings BinData supports two types of strings - fixed size and zero terminated. Strings are treated internally as a sequence of 8bit bytes. This is the same as strings in Ruby 1.8. BinData fully supports Ruby 1.9 string encodings. See this [FAQ entry](#im_using_ruby_19_how_do_i_use_string_encodings_with_bindata) for details. ### Fixed Sized Strings Fixed sized strings may have a set length. If an assigned value is shorter than this length, it will be padded to this length. If no length is set, the length is taken to be the length of the assigned value. There are several parameters that are specific to fixed sized strings. `:read_length` : The length to use when reading a value. obj = BinData::String.new(:read_length => 5) obj.read("abcdefghij") obj #=> "abcde" {:ruby} `:length` : The fixed length of the string. If a shorter string is set, it will be padded to this length. Longer strings will be truncated. obj = BinData::String.new(:length => 6) obj.read("abcdefghij") obj #=> "abcdef" obj = BinData::String.new(:length => 6) obj.assign("abcd") obj #=> "abcd\000\000" obj = BinData::String.new(:length => 6) obj.assign("abcdefghij") obj #=> "abcdef" {:ruby} `:pad_char` : The character to use when padding a string to a set length. Valid values are `Integers` and `Strings` of length 1. `"\0"` is the default. obj = BinData::String.new(:length => 6, :pad_char => 'A') obj.assign("abcd") obj.snapshot #=> "abcdAA" obj.to_binary_s #=> "abcdAA" {:ruby} `:trim_padding` : Boolean, default `false`. If set, the value of this string will have all pad_chars trimmed from the end of the string. The value will not be trimmed when writing. obj = BinData::String.new(:length => 6, :trim_value => true) obj.assign("abcd") obj.snapshot #=> "abcd" obj.to_binary_s #=> "abcd\000\000" {:ruby} ### Zero Terminated Strings These strings are modelled on the C style of string - a sequence of bytes terminated by a null (`"\0"`) character. obj = BinData::Stringz.new obj.read("abcd\000efgh") obj #=> "abcd" obj.num_bytes #=> 5 obj.to_binary_s #=> "abcd\000" {:ruby} ## User Defined Primitive Types Most user defined types will be Records, but occasionally we'd like to create a custom type of primitive. Let us revisit the Pascal String example. class PascalString < BinData::Record uint8 :len, :value => lambda { data.length } string :data, :read_length => :len end {:ruby} We'd like to make `PascalString` a user defined type that behaves like a `BinData::BasePrimitive` object so we can use `:initial_value` etc. Here's an example usage of what we'd like: class Favourites < BinData::Record pascal_string :language, :initial_value => "ruby" pascal_string :os, :initial_value => "unix" end f = Favourites.new f.os = "freebsd" f.to_binary_s #=> "\004ruby\007freebsd" {:ruby} We create this type of custom string by inheriting from `BinData::Primitive` (instead of `BinData::Record`) and implementing the `#get` and `#set` methods. class PascalString < BinData::Primitive uint8 :len, :value => lambda { data.length } string :data, :read_length => :len def get; self.data; end def set(v) self.data = v; end end {:ruby} ### Advanced User Defined Primitive Types Sometimes a user defined primitive type can not easily be declaratively defined. In this case you should inherit from `BinData::BasePrimitive` and implement the following three methods: `def value_to_binary_string(value)` : Takes a ruby value (`String`, `Numeric` etc) and converts it to the appropriate binary string representation. `def read_and_return_value(io)` : Reads a number of bytes from `io` and returns a ruby object that represents these bytes. `def sensible_default()` : The ruby value that a clear object should return. If you wish to access parameters from inside these methods, you can use `eval_parameter(key)`. Here is an example of a big integer implementation. # A custom big integer format. Binary format is: # 1 byte : 0 for positive, non zero for negative # x bytes : Little endian stream of 7 bit bytes representing the # positive form of the integer. The upper bit of each byte # is set when there are more bytes in the stream. class BigInteger < BinData::BasePrimitive def value_to_binary_string(value) negative = (value < 0) ? 1 : 0 value = value.abs bytes = [negative] loop do seven_bit_byte = value & 0x7f value >>= 7 has_more = value.nonzero? ? 0x80 : 0 byte = has_more | seven_bit_byte bytes.push(byte) break if has_more.zero? end bytes.collect { |b| b.chr }.join end def read_and_return_value(io) negative = read_uint8(io).nonzero? value = 0 bit_shift = 0 loop do byte = read_uint8(io) has_more = byte & 0x80 seven_bit_byte = byte & 0x7f value |= seven_bit_byte << bit_shift bit_shift += 7 break if has_more.zero? end negative ? -value : value end def sensible_default 0 end def read_uint8(io) io.readbytes(1).unpack("C").at(0) end end {:ruby} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Arrays A BinData array is a list of data objects of the same type. It behaves much the same as the standard Ruby array, supporting most of the common methods. ## Array syntax When instantiating an array, the type of object it contains must be specified. The two different ways of declaring this are the `:type` parameter and the block form. class A < BinData::Record array :numbers, :type => :uint8, :initial_length => 3 end -vs- class A < BinData::Record array :numbers, :initial_length => 3 do uint8 end end {:ruby} For the simple case, the `:type` parameter is usually clearer. When the array type has parameters, the block form becomes easier to read. class A < BinData::Record array :numbers, :type => [:uint8, {:initial_value => :index}], :initial_length => 3 end -vs- class A < BinData::Record array :numbers, :initial_length => 3 do uint8 :initial_value => :index end end {:ruby} If the block form has multiple types declared, they are interpreted as the contents of an anonymous `struct`. To illustrate this, consider the following representation of a polygon. class Polygon < BinData::Record endian :little uint8 :num_points, :value => lambda { points.length } array :points, :initial_length => :num_points do double :x double :y end end triangle = Polygon.new triangle.points[0].assign(:x => 1, :y => 2) triangle.points[1].x = 3 triangle.points[1].y = 4 triangle.points << {:x => 5, :y => 6} {:ruby} ## Array parameters There are two different parameters that specify the length of the array. `:initial_length` : Specifies the initial length of a newly instantiated array. The array may grow as elements are inserted. obj = BinData::Array.new(:type => :int8, :initial_length => 4) obj.read("\002\003\004\005\006\007") obj.snapshot #=> [2, 3, 4, 5] {:ruby} `:read_until` : While reading, elements are read until this condition is true. This is typically used to read an array until a sentinel value is found. The variables `index`, `element` and `array` are made available to any lambda assigned to this parameter. If the value of this parameter is the symbol `:eof`, then the array will read as much data from the stream as possible. obj = BinData::Array.new(:type => :int8, :read_until => lambda { index == 1 }) obj.read("\002\003\004\005\006\007") obj.snapshot #=> [2, 3] obj = BinData::Array.new(:type => :int8, :read_until => lambda { element >= 3.5 }) obj.read("\002\003\004\005\006\007") obj.snapshot #=> [2, 3, 4] obj = BinData::Array.new(:type => :int8, :read_until => lambda { array[index] + array[index - 1] == 9 }) obj.read("\002\003\004\005\006\007") obj.snapshot #=> [2, 3, 4, 5] obj = BinData::Array.new(:type => :int8, :read_until => :eof) obj.read("\002\003\004\005\006\007") obj.snapshot #=> [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] {:ruby} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Choices A Choice is a collection of data objects of which only one is active at any particular time. Method calls will be delegated to the active choice. The possible types of objects that a choice contains is controlled by the `:choices` parameter, while the `:selection` parameter specifies the active choice. ## Choice syntax Choices have two ways of specifying the possible data objects they can contain. The `:choices` parameter or the block form. The block form is usually clearer and is prefered. class MyInt16 < BinData::Record uint8 :e, :check_value => lambda { value == 0 or value == 1 } choice :int, :selection => :e, :choices => {0 => :int16be, 1 => :int16le} end -vs- class MyInt16 < BinData::Record uint8 :e, :check_value => lambda { value == 0 or value == 1 } choice :int, :selection => :e do int16be 0 int16le 1 end end {:ruby} The general form of the choice is class MyRecord < BinData::Record choice :name, :selection => lambda { ... } do type key, :param1 => "foo", :param2 => "bar" ... # option 1 type key, :param1 => "foo", :param2 => "bar" ... # option 2 end end {:ruby} `type` : is the name of a supplied type (e.g. `uint32be`, `string`) or a user defined type. This is the same as for Records. `key` : is the value that `:selection` will return to specify that this choice is currently active. The key can be any ruby type (`String`, `Numeric` etc) except `Symbol`. ## Choice parameters `:choices` : Either an array or a hash specifying the possible data objects. The format of the array/hash.values is a list of symbols representing the data object type. If a choice is to have params passed to it, then it should be provided as `[type_symbol, hash_params]`. An implementation constraint is that the hash may not contain symbols as keys. `:selection` : An index/key into the `:choices` array/hash which specifies the currently active choice. `:copy_on_change` : If set to `true`, copy the value of the previous selection to the current selection whenever the selection changes. Default is `false`. Examples type1 = [:string, {:value => "Type1"}] type2 = [:string, {:value => "Type2"}] choices = {5 => type1, 17 => type2} obj = BinData::Choice.new(:choices => choices, :selection => 5) obj # => "Type1" choices = [ type1, type2 ] obj = BinData::Choice.new(:choices => choices, :selection => 1) obj # => "Type2" class MyNumber < BinData::Record int8 :is_big_endian choice :data, :selection => lambda { is_big_endian != 0 }, :copy_on_change => true do int32le false int32be true end end obj = MyNumber.new obj.is_big_endian = 1 obj.data = 5 obj.to_binary_s #=> "\001\000\000\000\005" obj.is_big_endian = 0 obj.to_binary_s #=> "\000\005\000\000\000" {:ruby} ## Default selection A key of `:default` can be specified as a default selection. If the value of the selection isn't specified then the :default will be used. The previous `MyNumber` example used a flag for endian. Zero is little endian while any other value is big endian. This can be concisely written as: class MyNumber < BinData::Record int8 :is_big_endian choice :data, :selection => :is_big_endian, :copy_on_change => true do int32le 0 # zero is little endian int32be :default # anything else is big endian end end {:ruby} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Advanced Topics ## Debugging BinData includes several features to make it easier to debug declarations. ### Tracing BinData has the ability to trace the results of reading a data structure. class A < BinData::Record int8 :a bit4 :b bit2 :c array :d, :initial_length => 6, :type => :bit1 end BinData::trace_reading do A.read("\373\225\220") end {:ruby} Results in the following being written to `STDERR`. obj.a => -5 obj.b => 9 obj.c => 1 obj.d[0] => 0 obj.d[1] => 1 obj.d[2] => 1 obj.d[3] => 0 obj.d[4] => 0 obj.d[5] => 1 {:ruby} ### Rest The rest keyword will consume the input stream from the current position to the end of the stream. class A < BinData::Record string :a, :read_length => 5 rest :rest end obj = A.read("abcdefghij") obj.a #=> "abcde" obj.rest #=" "fghij" {:ruby} ### Hidden fields The typical way to view the contents of a BinData record is to call `#snapshot` or `#inspect`. This gives all fields and their values. The `hide` keyword can be used to prevent certain fields from appearing in this output. This removes clutter and allows the developer to focus on what they are currently interested in. class Testing < BinData::Record hide :a, :b string :a, :read_length => 10 string :b, :read_length => 10 string :c, :read_length => 10 end obj = Testing.read(("a" * 10) + ("b" * 10) + ("c" * 10)) obj.snapshot #=> {"c"=>"cccccccccc"} obj.to_binary_s #=> "aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbcccccccccc" {:ruby} ## Parameterizing User Defined Types All BinData types have parameters that allow the behaviour of an object to be specified at initialization time. User defined types may also specify parameters. There are two types of parameters: mandatory and default. ### Mandatory Parameters Mandatory parameters must be specified when creating an instance of the type. class Polygon < BinData::Record mandatory_parameter :num_edges uint8 :num, :value => lambda { vertices.length } array :vertices, :initial_length => :num_edges do int8 :x int8 :y end end triangle = Polygon.new #=> raises ArgumentError: parameter 'num_edges' must be specified in Polygon triangle = Polygon.new(:num_edges => 3) triangle.snapshot #=> {"num" => 3, "vertices" => [{"x"=>0, "y"=>0}, {"x"=>0, "y"=>0}, {"x"=>0, "y"=>0}]} {:ruby} ### Default Parameters Default parameters are optional. These parameters have a default value that may be overridden when an instance of the type is created. class Phrase < BinData::Primitive default_parameter :number => "three" default_parameter :adjective => "blind" default_parameter :noun => "mice" stringz :a, :initial_value => :number stringz :b, :initial_value => :adjective stringz :c, :initial_value => :noun def get; "#{a} #{b} #{c}"; end def set(v) if /(.*) (.*) (.*)/ =~ v self.a, self.b, self.c = $1, $2, $3 end end end obj = Phrase.new(:number => "two", :adjective => "deaf") obj.to_s #=> "two deaf mice" {:ruby} ## Extending existing Types Sometimes you wish to create a new type that is simply an existing type with some predefined parameters. Examples could be an array with a specified type, or an integer with an initial value. This can be achieved by subclassing the existing type and providing default parameters. These parameters can of course be overridden at initialisation time. Here we define an array that contains big endian 16 bit integers. The array has a preferred initial length. class IntArray < BinData::Array default_parameters :type => :uint16be, :initial_length => 5 end arr = IntArray.new arr.size #=> 5 {:ruby} The initial length can be overridden at initialisation time. arr = IntArray.new(:initial_length => 8) arr.size #=> 8 {:ruby} We can also use the block form syntax: class IntArray < BinData::Array endian :big default_parameter :initial_length => 5 uint16 end {:ruby} ## Skipping over unused data Some structures contain binary data that is irrelevant to your purposes. Say you are interested in 50 bytes of data located 10 megabytes into the stream. One way of accessing this useful data is: class MyData < BinData::Record string :length => 10 * 1024 * 1024 string :data, :length => 50 end {:ruby} The advantage of this method is that the irrelevant data is preserved when writing the record. The disadvantage is that even if you don't care about preserving this irrelevant data, it still occupies memory. If you don't need to preserve this data, an alternative is to use `skip` instead of `string`. When reading it will seek over the irrelevant data and won't consume space in memory. When writing it will write `:length` number of zero bytes. class MyData < BinData::Record skip :length => 10 * 1024 * 1024 string :data, :length => 50 end {:ruby} ## Determining stream length Some file formats don't use length fields but rather read until the end of the file. The stream length is needed when reading these formats. The `count_bytes_remaining` keyword will give the number of bytes remaining in the stream. Consider a string followed by a 2 byte checksum. The length of the string is not specified but is implied by the file length. class StringWithChecksum < BinData::Record count_bytes_remaining :bytes_remaining string :the_string, :read_length => lambda { bytes_remaining - 2 } int16le :checksum end {:ruby} These file formats only work with seekable streams (e.g. files). These formats do not stream well as they must be buffered by the client before being processed. Consider using an explicit length when creating a new file format as it is easier to work with. ## Bit-aligned Records Most structured binary data is byte-aligned. Any bitfields that occur, usually start and end on a byte boundary. But occasionally you will come across a format where primitive types (string and numerics) are not aligned on byte boundaries. class CrazyAlignment < BinData::Record bit4 :a string :b, :length => 2 # note: byte-aligned bit1 :c int16le :d # note: byte-aligned bit3 :e end c = CrazyAlignment.read("\xff" * 10) c.to_binary_s #=> "\360\377\377\200\377\377\340" {:ruby} The above declaration does not work as expected because BinData's internal strings and integers are byte-aligned. We need bit-aligned versions of `string` and `int16le`. class BitString < BinData::String bit_aligned end class BitInt16le < BinData::Int16le bit_aligned end class CrazyAlignment < BinData::Record bit4 :a bit_string :b, :length => 2 bit1 :c bit_int16le :d bit3 :e end c = CrazyAlignment.read("\xff" * 10) c.to_binary_s #=> "\377\377\377\377\377" {:ruby} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FAQ ## I'm using Ruby 1.9. How do I use string encodings with BinData? BinData will internally use 8bit binary strings to represent the data. You do not need to worry about converting between encodings. If you wish BinData to present string data in a specific encoding, you can override `#snapshot` as illustrated below: class UTF8String < BinData::String def snapshot super.force_encoding('UTF-8') end end str = UTF8String.new("\xC3\x85\xC3\x84\xC3\x96") str #=> "ÅÄÖ" str.to_binary_s #=> "\xC3\x85\xC3\x84\xC3\x96" {:ruby} ## How do I speed up initialization? I'm doing this and it's slow. 999.times do |i| foo = Foo.new(:bar => "baz") ... end {:ruby} BinData is optimized to be declarative. For imperative use, the above naïve approach will be slow. Below are faster alternatives. The fastest approach is to reuse objects by calling `#clear` instead of instantiating more objects. foo = Foo.new(:bar => "baz") 999.times do foo.clear ... end {:ruby} If you can't reuse objects, then consider the prototype pattern. prototype = Foo.new(:bar => "baz") 999.times do foo = prototype.new ... end {:ruby} The prefered approach is to be declarative. class FooList < BinData::Array default_parameter :initial_length => 999 foo :bar => "baz" end array = FooList.new array.each { ... } {:ruby} ## How do I model this complex nested format? A common pattern in file formats and network protocols is [type-length-value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type-length-value). The `type` field specifies how to interpret the `value`. This gives a way to dynamically structure the data format. An example is the TCP/IP protocol suite. An IP datagram can contain a nested TCP, UDP or other packet type as decided by the `protocol` field. Modelling this structure can be difficult when the nesting is recursive, e.g. IP tunneling. Here is an example of the simplest possible recursive TLV structure, a [list that can contains atoms or other lists](http://bindata.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk/examples/list.rb). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alternatives There are several alternatives to BinData. Below is a comparison between BinData and its alternatives. The short form is that BinData is the best choice for most cases. It is the most full featured of all the alternatives. It is also arguably the most readable and easiest way to parse and write binary data. ### [BitStruct](http://rubyforge.org/projects/bit-struct) BitStruct is the most complete of all the alternatives. It is declarative and supports most of the same primitive types as BinData. Its special feature is a self documenting feature for report generation. BitStruct's design choice is to favour speed over flexibility. The major limitation of BitStruct is that it does not support variable length fields and dependent fields. This makes it difficult to work with any non trivial file formats. If speed is important and you are only dealing with simple binary data types then BitStruct might be a good choice. For non trivial data types, BinData is the better choice. ### [BinaryParse](http://rubyforge.org/projects/binaryparse) BinaryParse is a declarative style packer / unpacker. It provides the same primitives as Ruby's `#pack`, with the addition of date and time. Like BitStruct, it doesn't provide dependent or variable length fields. ### [BinStruct](http://rubyforge.org/projects/metafuzz) BinStruct is an imperative approach to unpacking binary data. It does provide some declarative style syntax sugar. It provides support for the most common primitive types, as well as arbitrary length bitfields. Its main focus is as a binary fuzzer, rather than as a generic decoding / encoding library. ### [Packable](http://github.com/marcandre/packable/tree/master) Packable makes it much nicer to use Ruby's `#pack` and `#unpack` methods. Instead of having to remember that, for example `"n"` is the code to pack a 16 bit big endian integer, packable provides many convenient shortcuts. In the case of `"n"`, `{:bytes => 2, :endian => :big}` may be used instead. Using Packable improves the readability of `#pack` and `#unpack` methods, but explicitly calls to `#pack` and `#unpack` aren't as readable as a declarative approach. ### [Bitpack](http://rubyforge.org/projects/bitpack) Bitpack provides methods to extract big endian integers of arbitrary bit length from an octet stream. The extraction code is written in `C`, so if speed is important and bit manipulation is all the functionality you require then this may be an alternative. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------